Guess what? I got a birthday pressie today from my favorite Wire Foxy girl in New York - Miss
Asta!She sent me a beautiful blue Wubba! I love Wubba! See her card at my feet? It says, "Deerest Mitch, Have a veri happi birfdai!! Love and smoochie kiszes, Asta!
I feel so special that you sent me a gift, Asta! Thank you so much!

And look what else she sent! BTW there are two of them so I will be sharing one with Maggie and she's most happy about that!
She sent a twistie chew that "should" keep us busy and occupied for awhile! Mom is hoping that it does just that!
Thank you so much, Asta! They smell wonderful.
Once the picture was taken our evil mom snatched them away and told us that they were for tomorrow! Maggie and I are holding her to this!

Check out the front of my birthday card. There's that famous picture of me and Asta hugging at my house but Asta took it a step further with photoshop and made it a birthday/picnic theme! You're so smart, Asta! I think that's why I love you so much - that and the fact that you're just so darn cute! Thank you so much for my pressies! You helped to make my first birthday even better!

I also need to share with all of you the online cards that I got. I got one from my sweetie in England, Mojo~ Is she the cutest, or what?!

And this one is from
Lacylulu~ another one of my sweeties!

And this one is from
She found the time in her busy pilot-ess schedule to make me a card! Thank you!
And this one is from my buddy,
Love the hat, Jackson! You're one stylin' dude!
And I even made a special guest appearance on Blue's blog! Thank you so much, Blue! I sure am one lucky boy!
Maggie also told me to mention that we got our first DWB Christmas card in the mail! It's from Comet and Blu! What a beautiful creative card! Thank you!
We're super psyched about the card exchange! We only have a few more cards to address and ours will be on their way to all of you!
So until next time..............
Yer friend,
Mitchy Boy