This shop is called Cold Noses and this guy was in the window wearing his doggles! He's life size!
We have many more adventures to share with all of you!
So until then...................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
This shop is called Cold Noses and this guy was in the window wearing his doggles! He's life size!
We have many more adventures to share with all of you!
So until then...................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We missed you all so much and we're honestly scared to death to check out Bloglines to see how far behind we are! Be patient with us, please! We can't WAIT to see what everyone has been up to!
Maggie and Mitch
The beach umbrella is in A-ok shape, mom! It's ready for loading!
Before we go I have to tell you about the new koiMaggie! Can you see that she's a Red Hatter just like I am! The first koiMaggie got eaten by a nasty Kingfisher birdie so I'm hoping that this won't happen again! I hope her pretty red hat protects her forever! Thank you, Butchy and Snickers!
Mitch and I rarely sleep together in the house! It's usually in the back seat of dad's truck and it's because stingy Mitch won't move over and share some room with me! I get tired too and I like nappies just as much as he does but he could care less so I plop on top of him!
We also have to tell you that dad is taking his laptop to Nantucket and our sissy has downloaded a dialer on there so that hopefully we'll have dial-up on the Island. We can't promise anything until we give it a go but we're hoping that it works so that we can keep in touch! We have no clue how blogging works with dial-up so this will be something new for us!
We're hoping to read some of your blogs while we're on vacation and we'll post if we can! We'll miss you all LOTS!
See you all in September!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I know probably not many of you are too thrilled about this but we've never seen them before in person and we're tickled pink that they live on our property! How cool is this?!
And so are the Morning Glories!
Dad's Indian motorcycle! Do you think he'd notice if I took it for a spin?! I made sure I put my pumpkin wheels aside so I wouldn't scratch anything, doG forbid!
This will be my last posting for a couple of weeks as the family will be away! I'll be knitting my sweater and weeding to stay busy and maybe I'll think about inviting Guinness or Hector to join me for a motorcycle ride! We'll see!
See you all in a couple of weeks!
Love, Autumn
You all know that our dad is a heart transplant recipient so this is award is very special to us! Thank you so very much, Noah! We are so very happy that you've received the gift of life! We wish only the best for you!
We got our wish! Can you see the buckle in Mitch's mouth?
Here's the recipe if anyone would like it~
Blueberry Buckle
Cream by hand 1/4 cup shortening, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1 1/2 cups flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Mix in 1 1/2 cups of fresh blueberries!
Spread into a greased 13" X 9" pan and sprinkle with crumb mixture.
Crumb mixture: 1/2 cup sugar, 1/3 cup flour, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1/4 cup shortening.
Bake 350 degrees for about 30 minutes our until the edges turn brown. Cool and eat! yum
So until next time.............
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I won't go upstairs to the second floor of our house unless I'm invited to go up and upstairs is where I sleep every single night! Mitch needs no invitation to go up!
I don't like riding in the front seat of our car or pick-up truck! I shiver and shake until I move to the back seat! Maggie LOVES the front seat best!
We're going to tag Brody, Benson, Baxter and Bailey, and Gussie and Teka! Tell us your quirks!
So until next time................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
This is all of our love stretching across the ocean for you!
We love you, Jackson!
Happy birthday!
Maggie and Mitch
Guess what? We were one of the top 3 contestants and here's what Winston had to say about our picture -
"We love how Mitch is able to take direction, but you can also tell that his own creative wheels are spinning as mom teaches him how to felt-knit. We are also pretty excited to get ONE photo with a human-dog crafting team pictured."
If anyone wants to play along, let Winston know and I'm sure he'll be thrilled! The more the merrier, right?!
So naturally I was just a wee bit jealous that Mitch was learning how to knit and I hadn't been taught yet so I asked Mitch to teach me how to knit!
See you all next Wednesday!