Saturday, August 30, 2014

Groomies for Me Too

We have been having the most beautiful weather - highs in the 70's with no humidity and lows around 50 degrees.  Yesterday morning it was 45 degrees! yahoooooooooo
But that nasty weatherman said that heat and humidity will be returning next week (boooooooooo) so mom decided that seeing as I was getting a wee bit fuzzy and Molly had just gotten groomed,  it would be smart of her to give me an AireCut too!
This is me at a wee bit fuzzy~~
We are both so much happier and have tons  more energy when we have less furs.
 Thanks for the Zuke's treats, mom!
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!

So until next time..........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, August 28, 2014

A Wookie-MuffinHead No More

Mom has decided that it is grooming day for me.   I have just come back from walkies and we had rain last night so I'm kinda wet.
 No more Wookie- MuffinHead.  I"m sleek and trim once again~

 Watermelon off the fork works for us, Sasha!  Thank you for suggesting it!
So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kick the Ball

Look where my ball landed!  Do I dare go and fetch it?
 Kick the ball to me, Mitch!  Please!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch

Monday, August 25, 2014


We discovered yesterday morning that our friend, Jazzi, had gone to Rainbow Bridge and we are just heartbroken.  Our hearts ache for her mom and for her family and friends.

Jazzi has been a part of our Blogville lives for many years. She was so much fun and was involved in so much.  She's hosted  Christmas card exchanges and Christmas pressie exchanges and so many of us have participated.  And then there is National Taco Day.  Jazzi loved tacos and she taught us to love tacos. We had never had a taco until we met Jazzi and honestly, we only get to eat them once a year with Jazzi.

We are going to miss you tons, Jazzi, and each October 4th, we will continue to celebrate Taco Day and we will think of you. 

GodSpeed, Jazzi.  We will miss you here on Earth for a long time to come.

Love ya lots and lots now and forever ♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Pinocchio Tomato

It's a Pinocchio tomato, Molly! 

We didn't know that tomatoes fibbed!

Mom's quilt block is being featured on the Airedale Quilting Bee's blog today.  Check is out here if you'd like to ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, August 22, 2014

Morning Glory

Mom planted Morning Glories again this year and she's FINALLY at long last getting some heavenly blue blooms!

This is one of the vines. It's right outside our laundry room window. 

 The other morning glory vine is growing on the birch tree that's opposite our back porch.   Mom can't figure out why one is blooming and the other one isn't.  She waters the vines every day and fertilizes them faithfully once a week and talks sweet talk to them all the time.  hummmmmm
 Mom says Molly looks like a muffinhead and it's time for groomies. Glad it's you and not me, Molly! 
So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Silent Serene Swan Sunday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, August 15, 2014

The August Review

Mr Andrew at Chewy sent us an email and asked us which treats would we like to try out for August.    It's always such a tough choice because they all look and sound so yummy!
 We decided on Dr Tim's genuine freeze dried treats.  These are natural turkey heart chips.   Real, pure, 100% USDA inspected meat from Wisconsin. 
 Once again, we have to tell you that our mom is SO JEALOUS of the doggies that can put treats on their noses and paws and pose for pictures before they woof them down. 
 So we are being tortured again to help her to feel better and less of a training failure!

First, she tried the treats farther away from us and told us to "wait"~

 Now, on our paws~~

That's not a "wait", Mitch!
Mom says that she thinks eventually, Molly will get it because she has patience.
I have no patience for this!  This is a stupid game and I don't want to play!  Just hand over the treat, mom!  
Okay, I'll put the hat on for a Dr Tim's turkey hearts treat~  

Dr Tim's turkey heart treats are superdelicious and we'll do anything for them!  Thank you so very much for letting us taste test them, Mr Andrew and Chewy!

So until next time..........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, August 11, 2014

One Month To Go

In less than one month, our dad will be heading to Maine for Brenda's barn raising.  He and mom and some of our friends have been working very hard to get the project completed so that the show can go on.
Our dad is coloring!   We bet you didn't know that coloring was a part of building a timber frame, huh ☺
 The "colored" beam is now out in the yard and getting its coats of finishing treatment.      
 Supervising has been long and tedious and tough but we're going to make our deadline!

And now for our snack~~
Ritz now makes bacon flavored crackers!  Who knew!

Break time is over.  Don't worry - we'll stay on them until the job is completed!

So until next time...........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, August 9, 2014


We are calling Lucky Ducky #13 Midgee.  She was the last duckling to be hatched.  
She is still such a tiny little thing - a midget! 
 The ducklings now live in the swan cottage and get locked into the house with doors and windows shut and locked tight every single night.  After a day of play outside, they look forward to going to bed at night~
 In the daytime, they play in their secure fenced in area.    That's little Midgee out in the front. She's so much smaller than everyone else. 
 They have two swimming pools and Midgee is always in one of them.   She's tiny but she doesn't let anything stop her. 

 If you hold her in your hands and close your eyes, she feels like a cotton ball. She's as light as a feather and warm and soft. 
The duckies are all equals.   They don't have a leader.  When one moves, they all move. 
Dad wonders if Midgee will grow to be a normal sized duck or if she'll always be a peanut.  Time will tell~~

So until next time....

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, August 7, 2014

P is for Pretty and Pizza

Pretty flowers~

Mom is planning on collecting the cleome seeds so she can grow these again. She really likes them~
 Hydrangeas and mom's Nantucket basket~
 Butterflies love the butterfly bush~
  The coneflowers are in bloom~
 And so is the phlox~
Fresh tomato pizza! 
So until next time...............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Who Am I

Hi everyone.  It's me, Twozie!   
 It has come to my attention that I may NOT be a Grey Lag goosie like dad originally thought.
These geese below are Grey Lag geese.    I am only 3 months old so I do have growing to do and color changes to happen.
Notice the color of the Grey Lag feets. 
 This is Huey.  Dad says he's a domestic Toulouse goose.  Notice the color of his feets. 
They are orange!
 Yes, please - I love bread!
Notice the color of my feets.   They are not quite as orange but remember that I"m still very young. 

They are Grey Lag geese feets.  They are pink!  My feets are not pink and dad doesn't think they will ever be pink.  
 Would you like to see my toofies too~~
 This is Huey's beak. 
 Mine has quite a ways to go before it turns its permanent color. 
 Thank goodness FatAss is not my mother.  Look at that turned up bubble butt!  Mine looks NOTHING like hers!  That is me right in front of her. 
 So what do you think?
Is Lucy the Grey Lag my real mother and is Huey is my daddy?  Dad thinks this is a very strong possibility. 
I sure wish I knew for sure~~

What do you all think?

Love ya lots♥
Twozie, the confused goose