That is one HUGE pumpkin!

Love, Autumn
This poor sheep is getting groomed! Those sissors must be awfully painful! He looks like he's dying! Poor thing!
Mom said he was going "maaaaa" in this photo and he was under no stress at all! He probably was embarrassed and didn't want his picture taken in that condition! Heck we can understand that! Mom and dad ended their evening with hot apple crisp with ice cream! Mom said she was so stuffed she thought she would burst! We would have helped you out had you brought us along with you, mom!
Make sure you stop back on Wednesday! Autumn will be posting about the giant pumpkins that she didn't get to see in person because she wasn't invited either!
So until next time....................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
For the next 2 days every time I had to go out to pee and poo I had to have this fancy sling underneath me so mom could help me walk! I HATE being picked up!
No walkies for me and each morning mom and dad and Mitch would go off and leave me at home while they walked our 2 mile route without me. Thank goodness I did still get my cookie so that at least made me happy!
On the third morning, I started to feel more like myself and mom put the sling away and Mitch and I could now go out together for pee and poo!
And today is Friday and here I am smiling away and trying to pass dad and Mitch on our walkie!
This is the end of my 2-mile walkie standing in front of my house! Mom saw that I was doing just fine and she let me go the whole way! I am one happy girl!
I'm all better and I've promised mom that I'll be a smarter girl from now on!
So until next time.................
Love ya lots,