Yesterday wasn't a bad day weatherwise. It was high in the low 40's so we didn't freeze while we had our picnic in the truck!
Mom had her usual cheeseburger. She says they are the BEST at the Glenwood! She loves that charcoal taste! yummm So do we, but mom was being stingy and we didn't even get a sniff! She did share her French fries though and that made us really happy!
Dad had a BLT and onion rings! And he did sneak us each a tiny piece of an onion ring before mom yelled, "no onions!" Mom is just no fun sometimes!
No ice cream this trip and that was okay! Dad has some at home in the freezer and he is pretty generous about sharing it with us quite a few nights a week!
But then our fun night turned sour. We came home and mom told us that she would be flying to Florida soon to visit my gram and gramp! Like real soon - like next week even!

I explained to Mitch that it'll be okay - it'll just be different. You'll probably have to get used to a slightly new routine! Dad doesn't get up at 4AM like mom does but hopefully breakie will still be at 6AM!
Mitch got really quiet and depressed when he heard that the foood situation might change! Mitch sure does love his meals! He lives to eat! He's a growing boy!
Cheer up, Mitch! We can't make mom feel bad! She needs to check on gram and gramp too, ya know!
Dad has promised to make it fun for us here while mom is gone! He said we'll do the Glenwood again and maybe we can do ice cream at Wentworths! Won't that be fun?!
I'm not sure Mitch is buying it! I think it's going to take him awhile longer to accept the fact that mom will be gone for 6 whole days!
But, Mitch - we still have the celebration of life pawty to look forward too! By the way, some of you have asked what the celebration of life pawty is all about. When dad was sick before he had his heart transplant, our friends came out of the woodwork to help us out! They supported us through thick and thin, so after dad's transplant, mom and dad wanted to do something to say thank you to everyone who helped us out and that's how this pawty came to be! Everyone had such a good time the first year and now mom and dad have turned it into an annual event! This will be celebration of life pawty #4!
And we have the SuperBowl to look forward to! We can't forget that! We'll be having lots of good stuff to eat that day! So cheer up for now, okay?! We'll get through it! We will, Mitch!
So until next time.................
Love ya lots,