Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

An AireRug

We have a new rug at our back door~
 I'll be the first to wipe my paws on it!
Our new AireRug replace a solid sage colored one.  Because this new one is a print, mom catches it out of the corner of her eye and thinks that one of us is asking to go out to do tinkles.   haha
We love our new rug.

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

We are remembering our Maggie and our Mitch today.
 Maggie left us 4 years ago in January♥
 And Mitch left us just 4 months ago in April♥
 We never forget the day that dad brought Mitch home to live with Maggie.  Maggie was almost 8 years old and she figured that she was going to be an "only furchild" forever but it didn't work out the way that she had planned.   Maggie was disgusted and pouty and she ignored mom and dad for an entire month before she changed her attitude.   She truly wanted them to send Mitch back to where he came from.  
 But eventually, they became the best of friends and shared so many fun times together.   

They loved going out for ice cream~
 And they loved having ice cream at home. 
 They loved celebrating birthdays and gotcha days together
They loved heading to Sleeping Giant for fun hikes.
 They loved heading to Glenwood for French Fries.
And they loved going to Wentworth's for ice cream.   Mitch is only 6 months old in this photo.
And they had a ball going to Nantucket.

Mitch loved sneaking upstairs in Cousin Dickie and Jane's house and sleeping on the bed.   This bed was lower to the floor than your standard bed is so Mitch figured it was okay to sleep there.   One summer, Cousin Jane got a new white comforter for this bed and Mitch chewed a hole in it.    The comforter that got chewed is on mom and dad's bed upstairs here.  Mom never repaired it.   It's a constant reminder of the great summers they had on Nantucket.  
 Maggie and Mitch loved going to Something Natural.  Mom and dad would stop at this yummy sandwich shop after going to the beach and have a sandwich and chips on the picnic table in Something Natural's back yard.
This is one of mom's very favorite pictures of Maggie and Mitch.  They  were waiting to be treated with chips!
 We have so many wonderful memories of Maggie and Mitch and not a day goes by that we don't think of them.
It's a small comfort to know that they are together forever at Rainbow Bridge♥
Remember us with happy tears.
And think of all our happy years....
When we were sick, you were at our side
Our tears and fears, you tried to hide.
  We know you did your best for us,
But God above was calling us.
The tears with time will go away,
But the love we shared will always stay.
Look in your heart and we're still there
Now the Lord has set us free,
That is how we want you to remember us.
One day in the future, just over the ridge,

We'll be waiting for you at Rainbow Bridge.

 Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal ....... in memory of our stars*

We love you forever and ever until the end of time, Maggie and Mitch♥

Mom, dad, Molly and Mackie

Friday, August 26, 2016

Flower Friday - Phlox

We're joining Dory today for Flower Friday☺
 The pretty Phlox is blooming in our garden~

Mom's quilt block was featured on the Airedale Quilting Bee's blog yesterday.
That's our sweet angel Mitch with his beloved feathers♥
 There are some beautiful incentive gifts to be won if anyone would like to donate to Airedale Rescue. 

Happy National Dog Day to all of our friends!
Happy Friday, everyone☺

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Thursday, August 25, 2016

My New AireFriend and Classmate

I started basic obedience yesterday and look who I ran into in the parking lot before class!
His name is Wyatt and he's 6 months old so we're almost the exact same age.   I"m on the right and he's on the left.   I'm a little bit bigger than he is.   He's a rescue boy from Airedale Rescue in CT and we're hoping that maybe we can all go to Barktoberfest together in October!   It would be my very first time there!   Molly wasn't too crazy about it the last time she went but Mitch sure did love to go!

I"m off to a great start at obedience class!
I can't wait to see my new AireFriend again next week!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Wonderful Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Dog Year

One of mom and dad's very dear friends send a book in the mail and mom has started to read it.  She's about halfway through it and she says that it's a wonderful story.   The book is called "A Dog Year" and it's by an author named Jon Katz.   She's never read a book by this author before but she noticed on one of the first pages that Mr. Katz has written many books.  

 "In his popular and widely praised Running to the Mountain, Jon Katz wrote of the strength and support he found in the massive forms of his two yellow Labrador retrievers, Julius and Stanley. When the Labs were six and seven, a breeder who’d read his book contacted Katz to say she had a dog that was meant for him—a two-year-old border collie named Devon, well bred but high-strung and homeless. Katz already had a full canine complement, but instinct overruled reason, and soon thereafter he brought Devon home.

A Dog Year: Twelve Months, Four Dogs, and Me is the story of how Devon and Jon—and Julius and Stanley—came to terms with each other. It shows how a man discovered a lot about himself through one dog (and then another) whose temperament seemed as different from his own as day is from night. It is a story of trust and understanding, of life and death, of continuity and change. It is by turns insightful, hilarious, and deeply moving."

Please read us the story, mom!
 We will be waiting for you upstairs all tucked in.

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Silently Stylin'

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Smiling and Napping

We are participating in the Smileys event over at Arty's today!   Make sure you get there nice and early.   It's a full house!

Yesterday we were napping in the cool grass at Hailey's.    We hope you didn't miss it.  It was a great event☺

Thank you to both Arty and Hailey for hosting these fabulous events!  We are just loving our beautiful gold medals!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Friday, August 19, 2016

Flower Friday

We don't have much new stuffs blooming in our yard this week so mom brought the camera along on our walkies.
 Mom had to look this one up because she didn't know what it was.  We now know that it's Lantana☺
 White Cleome with artistic duckies~
 We found this evil-looking thistle~
 We have been having a lot of rain and we found lots of mushrooms along our route. 
 You can't tell from the picture, but this mushroom was HUGE!
 Squirrel alert!
 This mushroom was growing inside a hole in the tree.  
 Our nutty mom thinks that mushrooms are just as pretty as flowers are. 
 I can't wait to get home and have a nice cool drink of water!

 We had fun on our walk but now it's time for our cookie, mom!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie