Putter's mom came to visit us yesterday - without
Putter! She was at doggie daycare swimming and playing. We sure did miss not seeing you, Putter!
Mom and Mitch were weeding the garden when Kate, Putter's mom, arrived! And as luck would have it, Miss Barbara and Emma were walking up our driveway for a visit! Mom unfortunately didn't have her camera but luckily Kate did!
Mitch and Emma were having such a great time rolling around on the ground playing puppy games together. If you would like to see a picture of Mitch and Emma, stop by
Putter's blog! Emma is getting so big and she's as soft as a cotton ball!
Mitch sure does love Emma! One of these days real soon Emma is going to tower over Mitch!
Even though Putter wasn't with Kate, she was still thoughtful enough to send gifts to me and Mitch. Look at this pretty girly piggy she sent me! I named her Priscilla!

Mom didn't want Mitch ripping her up and slobbering all over her - after all - she is MINE - so mom put Priscilla upstairs so I can sleep with her. Mitch doesn't have a clue that she's even up there! shhhhhhhhhh - it's our little secret! Mom snuck her up when he wasn't looking! hehehehehe
Putter also sent a beautiful framed photograph of our very first meeting together. This picture was taken just as we were starting out on our walkie. That's a statue in the garden that looks so interesting. We both had to sniff it before we headed out!
Putter also sent tennis balls - two of them so there wouldn't be any fighting! She's pretty smart don't ya think?!

Kate also had treats in her pocket for both of us! We sure did enjoy your mom's visit Putter! Thanks for letting her come and hopefully next time you can come with her! That would be even more fun! And we both thank you sooooo much for all the neat gifts! You're too sweet!
Until next time.................
Love ya lots,