Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Rose Potpourri

Remember this beautiful bouquet that Miss Susie and Treacle sent mom for Easter?
 Mom couldn't bare to throw the roses out so she dried them and looked for "recipes" on the intermutts on making rose potpourri.
 After the petals had dried thoroughly, she mixed them with ground cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves and orris root.  She added some dried lavender and some whole cloves.  She didn't have rose oil but she did have rose geranium oil so a few shakes of that went into the jar too.
 She read another recipe that said to add some small silk flowers and bits of ribbon.
It's been "aging" now for a few days and she asked me if I wanted to sniff it and tell her how I liked it.
I gave it a very brief sniff and backed away.   It stinks, mom!    It doesn't smell as delightful as you say that it does and that is my opinion!
Thank you again, Miss Susie and Treacle.  It's the wonderful gift from you that keeps on giving mom lots and lots of smiles☺

Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 24, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy, Jakey and Arty today for Nature Friday~

Our weeping cherry tree is in bloom!
 We found cute grape hyacinths along our walking route~
 The hosta is making an appearance in front of our house.
 Our magnolia is in bloom.  The flowers got nipped by heavy frost twice already.
 Mrs Robin has laid 4 eggs!   Mom discovered her off her nest and sneaked a quick peek with the camera~
We found our first tulip!

Look what else we found!  You can't tell from this photo but the lights are lit and the heart looks so pretty☺
Happy Friday, everybuddy!  Stay safe.
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

Mom had milk that she needed to use up and decided to make homemade pudding. 
It started off as vanilla pudding and then she decided to add a couple of bananas.
The pudding didn't firm up like it was supposed to.
 No problem, mom.   It tastes perfect just the way it is to me!
Happy Tuesday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 20, 2020

Molly Monday

Heading out for walkies~
Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 17, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Nature Friday~

We found this cool painted rock in front of Landlord Bob's duck pond~
 A beautiful pink blooming tree~
 We are still seeing lots of cheerful Daffies~
 We found a double Daffie!
The robins are building a nest right outside our window.   Our mom is a nutcase about washing the windows in the spring and this is a picture window and the only way it can be washed is from a ladder outside.    How will Mrs Robin feel about a ladder so close to her nest?   No eggs have been laid yet.
 The blooming trees are just beautiful!
 We couldn't resist taking another picture of Landlord Bob's Quince.   We're sure this is an ornamental Quince, Phenny and Nelly, and it never gets edible fruit.
 I"m not in a posing mood today, mom.
Today marks the four year anniversary of our sweet Mitch's passing.   We sure do miss you lots and lots, buddy♥

Happy Friday, everybuddy.   Stay safe!

Love ya lots♥

Thursday, April 16, 2020

2020 Blogville ISO-lympics

Our friends, Bella, Roxy and Dui are hosting the first Blogville ISO-lympics and I couldn't wait to participate.
 I'm sure that everyone knows by now how much I love my tennis ball. One of my very favorite things to do with it is to have mom toss it and I get to catch it~
 And over............
 And over..............
I've got it!
I'm a winner!
 Mom says that I'm always a winner and she awarded me☺
Thank you so much for hosting these ISO-lympics, Bella, Roxy and Dui.     It was sure fun☺

Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 13, 2020

Molly Monday

Today it is rainy and yucky here but yesterday was a beautiful day to go outside and play~
Happy Monday!
Love ya lots♥

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter

Yesterday, a strange car pulled into our driveway and we were suspicious.   How can you not be with coronavirus out there.    But it turned out to be a very happy surprise.   Our friends, Miss Susie and her family and her AireGirl, Treacle sent us a gorgeous and very cheerful bouquet of flowers!
Thank you so very much!  What a very thoughtful and lovely gift and we appreciate it so much!  You guys are too sweet♥  Thank you!
 Happy Easter to all of our friends!
We hope you all have a wonderful day despite these very tough times.

Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 10, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday.

Off we go~
 The Periwinkle is blooming in abundance everywhere!
 Mom could smell the beautiful hyacinth as we passed by Miss Dotty's garden~
 Landlord Bob's Quince is coming into bloom!  What a vibrant color!
 We found violets in our own yard~
We found a happy dandelion~
A daffie to make you smile☺
 Miss Laura decided to spread love as well as hugs and we are passing it on to all of you♥
Happy Friday!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 6, 2020

Molly Monday

Mom groomed me on Saturday.  She told me that the warmer weather is coming and you will be so much happier with less furs, Molly.
And she bought me a new spring collar!
Life is good!

Love ya lots♥