Thursday, June 30, 2011

What's Up With The Plastic

Does anyone know why dad would line OUR seat with a huge sheet of plastic?   We've never had an accident in your truck, dad, so we know it's not because of us!
 There's even plywood and a blankie in here.   I, myself, kind of like it.  I'm higher up and can see better.  Mitch hates it.  It's stressing him out!

 We went over to the Crump barn for a picnic dindin.   Mom and dad shared a turkey grinder and chips. 
Did you notice that our dad got groomed!   He likes his shorter hAirecut in the summer  just like we like our fur kept shorter!
 It's HUGE in this barn so after dindin, we got to romp and play and run, run, run!
 No thank you, Mitch.  I'm not into run, run, running anymore.  I need to conserve my energy at my age!
Dad and Uncle Phil are going on a short trip tomorrow in dad's truck. Anybody care to guess what they're coming home with? 
We'll be back to let you know!

So until next time.................

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots,
Miss Maggie

Monday, June 27, 2011

We See The Light

Mom and dad are at it every single day and they still won't let us inside this room or up on the roof to supervise!

Will we be having a sky light, dad?

 YIKES!  Maybe not!

Dad has a lot of new wood screwed down and Weather Watch is down and in place but we're still not buttoned up if we ever got a shower or doGforbid, storms!
 Looks like you're safe for today!
 Can I come in yet?
So until next time.............

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our New Roof

Mom and dad have been busy.   Dad is putting a new roof on this portion of our house.  It's needed to be done for so long and it's finally getting the attention that it deserves!

Our mom is not a person who likes heights and she doesn't "do" roofs!
Dad needs help with this project.  He can't do it all by himself.  We have called in Flat George to supervise because our over protective mom doesn't think that we should be up on the roof keeping things going. 
Dad told mom that this roof is not steep at all.  She reluctantly said she'll pick up the shingles that dad rips off.   One of the good points is the chimney. If she trips, how far can she roll?  It's big so mom feels pretty safe and secure.  She does - REALLY!
OMG, look how far down our front yard is!  Better step back before you pass out, mom! 
The brown thing and the blue thing are tarps to cover the roof if it should happen to rain.   We have had LOTS of rain this year and rain is still in the forecast!
This is the roof on the main part of our house.  It was shingled a few years ago.  Mom is very thankful for this because no way would she be up on THAT roof!  Be careful up there, FG!
All we see from up here are roofs!   Don't look out, mom!  It gives you the feeling that you're falling! 
The garden looks pretty good and weed-free from up here!
Time to climb down.   Going down is not as easy as climbing up.  UGH!
We're inside the room that needs the new roof.  You can see that we did take on rain.  Thank goodness that the water didn't find its way to the finished ceilings on the first floor!
Do you like our hot pink chimney? It's been this color  for as long as we've lived here. 
Thanks for your help keeping our mom and dad safe, Flat George, and for keeping them steady and on track!  We owe you!
We'll update you again on the roof project when it gets farther along.

So until next time................

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Secret Garden Revisited

Hey everyone.  It's me, Mitch!
Mom and I were on our own for walkies last Sunday because dad had an early appointment. 

Look what we discovered at the house right before we get to our secret garden!
The word is that the hoomans who live here got married on Saturday.
Can you see those flower pots just beyond the tent?
 They were inside the secret garden!  Are you thinkin' what I'm  thinkin'?
Was the wedding ceremony inside our secret garden?
All of that greenery on the foundation walls is wild roses.  They are the most awesome smelling roses in all of creation but they have the most wicked thorns! 

Sorry that the picture is a bit blurry.  There are an awful lot of interesting smells in here!
 This was on the picnic table.  I think it must be one of those wind chiming thingies!
 These pots of flowers got left behind.  They didn't make it to the tent reception.

I'm keeping my eye on our secret garden to see what else is happening here this summer and I'll be sure and let you all know!
 Continuing on our walkie towards home, we saw a beautiful Kousa Dogwood!  It's loaded with flowers!
 We couldn't pass by this Lily and not think of Miss Autumn. She sure does love orange!
 I always get my walkie first because Maggie is slower now and she likes to poke and sniff and take her sweet time. 

Thanks for coming along on our walkies with us!

So until next time..............

Yer friends,
Mitch and Maggie

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wheelie Wednesday - Summer's Here

Hi everyone. It's me, Autumn! 
Yesterday was the official start of the summer season!

The Daylilies are in bloom~
 And the Coral Bells just keep on bloomin'!
 This is mom's one and only rose bush.  She doesn't feed them and she won't spray them.  If they like it with those conditions, then they're all set!  This rose must be pretty hardy because it keeps coming back year after year.
 Ooops - we fibbed.  Mom bought this miniature rose bush in the florist section of our grocery store years ago never expecting it to make it through a winter outside.  Well, it did - and it keeps coming back year after year too. 
 The Lilies are beginning to bloom~
 This Hydrangea needs some aluminum sufate if you want it to be blue, mom.    It's more purple and pink this year~
 Our Smoke Tree is smokin'!
 And the Astilbe's are in bloom!
 The Lupines are pretty much gone.  The pods are forming, which means they'll drop seeds and next spring there will be lots of new baby Lupines!
 This is the patriotic wreath on our front door. 
 And this is the wreath on our back door~
See you all next Wednesday!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day, Dad

Dad ran out of chocolate gelato and Mitch and I thought it would be a GREAT idea to treat him to more of it for Father's day.
It was delivered on Tuesday - all 48 cups of VANILLA!  No way were we having tons of chocolate in our freezer again and being denied spoonfuls of cold delicious goodness!

You're counting them, right, Mitch?  Are they all there?
Yup, this is definitely vanilla!  Ya baby!
 Happy Father's day, dad!    It all fits - all 48 cups of it!

 Don't forget to share with your favorite Airedales!
 We love you, dad!

Maggie and Mitch

Friday, June 17, 2011


Where did you come from?
Are you lost?
Are you plannin' on stayin'?
 You are kind of cute~
And you do share cookies!
 Mom found Jed at one of the garden centers. 
Our UPS man thought he was real and gave him a cookie!
 Just remember who the boss is around here and there will be no problems, okay, Jed?!
Love ya lots,
Miss Maggie