Saturday, December 30, 2006
The Evil Hoover
Friday, December 29, 2006
Playing with Mom
Thursday, December 28, 2006
My Collar Collection

And last, but not least, this is my Master's Pride collar. It's the most expensive one to date that mom has bought and it is a beauty. It has a gold plate on it with my name instead of a hanging info tag. Mom also still has my puppy collars - two of them. The doggie at the very end of my nose is wearing a red navajo collar. This is my very first puppy collar and Happy, the Steiff doggy wears it proudly. I think it's pretty special that mom kept it all this time. Do you still have your first puppy collar? My purple collar is worn by Kipper. This collar came next when I out- grew the red navajo. I also have gentle leaders and harnesses and a prong collar and both leather choker collars and the chain-type chokers. I have quite the assortment and believe it or not mom STILL shops for collars! Word has it that my next one will be tooled leather! Oh goody - I can't wait!
So now that I've modeled ALL of these collars, what about a cookie or two mom, huh?! I deserve one, don't ya think?!
Monday, December 25, 2006
My Eighth Christmas

I have a good time helping everyone open their gifts too. I secretly hope they're all for me - hehehe. Dad helped me open the next one. It's this really cool melon ball with paw prints all over it. It's just the right size to fit in my mouth and play keep away from everybody! Actually I'm pretty stingy with all my new toys. Mom keeps telling me to share but nope, they're MINE, all MINE!!!
I kept hoping that I'd get another purple baby gorilla (he was one of the gifts on my list) but my sister said she couldn't find one exactly like baby but she did give me this purple elephant that's even BIGGER than baby is! Thanks Sis! I really, really like him! He has these very neat white tusks that look quite edible! I may have to see if they come off next time mom isn't looking!
I had a very special Christmas Eve with my sister, Jim and mom and dad. Mom says it's time to hit the hay so that Santa can come - time for all little furgirls to be in bed. I'm still prayin' for a green ring toy like the one Miss Sunshade has. I sure hope Santa thought I was good enough to get one! Good night!
The next morning mom and I are up at 5am! We're always up at 5am! Dad got up at 6, we ate breakfast and went for our 2 mile walk. When we got back mom said we could look under the tree and see what Santa brought. Hey, guess what! I got another stuffy! This one is a bear baby and squeaks. He's really cute. Mom says she wants to keep this one for herself. Yea, right! No way mom! He belongs to me!
The next pressie was sorta hidden deep underneath the tree. Dad helped me drag it out and I couldn't wait to rip into it. OMG I got the #1 gift on my list! I'm so excited. Me and Sunshade are now twins! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you so much Santa. I tried so hard to be a good girl so you'd come and you didn't let me down. Thank you!

Love you lots,
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Mom's Cookie Tester
I always sit right beside mom when she cooking and baking. You just never know when she'll need me to clean up some mess on the floor as she moves from the stove to the frig to the sink. Gotta stay close by so that she has to step over me! hehehehe
The first batch of cookies mom calls Spritz. They have lots of butter and sugar and yummy stuff in them. Mom's mixing away and the batter is flying out of the mixer bowl and I'm hard at work cleaning up mom's mess. I always get to lick the beaters when the batter has been mixed.

Turn it once more mom. There's a nice big glob on the other side. I'm gettin' it all now! When I'm all done you won't need to wash them!
Time for the cookies to go into the oven. Now it's my job to watch that they don't burn. Can you see the red and green sugars on them? They look so yummy!
Hey mom - the timer just went "ding"! Time to take them out so I can start to drool!
ummmmmmmmm boy! They look pretty tasty! (Mom is butting in - sorry the color is so bad on the hand and the cookie. I was concentrating on Maggie) How soon can I give one the taste test? About 10 minutes has gone by and mom says I can have one! yeaaaaaaaaaa but then she tells me I need to say pretty please with sugar on it! WHAT???!!! Well, okay - anything for a cookie!

I've had quite a day today! Christmas is almost here! I can't wait! Until next time..........
Love you lots,
Thursday, December 21, 2006
The Marshmallow Toss
My Own Special Clock
She finally gave up last night and went to bed very frustrated and terribly disappointed. She apologized to me for letting me down cause she knew how much it meant to me. This morning she was right back at it. It finally dawned on her to re-size the photo and BINGO - it worked! YIPPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Check it out on the right hand side beneath my profile. I'm so happy. Thank you so much Scrappy and thank you so much mom. See how happy I am!

Monday, December 18, 2006
A Trip to the Bank

Can you see me? I'm in the front seat waiting for mom to stop taking pictures so we can get the show on the road! Hurry up wouldya ma!! Mom had to take just one last shot she said before she got behind the wheel. Oh alright!

I can see the bank ahead of us. yessssssssssssssss! Shoot - another car is in front of us. Now I have to be patient - not one of my strong points! Here we go - it's our turn. Now I go to work. I need to stare this lady down so she notices me and takes pity on me. I'm a skinny girl, ya know and mom hasn't fed me in WEEKS!

Just call me cookie monster Maggie!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Kitty Christmas Card

So for the last time she tells me, hey Maggie, look at this pretty kitty card! Nope, I'm not falling for that line ANYMORE!!!
Mom just told me to stop acting like a snippy and to thank Frank and Cathy properly for their adorable kitty card, so Frank and Cathy - thank you very much for the kitty card. Next year please send a doggie card, okay? Is that okay mom? Am I off the hook now? hehehehe
Mom took her Santa dolly out of the closet so that he could sit in the rocking chair and look pretty and festive for Christmas.
My grandma made this Santa dolly a long, long time ago and she gave it to mom so he's pretty special at our house. We have to take very good care of him! I immediate ran over to whisper in his ear that I was a good girl and to please bring me a new stuffy for Christmas. I sure hope he listens. Christmas is getting so close - only1 week away!!! Yippeeeeeeeee!
Till next time..................
Project of the Day

And now for the taste test! So what's underneath. ohh - double layers! Yes, I'm liking this even more now. It looks like it could be nice and soft for my 8.5 year old bones!
Now it's time for the plop test. It feels pretty good. It contours to my butt nicely. I think you did a good job mom. I think we'll keep it! My pillow is in place. We're groovin'!
Friday, December 15, 2006
I've Been Christmas Tagged!!!!
The Rules: The player of this game starts with "3 things he/ she would love to get for Christmas" and also has to list "3 things he/ she definitely does not want to get for Christmas". Then he/she tags 5 friends and list their names. The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And the one who tags need to leave a comment that says "you've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Things I would love for Christmas:
1. To own my own pizza restaurant so I can have pizza every day of my life.
2. My own ice cream shoppe so I can have ice cream every day of my life.
3. A new purple gorilla baby with no big bandaid on him.
Things I would hate to get for X-mas:
1. Lemons - I HATE lemons!
2. Getting my toenails cut.
3. A bath.
My 5 victims are:
1. Butchy & Snickers
2. Jessie & Jake
3. Dory
4. JosephineRose
5. Mary-Margaret
Hey, that was fun. Thanks Miss Sunshade!!!
Yer fren,
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Two More Christmas Cards

The Christmas card is by another artist named Anne Curran of RagtailAiredales. She does AWESOME work. All of my buddies that are Wires, Buster and Butchy and Snickers and Mackie you need to check out her website. You may see something you need ;-)
This spring, for 2 whole months, these furbutts, along with their mom and dad toured our country in their RV stopping along the way and taking in some fabulous sites in America and hooking up with old friends and new friends. I can tell you that I wish that I could have been along for that ride! Thank you so much Jesse, Scuffer, Carol and David. What a cute card and one that I'll save forever!
The second card that I got today was from my Olde English Bulldog buddy Daisy Mae. Daisy has a fancy stamp on her envelope too! These stamps are just too cool guys! Love the red envelope! Very festive!
And I see Daisy Mae has her own Christmas tree and it's a real one to pee on! LOL Way to go Daisy!! Thank you so much Thom, Rebecca and Daisy!
Mom put a couple of new packages under the Christmas tree yesterday. The one in the front has my name on it! I wonder what's in there?? Don't tell mom but I give it the sniff test at least 5 times a day!

Only 11 more days till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Paintings of a Special Girl

Another one of mom's very favorite paintings by ABB is this one:
And this is the photo that mom sent. I actually had on an Easter bandana and Barbara changed it a wee bit in the painting. Unfortuately mom lost out on this one and we have the print AND a sweatshirt! Guess you can tell mom REALLY loves this one!
This painting is a just a little one and it's one of mom's favorites. Sounds like mom has lots of favorites, huh?! She does. We just love Barbara's work!

And not to bore you, but here's one more. This is the photo - pretty ordinary, huh:
And here is the painting. It shows TONS more imagination than the above photo, don't you think?! I just love the background and yes, we did happen to win this one. Mom has it hanging right beside her side of the bed.

She's just FABULOUS in our opinion and we just luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv seeing her new work - always!
Okay, just one more - I can't resist! You know my affection for carrots, right? Well here I am sound asleep looking like an Angel, right (ahem, yea right!) Notice the quilt I'm sleeping on. Isn't this the greatest!

What did I tell ya! How angelic, right! I'm sleeping. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOL!
These are just a few of Barbara's wonderful art work at our house. I hope you enjoyed seeing them as much as I enjoyed showing them off.
Love ya lots,