"OMD! Is he related to I-melted Marcos?
A woman's heart huh? Well it could be a lot worse if you get my drift? So be happy it's just shoes!"
HA - Just too many shoes, you say?

He has more jeans than will fit in his cupboard, which is HUGE!
Mom has no clue where to put them all so she goes into our attic room - the same one we get groomed in - and she keeps stacking them! One day she won't be able to reach the top of the stack and she'll need a 12 foot ladder!

And then there's the collection of the Indian motorcycles themselves!
The list goes on and on!
Dad's woman donor must have been one heck of a shopper!
Another request came in. That's mom and dad and our sissy, Melissa and hubby, Jim.
Pay no attention to the words in the center of the photo. The photographer, at long last, finished with the wedding photos and Melissa and her hubby are going through oodles of pictures to choose just the very best for their wedding album!
BTW, we don't have any nieces or nephews yet. Aunt Maggie and Uncle Mitch!
Hey, that sounds kinda nice! We like that!

So until next time.................
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch