Monday, August 31, 2020

Molly Monday

 We are having a beautiful stretch of weather - so pretty that I was outside on my lunge line!

I may have a bit of dead grass on my nose.   I discovered bunny yummies and couldn't help myself☺

Being outside in the cooler temps sure is wonderful!

I hope that everybuddy will have a most marvelous Monday! 

Love ya lots♥


Friday, August 28, 2020

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance on Nature Friday

 It's us, angels Maggie and Mitch♥

One of our very favorite trips was our vacation to Nantucket.  We loved being at cousin Dicky and cousin Jane's house for an entire week~

You're not supposed to be up there, ya know, Mitch☺

We are at Something Natural waiting for a bite of a sandwich and a potato chip or two.

 We love being on the docks and checking out all of the beauty and fun activities.

We loved strolling through the center of town~

The flowers were always so beautiful~

We loved to get ice cream every single night~

Everything we did for the week was such fun and heading home was always bittersweet~

Mom hasn't been back since we left for the Bridge and Molly has never been there.  Maybe one day she can visit and have as much fun as we did♥

Love ya lots and lots and lots♥

Maggie and Mitch♥

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

National Dog Day

 Isn't every day National Dog day?

We're back from morning walkies and I found a sun puddle~

Life is good.   Happy National Dog Day!

Love ya lots♥


Monday, August 24, 2020

Molly Monday


Love ya lots♥


Friday, August 21, 2020

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy, Sunny, Jakey and Arty this week for Nature Friday~

We found Goldenrod and white Yarrow on our walkies~

Mr Mike's Dahlia's are finally beginning to take off~

We found lots of beautiful Queen Anne's Lace along the roadside~

Mom found one in our backyard and shot a photo looking from the stem end~

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

He Was Here

 He was here for his bath at my house this past weekend.  I love watching the tub fill with nice warm water and I love getting in.  Mackie doesn't feel quite the same way.  I would have gladly taken his bath for him.

He was back the next day for groomies.  He got a SuperDuper short summer cut this time!

We are ready for our cookies, please!

You're welcome to hang out with me and mom anytime, Mackie!

Love ya lots♥


Saturday, August 15, 2020

National Check the Chip Day

 I am celebrating National Check the Chip day today~

What do you mean that's not what this holiday means?

I know - I know~

This was the day that the vet gave me my chip~

I really am official~

Love ya lots♥


Friday, August 14, 2020

Nature Friday

 We are joining Arty, Rosy, Jakey and Sunny today for Nature Friday~

Ready to head out, mom?!

We have Rose of Sharon's blooming in our yard~

And we found white ones in a neighbor's yard~

Landlord Bob's Rose bushes are in bloom again~

His Clematis has a couple of blooms on it too~


Happy Friday, everybuddy☺

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, August 11, 2020

In Purrsuit of Flavours on Tasty Tuesday

We missed In Purrsuit of Flavors last week so we are posting it here today.  This month they were focusing on light summer dinners.
Mom does light summer dinners a LOT this time of year.  She refuses to use the oven and heat up the house unnecessarily.   
Yes mam - I do love my cucs!
 This is just a salad with all of mom's favorites - cucs and cherry tomatoes and blue cheese and kalamata olives.  She shakes balsamic vinegar over it.  It's that simple.
 We have two easy peasy summer dishes for you today. 
I do love me a huge stalk of celery!    Sorry the photo is blurry.  I was rather excited☺
 Cut an avocado in half and spoon out all of the yumminess into a bowl.   Add two hard boiled eggs and a stalk of chopped celery and chop and mix it all together.  Add a wee bit of mayo, some salt and pepper and scoop the mixture back into the avocado shell.   Easy peasy, right!
Have a terrific Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, August 10, 2020

Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, August 7, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy for Nature Friday this week and we are very happy to be doing so.   That nasty tropical storm stole our power for two days and we were living like we were back in the 1800's so we're very glad to be back.

We were hoping to skirt the new blogger format but nope........   If anything looks different with our post - that's the reason.   Mom doesn't want to cave and give into the legacy format.  She knows it's just a matter of time that they will delete that too.  

Walkies haven't been happening a whole lot lately and mom decided that I needed a bath and groomies. 
The before~
  • And the after~

There are lots Chinese Lanterns in our garden.
Mom has been picking them daily~
We found Black-eye's Susans~
We found white Phlox~
We found pink phlox~
Mom has been searching for Chicory and there it was right in front of our mailbox!   She took her usual blurry picture.   She just cannot get a sharper photo for some reason. 
Happy Friday, everybuddy☺
Love ya lots♥