Friday, January 31, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

I can actually call my post today Flower Friday!
Mom got an envelope full of beautiful flower specials in the mail this week from Spring Hill Nursery.   I'm not sure if she'll buy anything but she's sure having fun looking and planning~
 She found these cheerful Primroses at the grocery store this week and couldn't resist.  They are feeling right at home in our kitchen.
 Mom saw this on fb and she thought that it was so funny☺

Happy last day of January, everybuddy!


We are having issues in regards to our Trend Micro security system telling us that some of your blogs are "not safe" to visit and we're not allowed to go any further.    Is this happening to anyone else?    It happened yesterday and it's happening again today.    If you have not gotten a comment from us,  please excuse us as this is the reason why.
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tuesday Treats

I always love it when mom brings my treat machine out of hiding!
You NEED to fill the plastic dome with treats all the way to the top, mom!
 Ten treats in there is hardly enough, ya know~
 Thanks, mom.   A few are better than none and it was fun☺

Do you want to see me in action?
This link will take you to YouTube~

Treat Machine Fun

Friday, January 24, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Arty today for Nature Friday.

Yes, snow really does smell, mom - and really good too!
 Landlord Bob's ducks are enjoying the sunny day~
 No, I do not want my picture taken and BTW, it looks like a twig is sticking out the top of my face!
 There - that's better but can we please move along.
 The kids that live at this house play outside all the time.   What do all of these snowballs mean?  The start of many snowmen?  A snow fort to protect them from incoming snowballs?  What do you think?
 Our Holly still has berries on it.

Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

One of mom's friends on facebook was making homemade lemon curd with her own homegrown lemons and peeps were making comments that were making mom drool.  She has never had lemon curd before until now~
 I get to try it too - on one of my cookies.
That lady peep that said that she could eat the entire jar in one sitting is sure right!   Of course, mom would never do that but she says it's SuperYummy stuffs!

We are just loving our new blog look!  Thank you so very much, Miss Ann.  You are such a creative and gifted artist!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, January 19, 2020

My Snowy Sunday Morning

I got SNOW!!!
 How happy am I?!

 There is tennis ball green fuzz on my teefs, mom?  How did that happen!
 Mom was tossing treats to me as well as my ball!
 Just taking a breather, mom. 
 Nope, I'm not tired~
 Terriers never get tired!
The weather peeps are telling us that this snow is going to freeze solid overnight so if you want to come and play in the snow with me - today is the day!
 Come on over!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, January 17, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday.

We are still looking for anything interesting and colorful on our walks~
 We discovered a downed branch with color~
 Moss on a rock.
 A chestnut that's still hanging around~
 It's going to be a beautiful day but cold and blustery~
 Moss along the curb~
 A bike ride in January~
 Mom and I are walking slightly later these days.  When we went for our walk on Tuesday morning, we saw a deer cross the street in the distance in front of us.  This happened in a wooded area - actually our favorite place to walk because it's so peaceful and quiet.  It was foggy that morning.   Not long after the deer crossed, a dark colored canine looking creature came out of the woods obviously following the deer.   Thank goodness we were still a distance away.    He saw us and ran back into the woods but  it really whigged mom out and she spun on her heels and said to me, "That's our walk for today, Molly!"   She told me that we had to start waiting a wee bit longer before heading out.
Don't worry, mom.   I got your back~
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

National Hat Day

Today is National Hat Day!
Is anybody else in?!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

Mom made beef stew and I got to help!   She was stingy with the mushrooms and the onions but I did get a carrot.
 And I did get celery.   I like veges!
 I need to make sure that I get a piece of the beef after the soup cools!
Happy Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Silent Snoopy Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, January 10, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Nature Friday.

We woke up to a dusting of snow on  Wednesday morning~

 Why is it that everything look so much prettier with snow on it~

A colorful whirligig!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥