Monday, June 29, 2015

Just Not My Day

Yesterday, mom groomed me.   I have been licking at my foot a lot lately and a week ago, I visited my vet.  He did a very thorough exam and couldn't find any concerning issues. I was prescribed 5 days of Previcox just in case.   Both mom and Dr A think it's anxiety but that's another story. 
So now mom grooms me and discovers this~
 We didn't get photos of mom trying to put the soft evil lampshade on me but believe me, it wasn't pretty.   Picture a bucking bronco flinging his halter over his head about 20 feets from where he's standing.  Yup, that was me!
So the next bestest idea is Bag Balm and a sockie with velcro to keep it in place. 
 This stuffs smells funny, mom.
 I am waiting for the treat that I was promised!
 Mom says today is an inside play day so that I can TRY to remain calm and heal my foot.   The treat machine is a fun past time and yummy too!
 You operate the bone lever and I will eat all of the treats that you dispense to me, Mitch ☺
It is rainy and very cool and I needed to go out for a peepee break and look what she made me wear -  a poo bag over my AireSockie!  I sure hope that none of the neighbors see me in this get up!  What will they think?!

Time for a nap~
I sure do hope my toes heal fast!

So until next time...........

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Silly Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, June 26, 2015

Flower Friday and Fettuccine

We are joining Dory again this week for Flower Friday. 

The black-eyed Susan's are coming into bloom~
 And so are the daylilies~
 Mom can't remember what you call this plant but it spreads everywhere and smells minty. 
 And now for fettuccine on Friday!
Happy Friday, everybuddy☺
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, June 24, 2015


We got a big box in the mail a few days ago and it just happened to be from Chewy!   It wasn't the normal Chewy-type box and it didn't smell quite as good as usual.

Mom has always wanted us to have one of these trampoline-type beds up on legs and just discovered that Chewy sells the coolaroo at an excellent price.    Ours is the large size.  It's over 4 feets long and 31 inches wide and it's over 7" off the floor and it only took her 10 minutes to put it together. 
 She couldn't wait to get it upstairs and see how we liked it.    She lured Molly on it with a treat and Molly put one paw on it and removed it.  What a chicken!
 I didn't have any problems climbing aboard!  This is nice mom and look how roomy it is!
 It even has our blankie on it, Molly, so the bed still smells like us. 
 Maybe it's a good thing that she's a chicken little and I can have it all to myself whenever I want it!
 Who am I kidding.   As soon as Molly gets over her fear of the new bed, she'll never let me get on it! 
Mom says that if we both like it a lot, she'll order another one.   yay!

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, June 22, 2015

A Tasty Gift

A box from Chewy?   But we didn't order anything.
We posted a picture of pink lily of the valley on our blog a few Fridays ago and Ciara and Lightning mentioned that their mom has been searching for them for her own garden.   No problem.  We have plenty to share!

The Chewy box contains thank you treats from Ciara and Lightning.   Is that so wonderfully thoughtful and sweet or what?!
They sent us two containers of Dr Tim's fabulously yummy treats!

They make the perfect snack for two very hard-working supervisors!

Why no, mom, what would make you think I got into your paint?
The clapboards are going on~~
Dad wanted to get started on clapboards down below so we could look at something white and pretty instead of green zip board.  
Thank you so much for our yummy treats, Ciara and Lightning!  We are absolutely loving them and they are going to last us a good long time!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day and Happy First Day of Summer

We baked you a Blueberry Buckle and we decided that a few strawberries added to the batter might make it better, dad!
Happy Father's Day!  We love you

How could we ever start the first day of summer without melon!
Happy first day of summer~~
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, June 19, 2015

Flower Friday

We are joining Dory again this week for Flower Friday.

Our pink peony is in bloom~

 And so is the catnip. 
 We found another columbine blooming away~
 And the cranesbill geranium is flowering and the plant is spreading everywhere!
 And we found purple clover near the small pond. 
 The wild roses are all in bloom.  The rose fragrance in the Aire is fabulous but these bushes have HUGE thorns so beware!
 Dad let the goslings out of their small pen and into the enclosed area with the black swans.  So far, they don't know that they're supposed to get wet in the water but they are loving the extra room. 
 They are growing like weeds!
Happy Friday everyone!

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Mom and I were doing our poo walk over by the small pond and look what we found~
 Little tiny strawberries - tons of them!

 I'm a flower child!

Mom says because we're near the mucky water we always have to be watchful for snakes and snapping turtles!    Dad caught this one in the larger pond but snapping turtles migrate from pond to pond and they have been known to kill ducks, geese and swans and we don't need that problem.  We think of turtles as being slow because they carry their homes on their backs.  Not Mr Snapper.  He's fast as lightning lunging at you and he can turn on a dime.  Beware!  Just look at the claws on him.  He needs a trip to PetSmart to have his nails trimmed!

 I love coming over to the small pond to explore.  There is always something of interest~
So until next time.........

Love ya lots♥

Monday, June 15, 2015

My New Sweatshirt

Mom participated in a facebook auction for a good cause and she won a new sweatshirt for ME!
 How cool is this! 
That looks kinda like us, mom☺

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch