Friday, November 30, 2012

Mini-Mitten Winners

We have winners!!
These were the numbers that we chose to go with each of the 4 mini-mittens.

The #6 mitten goes to Helen!

The #14 mitten goes to Dave and Zim!

The #28 mitten goes to KB. We are superpsyched because Shyla just celebrated her very first birthday and pink is the perfect color for her!

And the #37 mitten goes to Princess Patches!

We have decided that there will be one more mitten mailed out and it will go to Daisy, Bella and Roxy.  Wednesday was 10 months since our sweet Maggie crossed the bridge and they wrote the nicest comment that had our mom smiling through tears.  Thank you so much, girls.  You are winners too!

Congratulations to all of you who commented.  We'll keep mom knitting mini-mittens and maybe next year we can give away twice as many!

Will the winners please send us your mailing addresses - maggiesue710 (at) yahoo (dot) com and we'll get these mittens mailed out to you so you can hang them on your Christmas trees!

We got a Christmas card in the mail from sweet William!
Thank you so much!  His calendar card is not only cute but it's so practical!  You're so thoughtful, sweet William!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wheelie Wednesday - Mini-Mitten Give-Away

Hi everyone. It's me, Autumn!
It's that time of the year again.  Mom has been knitting mini-mittens and we're having a give-away. We'll be giving away 4 mini-mittens to 4 of you. 
 I've chosen 4 numbers  from 1 to 40 and written them down on my calendar page and the numbers will correspond with the number on your comment.
Please comment only once so it will be fair to everyone.

Everyone is invited to comment - it doesn't matter if you live in the USA or not. 
We'll be back in a few days to announce the winners.
Good luck to everyone!

Today is our Blogaversary. We've been blogging for 7 years!  If it wasn't for our angel sissy, Maggie and Miss Sunshade, we would have never met all of you and that would be such a shame because Blogville is the best of the best and we LOVE each and every one of you!
Speaking of Miss Sunshade.  Her 13th birthday was this past Sunday and her brother, Jaffa turned 6 years old just days before Mitch did!  Happy Birthday, Sunshade and Jaffa!  We love you guys!
See you in a couple of days with results!

Love ya lots,
Miss Autumn, Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

We Won Again

About a month ago, Molly and Taffy and Monty and Winnie celebrated 500 blog posts. They also had a fun competition that we entered and won!
A box arrived a couple of weeks later~
 Mom always makes us read the card first.  Isn't it just the cutest card!
 Do you like my new snakie stole?!
Molly sure does love the sausages on a rope! That girl LOVES rope toys and so do I!
 They sent mom a beautiful Airedale hand towel that mom says she will never let anyone wipe their hands or paws on. It's way too pretty!
 Molly can't decide which toy to play with first!
Thank you so very much, guys!  We love our loot!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, November 26, 2012

Saturday, November 24, 2012

I'm 6 Years Old

Today is my 6th birthday! 
Mom wants to know where all of the years went. She says that it seems like only yesterday that I was 6 months old!

I decided to go with apple chunks for my birthday "cake" and mom plopped on a dollop of yogurt and some treats.  
 Molly and I wore our ice cream bandanas that Jazzi made us and we put on our pawty hats!
 Oops! What happened to your pawty hat, Molly? haha  You didn't keep it on for very long!
 Molly was kind of a piggie with her cake.  She dove into it and it flipped out of the goblet and all over the floor.    You need to learn some manners, Molly. You're a girl, ya know!
I had barely started my pawty while all of this was happening and I wanted to take my time celebrating.     Birthdays only come once a year!
 I don't need your help but thank you very much for your kind offer, Molly!  I want to enjoy this all by myself!
Saturday is pizza day at our house. Guess what I'll be having for dindin! yippeeeeeeee
 I sure do love birthdays!
Love ya lots,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate!
We hope you all get to taste the pumpkin pie!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Monday, November 19, 2012

Christmas Is Coming

It's that time of the year again.  These are ornies for our tree, Molly.  Christmas is such an exciting time of the year.  This will be your very first Christmas and you are going to love it!
We got our first Christmas card on Saturday!  It's from our friends, Terry and Paul. We're beginning to get excited!

 In another month, pressies will go underneath the tree, Molly, and then we can start counting the days until we open them!
You are going to LOVE Christmas - you just wait and see!

Does anybody else have their Christmas tree up yet?

So until next time.............

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Saturday, November 17, 2012

We Are Winners

By now we're sure everyone knows that we were fish bowl draw winners for sweet William's Name That Song contest.  We are so very psyched!

The parcel arrived in the mail yesterday.
 This was on the top once mom cut the tape and opened up the box flaps.    Yes, William, she did make herself a cup of tea and it was delicious  :-)
 Peanut Butter treats!
 They are so yummy!
 Sorry about swallowing your fingers, mom.  OOPS!
 Godiva chocolates?
Mom uttered the words "In your dreams, guys!"
I think this means she's not sharing any with us!
 A rope ball!  Both of us LOVE rope toys and Molly loves to play ball more than anything!
 You sure do know what pups like, William. Thank you so much!
 Mom says that this is one of the most gorgeous totes she's ever seen!  It was handmade by sweet William's mom and it's to-die-for beautiful!  The little red rosebuds on the lady's skirt are so pretty!   Mom says she will only carry this on very special occasions!
 And sweet William also sent us wind chimes!  How did he know that our mom adores wind chimes and says that no yard can ever have too much music!  These wind chimes have batteries in them and a red spotlight is shining down on the beautiful cardinal.  They're staying inside our house for the winter so we can enjoy them and mom can swing them every time she comes down the stairs.  They are fabulous!
Thank you so very much for our box full of wonderful goodies, William!  We feel like the luckiest winners ever!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Dollhouse

We have posted about the dollhouse before but we realize that many of our new friends have never seen it and it is truly a work of art - especially when it's clean!  Mom has been cleaning it and dusting it and it REALLY needed it badly!
What were we doing while the cleaning process was going on?
Supervising, of course!
 The dollhouse was made by our gram and gramp many years ago.  It used to live at gram's house but when they made their final move from their home to senior living our mom inherited it. 
The dollhouse is a little over 5 feet long so it takes up a nice chunk of wall in our family room.

Starting with the upstairs, this is one of the bedrooms.
 The nursery~
 The chapel~
 Another bedroom.  Notice the furkid on the bed!
 The sewing room~
 And on first floor - the game room~
 The music room~
 The downstairs hallway - nope, no staircase in this house. 
 The dining room~
 And mom's favorite room - the kitchen!
After mom got it all cleaned up, she covered it so it would stay clean but she's not sure that she likes the way it looks.  It seems more impersonal - you can't "really" look inside and you can't touch anything.
But for now it will stay this way.
We hope you've enjoyed seeing our gram and gramp's beautiful project.  Our mom sure does love living with it!

So until next time.......

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots,

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trimming Hedges in the Snow

Guess what we were supervising today?  The trimming of our hedges in the snow!  That's definitely a first! Mom and dad had to shovel snow out of the way so that the staging could be moved in next to the hedges. It makes the job easier for dad, who handles the hedge trimmer and the pole saw.  Mom does the raking of the leaves and hemlock clippings.
We still have enough snow to have a little bit of fun!

 Mom took a break and tossed Molly a snowball! Good catch, Molly!
 And I got one tossed my way too!
 Tomorrow is supposed to be even warmer than today so I don't think our snow will be around a whole lot longer.  Bummer!
So until next time.............

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly