Friday, May 31, 2013

Door Hanger Give-Away

We thought it might be fun to have another give-away.  This is a door hanger.    Right above the bumblebee there is a hole that your door knob fits through.
Isn't this just the coolest!  Everybody has door knobs in their house, right!

Randomizer worked for us last time so we'll be using it again.    Once again, this give-away is open to everyone. You do not have to live in the USA.  The give-away will start now and end on Sunday at 5PM EST.  One comment per person, please~

 Ready, set, GO and good luck to everyone!  We'll be back on Monday to announce the winner.

Our poppies are in bloom!

So until next time..........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥
Maggie AireBear

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

To the men and to the woman and to the service dogs who fought for the freedoms that we have today ~~~~~~~~~~~

 To all of our American friends,  have a wonderful holiday and stay safe!
And to everyone else  - have a fabulous Monday!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, May 24, 2013

Blue Tennis Balls

We were at Crumpie's yesterday and around noon, we came home for lunch like we always do and there was a box on our back porch addressed to us!
Mom told us that we were going to have our lunch and take our box to Crumpie's and open it over there!  OKAY!
Our box is from Benny and Lily!
Remember the tennis ball give-away that they had?  We were one of the winners!

They're blue balls and not chartreuse ones, Molly!
 Blue is for boys, ya know!  
 There are 6 blue balls in the box.  Go get your own!
Telling her off won't do a bit of good, ya know!  She's very persistent!
Thank you so very much, Benny and Lily!    We had a great time playing with our tennis balls all afternoon at Crumpie's!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Windows and Studs

We're supervising at Crumpie's once again.  Last week and this week is all about installing windows and studding walls!
This was last week.  The arch window was the only one in place.  What a difference 2 more windows on either side of it make! 
 And a window got installed in the stairwell.  We can see so much better racing up and down the stairs now!
 This is how it looks from outside.    Dad isn't done.  More will be installed as time goes on.
We're at the opposite end of the upstairs now. This window went in on Monday.   It's absolutely exactly the right height!  I can see everything that's going on outside!
 Great job, dad!
 This one got installed yesterday.    Dad has it all measured up and he's cutting it out.
 Now Molly has her very own window to see out of too!  Our dad is always thinking of us♥
 Yogurt time!

 Check out Molly taking a snooze.  She was afraid that I might touch the bone or her ball so she's guarding both!   You are such a STINGE, Molly!
So until next time..............

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, May 20, 2013

My New Martingale Collar

I got a pretty new collar and it's called a martingale collar!
 Can you see my favorite Molly tag with my face on it?
 I love my new collar because it's my favorite color - PURPLE!
I match all of the pretty purple flowers!
 I need to break it in and get it a wee bit dirty!

 Yes, that is grass on my tongue.  I love to rip out and eat grass!  Do you do that too?

My new collar was handmade by Nelly and Mollie's mom, Miss Elke, at the Ragamuffin Collar Shop.
It's called an EasyCheck collar and it's very sturdy but very soft on my neck. 
Thank you so very much, Miss Elke!  I love my new collar!

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Thank You So Much and Oreo Cheesecake

First of all,  thank you so very much for all who sent positive vibes and AireZen and thoughts and prayers and thank you to those of you who donated green papers to Elaine and Sunshade.  We are so very grateful and we know that they are too. Thank you so much!
The fund is up to $388.77! whooooooohooooo
Hang in there, Sunshade!  We have our paws crossed for you!

If any of you would like to donate, this is the direct link that will take you there: 

 Happy 9th Birthday to our goodest and bestest friend, Putter
We hope you have the most wonderful day with lots of treats and hugs, Putter!

 Dad is having a timber frame workshop at Crump's this weekend and tons of hoomans will be coming to timber frame and finish up timbers in progress so that they can be trucked to Vermont for the barn raising in September.

We helped mom bake an Oreo Cheesecake to contribute.

There are no cookies in here, Mitch! We've been tricked!
 The recipe calls for you to use a food processor but our mom doesn't have one of those so she does it the old fashioned way - ziplock and rolling pin! 
 We didn't get to taste the Oreo's but we got to lick the cream cheese wrapper!
 And we got to lick the cheesecake beaters!
Thanks for ruining it for us, Molly, with your curled up lip!
Mom says someone has a bad attitude and the fun stops here!
This is the cheesecake before it's popped into the oven.  
So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, May 17, 2013

Tasty Thursday and Helping Out A Friend

Mr Chewy never disappoints us!
We got buffalo treats in the mail yesterday!

Mom says that the next time she orders, she'll order more of these for us!
They are soooooooooooooo yummy!

Our very good friend, Sunshade, has been having health problems again and we are worried.   She was in the ER for days and finally released to go home.  She's back at her vet's and they're doing more testing and the bills are mounting.   Our friend, Sam, has details on his blog.    If you would like to help out Elaine and Sunshade, I'm sure they would very much appreciate it.
We continue to send you tons of AireZen and lots of positive thoughts, Sunshade and Elaine!  We love you♥

Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wordless Wisteria Wednesday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mitch and Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

We wish all of the mothers a very Happy Mother's Day~~
 And we are sending all of you a huge bouquet of fragrant lilacs!

We hope you have a most beautiful day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, May 10, 2013

HomeMade Stuffed Bones

We helped mom stuff our used bones that were empty and needed refilling!
She used yogurt and peanut butter and some of our smaller treats.
 It looks and smells perfect, mom~
 It passes the taste test too!

 Time to stuff the bones.
Mom added  half a carrot to plug it~
 Wrap them up and put them in a zip lock.
 And into the freezer they go to get nice and firm and cold!
 We're enjoying them at Crumpies!  It makes the day go by faster!  yummmmmmmm
Mom just loves the color of the lilacs that are blooming at Crumpie's!

 So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly