Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Mom placed an order with Chewy last week and we needed to add something fun to get free shipping so she got me this Trixie interactive toy.
 Mom hid treats under the mini-kong-looking towers and underneath the slider thingies and underneath the flippie lids.  
 And I found them all!     I love playing with toys that give me free treats!
I think you need to refill my Trixie, mom!
 No more smiles until you do!
Mackie wanted to give my new interactive toy a whirl!    He found all of the treats in record time too!
 I'm not sure that I wanted your help, Mackie!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Monday, August 28, 2017

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

We are remembering Maggie and Mitch on this special day today.    Maggie has been gone over 5 years and Mitch - just over a year.

One of our very favorite videos of them is titled Passing the Time.   Maggie was always jealous of any attention that Mitch got, which led to lots of barking.   You will notice near the end of the video, Maggie appears to sniff Mitch's ears for cleanliness and then snort.   She did that every single day☺   Mitch loved grabbing Maggie's collar and pulling on it.  

That beautiful long MaggieBeard and that playful and happy MitchyBoy - right up to almost the end of his life.
How we miss them both♥

Hey, Maggie.   Mom is letting me, Molly, wear your beautiful rope collar that she bought you when you were on Nantucket.

And did you know that today is National Bowtie Day. Well, it is!
I, Mackie, am sporting an apple red bowtie just for you today, Mitch!
Not a day goes by that we don't think of you both~~

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Going Live

 First of all - the bestest news.  Dad is HOME☺

By now, we're sure that all of you are sick of seeing us play outside in my yard.   We have to say that we never get tired of it.   We LIVE for it!

 Mom parked the garbage can in this spot before she moved it to the outside of the fence for trash pick-up.    The grass sure smells great in this spot!

 Are you ready to see us in action?

Today is National Dog Day!     You have ice cream inside for us, right, mom☺
 Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Friday, August 25, 2017

Flower Friday

We are joining mini Dory today for Flower Friday~~

We have flowers blooming in our tiny postage stamp garden!   The Gerbera Daisy is blooming again~

 And the beautiful California Poppies are finally taking off!
 A miracle has occurred!   The woodchucks have allowed a couple of the Nasturtiums to bloom!

Time to hit the neighborhoods and find pretty flowers, Mackie!
 We found a beautiful Rose of Sharon~
That's the mansion that was for sale in the background. It's sold now.   The skunk that chased me and mom that one morning lives there.   We were pretty much at this same exact spot when he came skunkhopping across the lawn.   I'm very glad that we don't live there! 
Have a fantastic Friday!
And thank you so much, once again, for all of your love and support for dad♥  He's hanging in there and gets better each day.   

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Mom hates knitting socks!  She sees so many beautiful pairs of socks that others knit and they're so pretty and those peeps all seem to love knitting them.    So mom decided to try it once again.  This time she decided on a pattern that uses size 6 needles so she wouldn't get frustrated with those teensyweensy things.
 She finished one sock and the second one is coming along.   I think she's going to finish a pair☺
 Dad is doing well.   He had an issue with swallowing due to being intubated but the ENT team came to his rescue and his swallowing has gotten a whole lot better! 
He continues to get better and stronger each day!   GO DAD!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


First the bath on Monday and then AireGroomies happened yesterday.    I should have known!

 Enough posing for the camera.  Let's play!
 Catch me if you can, Molly☺
Love ya lots♥
Mackie and Molly

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Thank You

Thank you so much for all of your crossed paws and good thoughts and prayers and POTP!  Dad came through surgery beautifully☺ 
And now comes the harder part - the healing.

Mackie was totally bummed to hear that he was getting a bath.  
Hey, it didn't turn out so bad for you, buddy.  You've been getting hugs and kisses all day long!
 And then mom gave us the bestest news~~
 We got to run and play outside before the partial eclipse happened. 
We are sending you lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes, dad!   We know how much you want to be home!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Monday, August 21, 2017

Meditating Monday

Mackie's dad is having surgicals today.  Mackie and I will be laying low and sending dad tons of AireZen and positive vibes and POTP.
Could you all please cross your paws for dad.   He's having a surgery that has been put off for too long and it's finally become very necessary. 
Thank you so much~~

We love you, dad♥
Molly and Mackie

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Our Very First Time

Mom went grocery shopping on Thursday.  She spied tofu - kept on walking and then turned back around.   She's always heard that it's so healthy for you and at $1.99, what the heck!
She spent an hour looking at recipes on what to do with it now that it was in our frig.
 She decided that cubing it might be easiest for her first time preparing it.      This is good stuffs, mom!
 The recipe that she finally decided on told us to pour boiling salted water over the cubed tofu.    Mom is one who hates to use 87 dishes to prepare a meal so she decided to boil the salted water in the pan that she intended to pan-fry the tofu in.   Once the water boiled, she added the tofu cubes, waited for it to come back to a boil because the tofu just came out of the frig and it was cold.   The recipe says to let the cubes sit in the hot water for 15 minutes and then you drain them and pat them dry with paper towels.  
 She added vege oil to the dried frying pan and sprinkled some Mrs Dash garlic  and onion into the oil, heated it and added the tofu cubes.  
Time to drain them on paper towel.   Are you noticing that each picture has less and less tofu cubes☺

I don't think we need to decide on a tofu stir-fry.   We will never have enough now that we ate just about all of it before we got to the rest of the recipe preparation. 
Yes, we were PIGGIES and it was soooooooooooo yummy!
We will be making tofu again for sure.  
If anyone has a favorite way that they use tofu, please let us know as we are just learning to love it!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, August 18, 2017

Flower Friday

We are joining Jakey today for Flower Friday~~

Let's go find some pretty flowers☺
 We found vibrant Cannas!
 Mom really wanted to walk right up their driveway to get closer but decided that it might not be the best idea ☺
 This might very well be the last Clematis that we see for the season~
 A Cleome!
 And we saved the bestest for lastest!        A Gardenia flower from mom's very own plant in our sad little garden.   She has picked up that blue ink container vase 87 million times to sniff that gorgeous flower and she smiles every single time☺
Happy Friday, everyone!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Zignature WhiteFish

I love when the FedEx man delivers Chewy boxes to me! 
 This box just happens to be double boxed!  That must mean that it's extra special and extra yummy!
 Look what's inside.   Twelve cans of Zignature Whitefish deliciousness!
 I couldn't wait for mom to pull the ringer and lift off the top!   It smells sooooooo good and it tastes as good as it smells!    Please excuse the blurry picture.   I was VERY excited!
 I NEED to tastetest before you top my dindin with this most wonderful foodable, mom!
 Load it on there, mom.  Don't be stingy!
 I ate it all up in record time and licked and licked and licked the bowl clean!   This food is beyond yummy!
 Mom emptied the can into a tupperware to keep it nice and fresh for breakfast tomorrow.   I can't wait!  Tomorrow can't come fast enough!  Did I say how much I love this food?!
I got to lick the spoon again before she tossed it into the soapy dish water!
 Thank you so very much, Miss Natalie and Chewy for letting me review this fabulous food!  I give it 4 paws up!    I LOVED it and I can't wait to enjoy it every single day for days to come!

Love ya lots♥