The leash clip is brass and matches Mitch's collar to perfection! Mitch says he can taste the quality! We also got the shoe award from our dear friend, Blue! It's a special magical 'fairy tale' slipper bestowed on those who bring a little 'magic' into our lives via their blogs creativity! Thank you so very much for honoring us with this fabulous award, Blue!
We are going to pass the award onto Butchy and Snickers because their mom does such fabulous magic with her needle and thread. We are also going to pass the award onto Ike because he came up with very creative and magical ideas to keep Tanner entertained during his visit! And we have to pass the award onto Snowball because her Jie Jie is just too talented with her magical paintbrush! And there is no way that we can't pass this award onto Miss Lacie! Can you think of another Terrier, or dog for that matter, that is more creative and magical than she is?! And last, but not least, we are awarding Miss Penny because tomorrow is her magical 10th birthday! Whoooooohooooo, Penny! Happy birthday, girlfren! We hope you have the best day ever with lots of treats and ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!
This shoe definitely fits all of you!
So until next time..................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch