Monday, December 29, 2014

Back to Work

We had a wonderful Christmas but now it's time to get back to work.
 Bents for Professor Mike's barn are being assembled so that they can be fine-tuned.  This is necessary so the day of the barn raising, dad knows that everything fits and few or no adjustments need to be made.  The barn raising will be in May in Maine. 

 Wouldn't you rather play with me than make pegs, mom?
I admit - I'm a tennis ball addict.   I love, love, love my tennis balls!
No you can't throw this ball out, mom. It still has lots of life left in it and it's not as dirty as it looks - really!
 You can't see it but we're sure that you can probably guess that I'm staring at my tennis ball.  Mom says that being too obsessive is NEVER a good thing.
Who thinks that wood chips on my head look funny?!
 Break time! 

Our friend, Dana, came up from Rhode Island.  He and dad are working on another timber frame video!  No one is safe when Molly wants to play ball!  Poor, Dana~
Can you guess who this is?
This is our dad and angel Maggie when she was 6 months old.  She had just gotten her first hAirecut!  Look at those crazy ears!

As luck would have it, this is the video that dad and Dana worked on.  You can see both of us sneaking in and out during the shoot.  Molly is the star - but you have to go all the way to the end to see that part  *wink wink*

So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Feathers for the Peeps

You all know how my dad and I both love feathers, right?
 Look what our friend, Kirsten gave our peeps for Christmas. A feather ornie!
 And check out the beautiful heart with angel wings that our hooman sissy gave mom and dad for Christmas.
Mr Magoo is still on the outs at our house~~

 So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, December 26, 2014

Santa Was Good to Us

I guess we were on Santa's nice list because we sure got some great stuffs!
 A beaver!
 My name was on this one, Mitch!
 Santa knew that you loved apples, Mitch!  He's pretty smart, isn't he ☺
 Who is that?
Mr. Magoo talks.   I'm not sure I like him!
 Do you like him now, Molly?
 Something smells yummy in this one!

 Whoa - look how big they are!  And we each got to have one of our own!
 Can we please make Christmas day every day of the week?
Time to play!
Thank you, Santa!  We are sure having one fun Christmas!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas

We hope you all have the most wonderful day~~
Merry Christmas to all of our friends ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Making of the Mince Pie

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Turkey Pot Pie

For as long as we can remember, mom has always said that she wanted to make a turkey pot pie from scratch.  Well she finally did!
She found the recipe at and followed the directions to a "T"~
 She said that for years she ate the nasty store-bought pot pies and they always left her feeling hungry.  Not this one!   It's got carrots and celery and potatoes in it along with lots of turkey!
Dad gave it a 10 and raved about it!  

 I give it a ten too, mom!

I do too!  More please!

 I think you're eating one of my AireCookies, dad.   Did you want to share some of that with me?

We will definitely be making pot pie again.  Maybe next time, we'll make it chicken instead of turkey or maybe beef ☺

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Birthday, Auntie Fern

Today is the birthday of our dear friend, Fern.

 We talked with Fern for about 10 minutes yesterday and she was so happy to chat with us. 
And then we talked with Tom we discovered that Auntie Fern is not doing well at all.  She's had more falls and has hurt her head further and she has hurt more of her body with each fall and she's lost a lot of her memory.

Fern needs POTP and healing vibes and positive vibes and thoughts and prayers and anything that you can send her way.  If anyone would like to call Fern, please email us (our email addy is on our sidebar) and we'll share Fern's phone number if you'd like to call and chat with her or with Tom or if you'd like to send Fern a card, we can share her address with you too.

Our mom is feeling so guilty because we kept sending Fern emails only she is not turning on her computer because she can't remember how so she never got our emails and she must think that we don't care :-(

We are sending you flowers for your birthday, Fern!
 Please get well soon. We have fingers and paws crossed for you and we are sending tons of  AireZen and positive thoughts and healing thoughts.  Auntie Fern is so lucky to have you, Tom.  You are a gem ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The First Day of Winter

Guess what we woke up to this morning?  Snow flurries!
Molly and dad are off for a longer walk.  Mom and I are going the short route because today is groomie day for me. 
 There they go, mom.  Time for us to head inside and get started on making me look like the superhandsome boy that I am~~
 What I want to know is, where is the rest of the snow?  This pathetic amount in not what I had in mind for some real fun with Molly!  We're getting lots of snow flurries but they aren't amounting to anything! 
 These cooling breezes are sure feeling good on my shorter Aire-Do!
Happy first day of Winter, everyone!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, December 19, 2014

Airedale Cookies

We helped mom make gingerbread Airedale cookies!
The cookie dough has been chilling in the frig for an hour~
 Time to roll out the dough and cut cookies!
 Into the oven they go!
 Hurry up and cool so we can have one!

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Wookie No More

Hi everyone, it's me, wookie Molly!
We just got back from morning walkies and mom says that it is groomie day for me.
 Are we done yet~
 I am a wookie no more!  I am once again a cute AireGirl!
 Mom took all of this fur off of me.  I sure hope I'm not going to freeze to death out there!
 You're next bouffant boy!   I hear you're hitting the grooming table on Sunday.  Prepare yourself!
So until next time.........

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Paddy The Wanderer

A new book came in the mail for us!  It's an adventure story and so far, it's been most exciting!
Get underneath the quilt, Molly, and I'll keep reading to you until you fall asleep~~

This should score us extra points for the big man in the red suit *wink wink*

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Silent Saturday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly