Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Teasing Tuesday

Mom thought that it would be fun to fill one of my Christmas pressies full of toys with yummy treats underneath thinking that it might stump me for awhile.  Sure, mom!
 Of course, I found them all in no time at all and by the way, who thinks that New Year's Eve is the perfect day for a bath?!
 Stay safe for those of you who have peeps who go out and celebrate on New Year's Eve.   Mom is staying home with me.  She's really an old poop, ya know☺

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pressies from Treacle

A box arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago.  It was from our friends in the UK - Miss Susie and Treacle.     Mom thought it best to leave the parcel sealed even though Miss Susie said that the pressies were wrapped.
 I love my new Santa squeakie rope toy, Treacle!  Mom is teaching me that his name is "Santa" and to go get him and bring him to her.  
 Miss Susie sent mom butter oat biscuits and strawberry and champagne preserves.    Mom has had a couple of the oat biscuits and they are sooooooooo buttery and yummy!  She still needs to open the jar and put the preserves on her morning toast.
 You know that I don't open pressies, mom.   I need help!
 Christmas tarts for me! Yummmmmmm
 Miss Susie made mom a beautiful Christmas table runner!    It's so pretty, Miss Susie, and we love it♥
 So which do you prefer~
On the trunk in the living room.
Or on the kitchen table.
Mom can't seem to decide!
Thank you so much for all of our beautiful gifts, Miss Susie and Treacle.   You have truly outdone yourselves!  Thank you so very much!
 And now for my Christmas tart treat~
Yup, I downed the whole thing and it was soooooooo yummy!
Best Christmas ever!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Friday, December 27, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday.

Our snow is pretty much gone except for a few cold places that the sun doesn't reach~
The pretty berries make it less dreary~

Happy Friday and happy sniffing~
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of my friends~~

May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;
The spirit of Christmas which is peace;
The heart of Christmas which is love.
         ~ Ada V. Hendricks

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Your Choice Santa

So Santa - we have choices here for you tonight.

Milk and cookies~
 Or you might prefer candy!
Or maybe you might like to have both.

I have been a good girl all year, Santa☺
 Mom and I watched another wonderful movie this past weekend.  We highly recommend it.
Merry Christmas Eve!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Kitchen Tree

Mom loves the small Christmas tree in the kitchen.   It gives her something fun to look at while she's washing dishes.
She found a carrot for Maggie and lots of apples for Mitch.
 A locket of me~
She was out shopping a few days ago and came across a Christmas moose and of course, it had to come home with her♥

Last year, she treated herself to a Santa's Workshop snow globe.
 It's also a music box and plays, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".   
Hanging in our hallway is a Christmas needlework piece that gram made~
 Gram also made this alphabet piece.
We have to thank Miss Ann once again for our beautiful Christmas header and background.  We just love it♥
Happy first day of Winter!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, December 20, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~

This past weekend, we were looking for pretty Christmas decorations.     This is before all of the ice fell from the sky~
 Frosty needs help!

 Such beautiful skies~

 Not looking, mom!
 Yesterday we had temps in the teens and windchills near zero.   The ice doesn't want to go away and our driveway still looks like a skating rink.
 Mitch's coat is keeping me nice and warm♥
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥