Sunday, May 31, 2015

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, May 29, 2015

Flower Friday

We are joining Dory for flower Friday again this week~~

The blue cornflower is in bloom ~
 And the lupines are making a magnificent showing~

This is the gas plant~
The Columbines~~

 And the Iceland Poppy~
The poppies are mom's very favorite of all of the flowers♥

Happy Friday, everybody!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Heading Out

Mom and dad built a temporary yard for the goslings so they could discover grass and have more room to move about but they're not sure they like it.  They want to be close to mom and dad all the time.
But they can't be because this is what mom and dad have been doing.  This summer's project is the front of the house - new sheathing and clapboards and windows.  They discovered rotted sills right off the bat.  It's a dusty, dirty and tedious project but it's necessary if you want your house to remain standing. 
 So you goosies will need to stay safe in your pen and not get underfeets~~

 They're sure a handful!

They're coming back inside, Molly.  Be prepared to jump on mom and hopefully, she'll drop the plastic tote!
 They sure are happy babies~
So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


Look what arrived at our house.  New books for mom to read us!
Please read this to me, mom. Some of the words are too big for me to understand. 

Mom was reading to us last night and up pops Stanley's name!  Does anyone remember our Goob buddy, Stanley?  I met him in the furs, ya know.  He came to visit me and Maggie with Asta and with Sophie, who is now an angel.  What a fun visit that was!
This book just got even better!  We can't wait for her to read to us again tonight!
So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

And Now There are Four

Hopefully, four is the lucky number.  There are two more eggs in the incubator but they're not pipping so maybe they're not fertile?  At this point, we gotta say - enough already!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

We salute our veterans~~
Thank You!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Silent Sunday - Three

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, May 22, 2015

Flower Friday

We're joining Dory once again for Flower Friday!

The Cook's Purple Wisteria is in bloom.  It sure does smell fragrant and there are bees everywhere!

The white bleeding heart blooms later than the pink so now we have both colors in the garden. 
The white lily of the valley is blooming~

 And so is the pink.   Mom says that the white one is more fragrant. 
 Jack in the Pulpit has made an appearance~
 And so have the wild columbines. 
 And last but not least - the Sensation Lilac!   We love the color and she's edged in white ☺
And we can't not post an update on the gosling situation.
We truly believe that this newest gosling is a Barnacle goose!  He's much smaller than Effie.
This picture was taken not long after he came out of egg and the incubator.  Hatching is very hard work for a little goose!
And the next day -- Best friends already☺

So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, May 21, 2015


You are probably wondering who or what an Effie is.
This is the incubator on top of our dryer in the laundry room once again.  Before dad left to go to Bar Harbor, he "stole" eggs out of the nesting boxes and put them inside the incubator.

 Do you see the puncture in the egg with an F right up front?
 The F on the eggs means "fertile". Dad candled them before he left and we did have some duds in the bunch that were tossed.  Dad wasn't sure about one of the eggs so that's why one egg has a Q.  
 Meet Effie!   She is a gosling and heaven only knows who her mom and dad are.    No worries, Effie. I'm Uncle Mitch and we have that straight,okay! 
 There are other eggs in the incubator and so far, none have pipped and we don't hear chirpies coming from inside and we don't see the eggs rolling around so we wait..............

 We hope you have a goosey sibling to keep you company, Effie!

Effie is 1.5 days old~
 And we have pippage!  This egg is the smallest of the bunch so is this a Barnacle goose egg? The Barnacle geese were in the nesting box before Huey and one of the Grey Lag geese tossed them out and we think they might have laid an egg and the Grey Lag was sitting on it inside the nesting box.   
That's the egg tooth that you see in the picture.  He's hatching his way out. 
 This gosling is very quiet.  He's not chirping much at all.  Effie is cheering him on to hurry it up!
We're joining red nose day~
No child should have to live life in poverty.
So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Friend Fern

Our friend, Fern, has moved onto her next journey and we are so sad. Fern was one of our best friends and she was one of the nicest hoomans we have ever met.  She was so loving and caring to her pets and to the raccoons that came to visit her every single day.  She and her husband had the most loving relationship  and Tom took such good care of Fern throughout their entire marriage and all the way up to the very end. 
 He is as wonderful a person as Fern was and  we came to love them both. 
 Mom will never be able to look at another camellia for as long as she lives without thinking of Fern.  She had a green thumb for all plants.

We picture Fern reunited with Bambi and Zoie and Joker and all of her other pups and we see her happily giving them lots of hugs and kisses.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Tom and to their three kitties - Circle, Allie and Max.  
We miss you, Fern, and we will always love you♥

Sue, Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The Bar Harbor Raising - TimeLapse

We thought you might enjoy seeing this.  It's the barn raising in Bar Harbor and no one is slacking ☺

We had to share these two pictures.

This is dad presenting Sam his very first chisel.  It's in a handmade case with his name on it.    Sam is so excited about being an official Northford Timber Framer!  Dad said that when Sam's name was called to come up, he literally flew up there!  He was given the week off from school with his teacher's blessing.  He was to report back and tell the class all about his barn raising experience and what an experience he had ☺
 This picture is of Sam and his dad putting Sam's chisel to good use.  
So until next time...............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly