Sunday, April 30, 2017


Who wants to play with me?
Thank you so much for all of the camera suggestions that you sent mom's way.   She agonized over each and every one of them but finally decided on the Canon Power Shot.
Hopefully, once she gets it, she can figure it out relatively quickly so she'll be off and running to take lots of pictures of her very favorite subject - Me☺

Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 28, 2017

Flower Friday

 Thank goodness mom took pretty flower pictures and downloaded them before her camera hit the floor! 
We miss you heaps, Dory!
 The magnolia's are in bloom and if we'd stop getting so much rain - they wouldn't have dirty rust on them!
 That's the magnolia tree behind me.   What a shame they don't smell.  They sure are pretty!
 And I found tulips - pink ones!
 And yellow ones~
And mom and I had a visit earlier in the week from Auntie Carol.  She brought us a beautiful gerbera daisy☺
Happy Friday, everybuddy☺

Love ya lots♥

Thursday, April 27, 2017

He's Back

Mackie is back - just for the day.
Unfortunately, he knocked the camera out of mom's hand this morning and it dented the zoomer and it won't retract back into the camera.  So basically, it is kaput and mom is not a happy camper and she needs to buy a new one.
She wants to know what camera our Blogville friends use and do you love it and recommend it.  Thank you in advance.  


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A SuperSpecial Walk

Mom and I decided it was time to head in a new direction for our walk.
Instead of going left on Forest Street, we went right and right leads right down to busy Whitney Avenue.    The spring trees are all coming into bloom!
 A grooming parlor!   Mom grooms me at home so I won't be needing to go inside that building. 

 We turned up steep Briarcliff and discovered this cute front door as we sneaked a peek inside the bushes. 
 What pretty flowers~
 Mom said that they belonged to friends that used to live there.   Mom has always loved this house.  
 We are on Cromwell Street and this house is very familiar to mom.
 Mom said that this is the house that my dad grew up in!   It's amazing that it's so close to where we live now.   It's changed a bit.  Mom remembers a beautiful Mountain Laurel that used to be under the left hand window. 
 What mom?  What am I supposed to be noticing?   Yes, Mitch would have snagged that apple in a heartbeat!
 We sure had fun discovering a new walking route.   We will definitely walk that one again!
 Thank you for coming along with us on our walk.     It was a great walk!
Love ya lots♥

Sunday, April 23, 2017

We're Celebrating Early

 We had a beautiful sunny walk this morning!  I was showing Mackie all of the great sniffing spots!

And because we're together this weekend, mom thought that it might be fun to celebrate our Gotcha days.   Mackie's is Tuesday the 25th and mine is Sunday the 30th.  Who knows when we'll see each other again so let's celebrate, mom!
 Our simple treat - banana slices and vanilla yogurt and a cookie~
 Happy Gotcha Day to us!
 Time to play tug, Mackie!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Timber Frame Class Weekend

Dad is teaching timber frame class this weekend and he asked mom and me if Mackie could stay with us for 3 days.   SURE!
 This is where you will sleep, Mackie. 
For some reason, nobody wants to sleep on this bed anymore.   Mom bought cedar chips and restuffed 3 of my beds.   She kinda over-stuffed this one but that should make it more snugly, right?    It doesn't seem to be working that way.    
 Yesterday was a cool dreary rainy day.  We finally got out for a drizzly walk around 11am.  
 When we got back, mom suggested popcorn and a movie☺
 We're in!   
 Who cares what movie she decides on as long as she shares!  
 And she did and then she started tossing it for us to catch only the camera couldn't catch that because we were moving too fast.  
We hope tomorrow is a sunny day but for now............time to play!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Friday, April 21, 2017

Remembering Dory on Flower Friday

We will never be able to do another Flower Friday without thinking of our sweet friend, Dory
 We found lots of beautiful flowers on our spring walk, especially for you, Dory♥
We saw so many daffodils!
 Who knew there could be so many beautiful varieties and colors!
 And a pink weeping cherry~
 And a white weeping cherry tree~
 This is the white weeping cherry blossom up close.   Maybe it's a lighter pink weeping cherry and not a white one.   The flowers are just gorgeous!
 We found grape hyacinths~
 And ground ivy, which is so invasive but so pretty~
And white violets~
 And purple violets~
 And cheerful forsythia!
 And we can't forget our very own pretty pansies~
You were the prettiest girl, Dory, and you were always so stylish.
How we miss you♥
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


This fabulous charm feather came in the mail yesterday.  Not only is there a feather but there is a small charm with a paw print on it and a small charm that says "Believe".
And I got to wear it for a little bit~
 Thinking of you, Mitch♥
Love ya lots♥