Sunday, November 30, 2014

Silent Sunday - Stuck

Love ya lots♥

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Airedale Christmas Tree

Our very favorite tree with everything Airedale ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

We are very thankful for our family and all of our wonderful friends

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our friends who celebrate today and for those of you who have already celebrated your Thanksgiving,  have a wonderful Thursday!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Pumpkin Pie

We're helping mom in the kitchen today!
The making of the pumpkin pie~~
 It's ready for the oven, Molly~
 While the pie is baking, we're helping mom make Nanny's stuffed celery.  We made it for the Halloween pawty and we're making it again because it's a big favorite here.
Make sure we get every drop of cream cheese okay, Molly~
 This is Nanny's recipe written in her own handwriting from so long ago.  We never got to meet Nanny.  She passed away before angel Maggie so Maggie and Nanny never got to meet each other either. 
 And that's not all.  We helped with the cardamom bread baking too!
 Our masterpiece is out of the oven!  And seeing as it has us on it, that means that it's ALL for us, right mom?!
Can we be your helpers again tomorrow, mom?  We're very good at turkey preparation!

So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Happy Birthday, Angel Sunshade

Angel Sunshade would have been 15 years old today.   How we miss her ♥
 November 28th is the 8th anniversary of our blog and if it wasn't for Miss Elaine and Sunshade, Maggie would have never had a blog and we would never have met all of our wonderful friends in Blogville.

We hope that angel Maggie and angel Sunshade are having a SuperPawty at Rainbow Bridge and enjoying lots of cake and ice cream!  We sure do miss both of you girls♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, November 24, 2014

Today is My Birthday

It's my birthday today!  I'm 8 years old!
 Is it pawty time yet, mom?   Yes, mom, we'll put on our birthday hats~~
 My birthday cake this year is an apple ice cream sandwich.  Apple on the bottom. Frosty Paws in the center - mom sliced it in half  (imagine she cheated me on my birthday) an apple for the top - peanut butter frosting and a dab of red frosting.  It goes with my red theme.  Whatever, mom.  Let's just get to the pawty eats!  The birthday boy gets the one that's bigger!
 Time to dig in!
 Oops - a birthday hat malfunction!
 No, you can't have the rest of my birthday cake, Molly.  The apple is the best part - you know how I LOVE my apples!
 Thank you for the bestest birthday pawty ever, mom!
 We can't help but think that angel Maggie was 8 years old when I came to live here as a 4 month old puppy and now I am 8!
I love my family and I love birthday pawties!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Turn

As you all know, Molly got her bath a couple of weeks ago.  Today was my turn. 
What do I get for this total humiliation, mom?
 A bully stick will do just fine!
 Yes, I know I'm your big handsome boy. 
Stop burying your nose in my furs and telling me that I smell so clean and pretty.   Are the extra hugs and kisses ever going to stop?!
I'm squeaky clean for my big special day tomorrow!

So until next time............

Love ya lots♥

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fiery Friday

My head is on fire!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Almost Silent

We wanted to let you know that our goodest and bestest friend, Putter, is home!  Thank you so much for crossing your paws and sending her lots of healing vibes.  Once again, POTP works miracles!
Putter still has to heal and get stronger but she's home and that's the bestest thing for her!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, November 14, 2014

Christmas in the Hallway

Yup, we have decorated for Christmas in our hallway already!   We have always been early birdies because we love Christmas~
 We have Airedale stuffies running up our staircase!

 Wait till you see the lights. They are wonderful for lighting our way for us!
 This is the very small tree in the hallway.    The framed photo is mom and dad and angel Maggie on Nantucket on the 4th of July.   It's before dad had his heart transplant and Maggie was only 5 years old. 
 Ahhhhhhhhh - the lights! 
 We just love the lights!

We have a favor to ask.  Our goodest and bestest friend, Putter, needs POTP.  She is currently in the doggie hospital with elevated white blood cells and the doctors don't have a diagnosis yet.  This illness came out of the blue for poor Putter and  we are very worried for her.  
Hang is there, Putter. We love you

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The YogaDale

We got a box in the mail not long ago from across the pond.  It was from Miss Fi Farmer of Fleur's Felties. 
It's a YogaDale!
 Do you think that you can get yourself into that position, Molly?
 You have to try harder than that!
 Thank you, Miss Fi!    Our new YogaDale is so much fun! 
We need to name her.  Any ideas?
So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Just My Two Cents

I got a bath and for the first time ever mom put this FurDry on me.

I hated it!  It stopped me from rubbing my wet self all over the rugs and the sofa and sprinting through the house and shaking water all over the place.  
And of course mom loved it because she says that bath time is enough work just cleaning up the mess that I make in the entire bathroom and who needs any more extra work.
I have to admit that it did dry my furs more quickly but is it really worth it?

You might not want to show this posting to your peeps just in case they get any funny ideas and might want to take away your fun too.

Just my two cents~~

Love ya lots♥

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy 10th

Today is a very special day.  Our dad is celebrating 10 years with his transplanted heart!  If it wasn't for the generosity of the family of his donor, our dad might not be alive today.
We want you to know, Boston Girl, that our dad is taking very good care of his gift.  You would be so very proud of him

We took dad to Glenwood for dindin and then we headed to Wentworth's afterwards for ice cream.  

 Happy 10th Transplant Anniversary, dad!

Love ya lots and lots
Mitch and Molly 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Francesca the Wheelie