Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Terrific Tuesday

I love it when the sun is out and it's a beautiful day☺

 Happy Tuesday, everybuddy~
Stay home and stay safe!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, March 27, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Nature Friday.

Landlord Bob's full-sized Daffie was the first one that we saw blooming along our walk~
 The mini's are still blooming away.    Who can resist smiling at such cheerful flowers☺
A couple of days later, we are seeing even more Daffies☺
 These Daffies were hanging their heads so mom snapped a picture underneath.

 The Skunk Cabbage is in bloom~
 Mom is having fun with her Daffie teapot~
 Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Stay safe!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

You Can't Fool Me

Mom LOVES to hide my tennis ball from me.  She knows that I NEED to know where it is at all times.
 I could hear her evil laugh from my play room as she hid my tennis ball in the living room.    She appeared at the doorway and asked me, "Molly, where is your ball?"
 It won't take me long to find it, mom.  Don't worry.
 She gave me the "ALERT", KB - just like you say to Shyla and R.
 I pushed it in too far with my nose trying to snag it.   Help!
She can never truly hide my tennis ball from me but she sure has fun trying☺  
Do it again. That was fun!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, March 23, 2020

National Puppy Day

I just heard today was National Puppy Day!
 Me and Mitch♥
Show us your puppy pictures!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sunday Hugs

This is what we found this morning at the end of our driveway as we left for walkies.  We wondered who our secret admirer was.
 We soon discovered that there were hearts all along our walk.  Someone loves Landlord Bob's ducks!
 There were pink hearts and yellow hearts~
 This driveway got two hearts~
 We saw hearts on the curbs~
 We found a heart on this stone wall~
If you didn't have an asphalt driveway, hearts were in the road in front of your driveway entrance.   
Is this not the kindest thing you have ever seen♥
 There was a heart in the road at this 3-way intersection.
 We saved the bestest for last!
Hugs to all of you.   Stay safe

Love ya lots♥

Friday, March 20, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday.

We had a frosty start to our morning walk on Wednesday~
 We found Periwinkle flowers!
 The mini-Daffodils always make us smile☺
 The Pussy Willow seeds are forming~
 Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Welcome to Spring!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Love ya lots

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, March 13, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy, Jakey and Arty this week for Nature Friday~

We're off and sniffing for pretty spring flowers~
 We found flowers on the Andromeda shrub.
 And we found cheerful mini-Daffies☺
 Mom will be picking the hyacinths in our yard and bringing them inside.  Why leave them outside to get wet.  We have dreary rain today.
 We woke up to that fabulous hyacinth scent!
 The pachysandra is in bloom!
 The tulips are beginning to emerge!
 Happy Friday the 13th!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Happy Birthday, Mackie

I baked an AireCake just for you~
Happy 4th Birthday, Mackie!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

Mom is made berry cobbler with blueberries and raspberries.

 I'm sorry that the photo is blurry.    I was really excited about tasting it!
It was worth the wait for it to cool.   It's VERY yummy!

Happy Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥