Friday, April 30, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

The tulips are starting to bloom in this lovely garden.

We found two tulips in front of our house!

The Trout Lily is in bloom.   We just love their speckles leaves~
We discovered this cool moss growing near rocks. 

We think this might be a wild cherry tree.
The poison ivy is out.  Stay away!
Uh oh.   We pray that Onyx is found soon.
Happy last day of April and have a fantastic Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The Most Special Puzzle

 Anybody who has been reading this blog for years knows that my mom's most favorite place in the whole wide world is Nantucket.   

After she finished the historic Massachusetts puzzle, she wondered if there was a historical Nantucket puzzle and there was!

The only furkids that ever went to Nantucket were Maggie and Mitch.  I have never been there but I remain hopeful.

The trip from home to the ferry in Hyannis was 3 hours and they always took the early ferry, which was a two and a half hour ride to Nantucket.    Maggie's first trip to Nantucket happened on her second birthday.  That year, the Jared Coffin House allowed dogs to be in the rooms with their peeps and Maggie got to climb the carpeted staircase to their room on the second floor.  

They only stayed at Jared Coffin House for one night and the next morning, they headed to the house they would enjoy for an entire week while they were on the Island.

  They couldn't wait to settle in.
Mitch had just learned to climb stairs and he loved it on the second floor of the house.  
Once they got settled, they headed into town~
Tooling around town was always great fun~
Shopping was the best!
After town, the peeps headed to the beach and passed the Old Mill on the way. Maggie's first year on the Island, pups were allowed on the beaches with their peeps and Maggie loved digging in the sand on Cisco beach
After a couple of hours on the beach, they packed up the chairs and umbrella and headed home to pick up Maggie and Mitch and head to  Something Natural. They made the bestest sandwiches on their own homemade bread.  This photo is one of mom's favorites of Maggie and Mitch.  They're waiting happily and patiently for their potato chip.

There was ice cream - every single night!
And all too soon, it was time to pack up and head for home.

There were lots of smiles and tears as mom worked this puzzle.   The memories are forever♥

I sure hope that one day, I'll get to spend time on Nantucket too.

 Love ya lots♥


Monday, April 26, 2021

Molly Monday

 Landlord Bob's beautiful Quince bushes~

Have a marvelous Monday!

Love ya lots♥


Friday, April 23, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

We are finding lots and lots of spring flowers on our walkies!

We love the cute Grape Hyacinths!
We're not positive but we think this is the Lunaria Money plant flower.
The Bleeding Hearts are coming into bloom~
The Weeping Cherry tree in our back yard is just beautiful!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wordless Wednesday

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Terrific Tuesday


Happy a terrific Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Silent Sunday Selfie


Love ya lots♥


Saturday, April 17, 2021

Five Years

 How can it be five years already, Mitch♥

We sure do miss you - lots and lots and lots♥

 Molly and Mom

Friday, April 16, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

We sure did miss lots of pretty spring flowers on a week of no-walkies and it sure feel good to be back in action!

Miss Dotty has lots of Hyacinths in bloom!
The beautiful Star Magnolia is in full bloom!   These same peeps had a gorgeous hedge of forsythia but we discovered that while we were "gone" they cut them all down.   How sad is that. 
Who knew that Pachysandra could have such a beautiful flower!
The Violets are blooming~
Landlord Bob's Quince is in bloom~
The flowers on his tree are so pretty!

The Magnolia in our backyard is just glorious with flowers!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!   I'm a twinsie!

Love ya lots♥
