Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Monday we went to Lenny and Joe's for fish and potatoes. We were celebrating mom and dad's anniversary and Molly's upcoming birthday!

That yellow box that is resting on the arm rest of the car.  It's supposed to be keeping us in the backseat so that mom and dad can eat their dindin by themselves.  They keep telling us that it's THEIRS and not ours!  How rude!
 We ate more healthy this time.  No fried fish and french fries.  The fish is broiled and the potatoes are boiled~
 It tastes wonderful to us!
More please!
Don't mind the drool!
 I hope I don't get his cooties!
Molly thinks that the pre-pawty stuff is pretty cool!  Wait till she finds out what the real deal is like!

So until next time.........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy 40th

Yesterday was our mom and dad's 40th wedding anniversary.  Gosh, they were just kids then!
Here they are getting ready to head to New Orleans for their honeymoon.
You sure had wirey hair then, dad!
Dad made his famous tomato sauce for their special day and we got to help him. Uncle Bill wanted to make sauce too so we all made sauce together.
 Mom loves when dad makes sauce in his workshop.  It's a day off for her and dad's sauce is fabulous!   The only thing that mom doesn't like about it is the workshop smells heavenly instead of all of those wonderful smells being inside the house!

The pot of sauce finally made it inside. yummmm

 We wanted to share this picture with you too.  This was taken in the summer of 2003, almost 10 years  ago.  Mom and dad and angel Maggie were on Nantucket. They were staying with their good friends, Mike and Lauren and Charley, the yellow Lab.    We just love this picture!
Happy Anniversary, mom and dad!
Thanks for sharing dindin with us!  We sure do love onies!

So until next time.........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots,

Friday, February 22, 2013

Maggie AireBear

We got a HUGE box in the mail on Tuesday.  It came all the way from across the pond.  Mom knew that it was coming and has been checking her tracking number at least 87 times a day!
She has finally arrived!
 It's an AireBear and mom tells us that her name is Maggie.
 She doesn't smell like my Maggie did but she's cute like Maggie was!
Molly was afraid of her at first. She has a growler inside and she growled at the Princess!  haha
But the girls warmed up to each other pretty quickly. 
 MaggieBear gave Molly the ribbon from her collar!
 She even has her own passport!  It says that her birthday is February 6th.
Another birthday to celebrate around here!  yippeeeeeee
 She met Francesca and Autumn, who are in their Easter outfits already.  The wheelie girls love dressing up!
 Mom made this collage of pictures that were emailed to her while Maggie AireBear was still in the UK.
The very top left picture is the pattern pieces with her fur attached ready to be stitched and the picture underneath is Maggie without her "stuffing".
The top right photo is Maggie getting ready for her big trip to the USA, while Ann's wheelies look on.   
 Maggie AireBear was handmade by Ann Curran.   Our mom has wanted a Ragtail AireBear FOREVER!   She finally has one and she couldn't be happier!  Thank you so very much, Miss Ann, for making our mom so very, very happy!
 We love our new AireSissy!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

While We Patiently Wait for Spring

Mom made another wool candle mat. 
Pansies mean spring to her.
We still have tons of snow here and it's all ice-crusted so we can stand on top of it and peepee and not fall through!

Mom says bring on spring!

So until next time...........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, February 18, 2013

Molly Monday

The absolute PERFECT picture says ME, Miss Molly!

You agree with me, right, Mitch?

Love ya lots,
Molly and Mitch

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Friday, February 15, 2013

One Week Later

What a difference a week makes!   One week ago, this was our scene.
This is the scene today.  There are still high snowbanks but as least we can move. 
 It's hard to pull out onto the street at corners because of so much snow.  You have to be very careful you don't get clipped!
Some schools are still closed because of clean-up efforts.
 It's still hard for the mailman to get close enough to the mailbox to deliver the mail. 
 It makes our bidness very challenging. There's no grass to sniff and we can't get off the road and I, Mitch, am a fuss fudget and I am very particular where I go!  Molly is easy. She'll go anywhere! She's not fussy at all!
 One of mom's garden ornies is finally able to poke her head through the snow! This cement "globe" is 3 feet tall! 
 The waterfowl are happy. The temps have been in the 40's during the day so the water is thawing and they are gaining more swimming space. 
 The black swans are still hiding in their house.    I don't think they want to come out until spring!
The weatherman is predicting snow for us tomorrow.  He can't be serious!

So until next time.........

Love ya lots,

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Back to Work

We had a nice holiday yesterday but today was back to work - at Crumpie's!
This is how it looked when we got there. Everything was snow covered except for the driveway and a parking spot right in front of the barn.    We enter the barn from the back door. 
How do we get up there and inside, dad?
 We went around the corner and look what we found.  Grass! 
Everybody in the state of Connecticut got TONS of snow and Crumpie still has a bit of grass in just the right spot so up we went.  We entered the barn without a drop of snow on our feet!
 The painters have been here!  Come on up and see the paint job, Molly!
 It looks so much bigger with an antique white ceiling and our cloth floor is still here!
Yes, we know what you want to do, Molly.
Play ball!
We sure did enjoy our holiday but it was nice to get back to work!

So until next time..........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Holiday

We're taking the day off!  Dad and mom have been shoveling and snow blowing and moving snow with dad's John Deere and they're POOPED and sore so they are taking a break today!

This was Saturday~
 And this is at the end of the day on Sunday. 
Our driveway is clear and we are able to get out.  Deepwood Lane, the street next to us, has one path down the middle of it still and the next street up hasn't seen a plow yet.  Schools are closed and the governor is telling peeps who can stay home to please stay home so the workers can continue their clean-up efforts. 
 It's raining here today.  Rain on top of snow is so not fun but we did get some of our walkie in!
 Cookies please!!
The waterfowl are all happy and safe!
The ice is discolored from dad tossing food to them and well, from poops too. 
 Time for some indoor fun! 
So until next time..........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Be Careful What You Wish For

We have been wishing for snow for days now and guess what?  We woke up to 3 feet of snow this morning and in places where the wind blew and it drifted, it was 4 feet deep!
Dad and mom were outside at 7AM tackling all of this white stuff and 8 hours later, they're still not finished. 
 Mom said that there was no need for us to be on-leash. Where would we go?   But she didn't unclip us so we just stuck to the shoveled paths.  The snow banks are as tall as we are and in some places, over the tops of our heads!
 This is the front of our house. Our porch roof has a very tall white hat!
 The snow is almost up to the top of our fence!
 This is the road in front of our house.  It's about 1PM at this point.  There is a driving ban in effect. No vehicles on the road unless you're a plow or an emergency vehicle or a medical person.
The snow plows couldn't keep up with the volume. There is still a foot of snow in the road and Deepwood Lane, the street that runs along the side of our property, hasn't seen a snow plow yet!
It's the end of a long day for us.
We'll be back outside tomorrow bright and early to go at it again!
So be careful what you wish for.   In our case, it was more than we needed!

So until next time..........

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly