Monday, September 30, 2013

Apple Crisp and the Swan House

We made apple crisp for Doug and Steve, who were helping dad on the swan house!

The first step was peeling and chunking up the apples~
 The apple crisp is ready to slide into the oven, mom!
 And 25 minutes later, it's all done and it smell soooooooooooo yummy!
 This is the swan house progress mid-morning. 
Time to taste test it!
 Don't forget the ice cream!
Don't look so sad, Mitch.  Your turn is coming!
 Dessert is ready for the hard-working guys!
And this is the swan house progress just before lunch~
 And here is the progress for the rest of the day~

 Dad is cutting the roof boards to length and Doug and Steve are nailing them down~
The WeatherWatch is on the roof so it won't leak.
Pretty soon the siding will go on and the windows will go in!  Wait till you see the windows! 
Dad is calling it a cottage with a fabulous view!
Do you think he made  the swan house big enough?!
 Look what mom found blooming in her garden!
So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Durham Fair

Thursday afternoon, mom and dad headed up to the Durham Fair with friends.  No, we were not invited to come along.  The fairgrounds does not allow pets due to health reasons - a real bummer!

Everyone loves the animals~
 Mom was very impressed with Billy's beard~

 A polka-dot chicken!
 We wonder how long she primped in front of the mirror to look this good!

 This sheep was dressed in his jammies and ready for bed~

 Mom and Miss Lauren loved the needlework building. 

 And they all loved the antiques~
 Especially the woodworking tools~
 This is not a real hamburger and fries. It's cake!  The hamburger and fries are dessert!
 And this barn is totally edible!
 Dad had his favorite fair food - apple crisp, along with a loaded baked potato and a bacon and egg sandwich and mom had her favorite - her giant sugar donut~
 For the first time ever, there were two elephants at Durham Fair.   They put on a show at 6PM and the peeps missed it by an hour!  grrrrrrrrrrrr
 They didn't see the pumpkin because they didn't know where the heck it was hidden - but this pumpkin set a record for the largest in the state of Connecticut.   
Imagine how many pies you could make with this baby!
A great time was had by all and they can't wait to go back next year!

So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Our mom has been washing windows.  Yes, she is one of the really nutty ones that LOVES to wash windows! She's thinks it's fun and rewarding and instant gratification kind of stuffs.   Yup, she's strange!
She has gotten into the Method brand products. Dexter's mom mentioned them once and mom bought one of the cleaners and she was sold. They smell wonderful and they work great.
The Method window cleaner smells like mint and every time mom sprays the window, she giggles thinking that she is washing windows with mouthwash!
Break time from windows and heading out to the vege garden~

Our tomatoes are still going strong!
A lot of you had concerns about our Heavenly Blue Morning Glory taking over our yard.  Morning glories are an annual flower here. The frost kills them back every year so they never get out of control in our area.  They do self sow but they're easy to remove if you don't  want them to grow.  Dad lets them go nutty in his vege garden.   The vine doesn't really shade the tomatoes until September and by then, we're overloaded with tomatoes and begging our neighbors to please come and take them!

Speaking of morning glories - what happened to our heavenly blue?  This one looks like she's having a hard time deciding which color she wants to be!

 And so does this hydrangea!

 Heading over to our new swan house, we see that dad and mom have been very busy.   The floor joists are in place and the deck has been started.  This weekend's plan is for the walls to go up. 

 Not far from the swan house is the grape vine~
These grapes are the sweetest ever but would we know that firsthand?  NOOOOOOOO - because our stingy mom won't let us try one - not even one! Can you even imagine?!

 Margaret and Penny are enjoying an apple that fell off the apple tree.  They are very happy girls~~

Back to the windows, mom!

So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Silently Blowing Raspberries

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Haireiette's Hats

Our mom's block is being featured on the Airedale quilting bee blog today.  The block she did is called "Haireiette's Hats"

The inspiration came from this photo of our sweet angel Maggie on Nantucket one summer when she was only 2 years old. 
 Mom loved the block so much that she wanted to create one for herself in wool~

Angel Maggie never minded modeling hats for mom♥

 Donating to the quilt will give you the chance to win the main quilt or any of the bonus quilts.   
Two years ago we were the lucky winners!
 This is the beautiful Home At Last quilt ♥

Good luck to anyone who donates to the 2013 Airedale Rescue quilt!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Woolie Molly

A box came in the mail yesterday. Mom said that it was "kind of" for Molly.  What does kind of mean, mom?
 It's a WoolieDale Molly made by Carol Usher!
 WoolieMolly looks exactly like Molly and she's got tennis balls - 4 of them!
 Can you read the tag?  WoolieMolly is #940. That means that Carol Usher has made 940 woolie pieces.  This piece is titled "Molly - Tennis Champ"!
We just love her to pieces, Miss Carol. Thank you so very, very much!
We will treasure her forever ♥

On a very sad note - Carol Usher lost her precious 12-year old Jesse a couple of days ago.  Jesse was the inspiration for Carol's WoolieDales.
I, Mitch and angel Maggie, saw  Jesse and her AireBrother, Scuffer many times at Barktoberfest in Kent, Connecticut.   We  used to look forward to going every year.  It was always a very fun time.
Our hearts are breaking for Carol and David and Scuffer. 
Godspeed, Jesse.  We will never forget you ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly