Mom tried to lure me closer to the water where Mitch and dad were and she got me to follow until I felt damp sand on my feet and that was enough of the wet stuff for me! I think I'll explore this nice seaweed mom, at a safe distance from all that nasty ocean water!
The plan tonight is to hit Brant Point where the lighthouse is and after that more ice cream! Mom and dad found another ice cream shop this morning that makes gingersnap molasses ice cream and they sampled it and gave it the thumbs up so we're drooling already just thinking about it!
So until next time................
Love ya lots,
The vacationing Maggie
We've been to town a few times already and we found out that the dogs all congregate in front of the coffee shop with their families. Yesterday we met quite a few of them. Mitch is making sure this one is a boy like he is!
We have a 2 mile walkie down to Surfside beach every single day and then we head back into town so that dad can buy the newspaper to read on the beach. This is the Bartlett truck that comes into town every single day and sells fresh flowers. Seeing this truck is very special to mom and dad! This is Nantucket's Main Street!
We apologize that we're not sharing many pictures but our connection is very slow. We'll share lots more pictures when we get home. And we want to thank Blue and Bogie and I think Sitka for tagging us. We'll get to the tags when we get back too, okay?
We miss you all lots! We see lots of doggies that remind us of so many of you!
So until next time..............
Love ya lots,
Hey, can I wear your hat mom? Don't forget the sunglasses and the sunscreen!
The packing continues.........................
We just want to let you all know that we're going to miss all of you HEAPS!
The camera will be coming along and we'll get lots of pictures! It's still up in the aire about the laptop coming along or not, so if we post, it can be a surprise! And if not, we'll be back in September!
So until next time...............
Love ya lots and lots,
Mom said that while we're on Nantucket, we'll be eating ice cream every single day and she wants to save her appetite for something special! I'm not sure I totally agree with this but mom's word was law. No ice cream tonight!
So tomorrow we'll begin to pack for our vacation! Only 4 more days before we leave! We're getting excited!
So until next time..................
Love ya lots,
Mom told her that Mitch was home! She passed two more cookies out the drive-in window to me! Man, do I ever love this lady!
So that's my morning at a glance!
Until next time...............
Love ya lots,
Today is magnificent! Not a cloud in the sky and no humidity! It's clear and sunny and just perfect! This is a special barn that we're raising today. My dad dismantled this barn about 20 years ago and it's been in storage for all this time. Now at long last - and a few repairs - it's going back up. Want to see the first bent go up! We have to caution you at the end that there's lots of applause! We don't want to hurt anyone's ears! That's my daddy yelling "lift, lift, lift!" That's the barn chant!
She didn't mind me sniffing her at all! Mabel is a sweet girl!
So that's my exciting new for today! This is only my second barn raising and this time I got to stay for 4 whole hours! Maybe one day mom will let me stay for a whole day!
So until next time...............
Love ya lots,
And this is where they stash all the good stuff that I'm not supposed to chew! I was wondering where that bikini stuffy went that Stanley gave Maggie for her birthday! And here's the pink piggy that Putter gave her! She's still in very good shape! Maybe I need to change that! hehehehe I've never seen this purple elephant before! I bet they hid him away when I first arrived at the homestead so I wouldn't rip him up! Very clever! It's kinda cozy here! Let me squeak on this toy to get Maggie all riled up!It wasn't too much longer that mom helped me down the stairs. She was in front of me and placed her arm as a stopper so I wouldn't tumble down head first. Mom says we'll have to post again so that you can see me in action! She needs dad to man the camera so that she can help me!
Thank you everyone for all of your wonderful suggestions and encouragement! It means a whole lot to me! I'm going to conquer these stairs - you can count on it!
So until next time .................
Love ya lots,
Mitch the stair climber!