Today mom took the Christmas tree down and she's been doing a lot of heavy-duty cleaning to get stuff back to an order that we all can live with. I've been trying to do my part too but I sorta keep getting yelled at. Mom says I'm going the wrong way with helping out and that I'm making more of a mess. She's calling me Messy Maggie today and I just can't understand why! I'm trying to organize my toy basket. I wanted to put all the toys on the bottom that hardly ever get played with so that all of my favorite's can be right there on top so I can just grab and run.

After an hour had passed and I had played as well as organized, I decided to take a nap. Meanwhile, mom was upstairs with the evil Hoover and the two of them were making lots of noise together. It suddenly got quiet and I could hear mom and Hoov coming back downstairs. They rounded the corner and mom stopped dead in her tracks! Oh boy, I think I'm in trouble again! Mom asked me what I had been doing productive and I showed her my toy basket all neat as a pin but she didn't see that part. She was glaring at me in my nest!
What????????? I was only trying to catch a few winks. Now what??!! And by the way, can't a girl ever get any shut-eye without that blasted camera blinding her 25 times a day!!! Mom huffed off taking Hoover with her and the two of them started making more noise in the family room. Meanwhile, I hear the mailman coming down the street - I know, I know - the new year's resolution - be more kind and loving to him. Well I'm trying - but I do have to bark, bark, bark and let mom know that he's across the street and on his way here. Mom looks up from vacuuming - looks at me and then looks at the window. Uh oh! I think I'm in deep doodoo again!
Maggie, she says, I just cleaned that window yesterday! Look at all of that nose art on that glass! I think I'm in the doghouse!
When mom finally puts evil Hoover away I guess I'll have to go play suck up to get on her better side. Wish me luck and in the meantime this is what I think of house work.............
Here's hoping mom forgives me soon.
Until next time..........
Love ya lots,