Dad decided yesterday morning that he would like to have his birthday lunch in Rhode Island at Captain Jack's so that's what we did! But before we headed down to the shore, we stopped at
Ocean State Harley Davidson to see dad's friend, Dana! And while I was inside I was attacked by a lion! I'm okay - no cuts or bruises anywhere!

What a place this is! I'm still trying to decide which bike I want to take home with me! There are just too many choices! I don't see one in a pretty pink yet but I'll keep looking!

Nope, no pink motorcycle over here either but I see that I can do LOTS of shopping! What cool clothes!

Dad and Mitch have made their selections already! Gosh, dad - do you need any help carrying all of those boxes?! Are you buying out the store?! What did you get, Mitch? You're stickin' pretty close to dad!

After we left the HD store we headed down to Point Judith to Captain Jack's!

Holy Moley, Mitch! Here he comes and it looks as if he's got enough food for a week! We're sure gonna pawty today!

This was our view while we ate dad's birthday lunch! We had a blustery autumn day and the temps didn't quite reach 50 degrees. What a gorgeous day!

Mom was one happy camper! She got to have her favorite meal - clam cakes! yummmmmmm
What a fun birthday lunch this was dad, but remember, we still need to treat you to ice cream! It's our birthday treat to you!
So until next time...............
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch