Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Me and My Shadow

Love ya lots♥

Monday, March 28, 2016

Supervising or Helping

We had a tough decision to make yesterday.  It was either supervise dad on the making of new basement doors or help mom prepare Easter dinner.    hummmmmmmmmm
Which job would you choose?

Dad decided a very short time ago, that he wanted to widen the door that goes into our basement so he asked our mason friend for help. 

 And we can't very well leave this huge hole in our house for just anyone or anything to sashay inside, so doors need to be built.    Dad is getting there with lots of help from us!
 Meanwhile, mom was in the kitchen preparing manicotti and for dessert, our Nonna's rice pie.   If you want the recipe, go here and you can see angel Maggie helping  mom make it☺

We decided  to help dad out in the workshop so we missed sampling all of the yummy ingredients that went into the manicotti and into the rice pie.
But mom made it up to us.   Yes, we did get a forkful of manicotti and a forkful of rice pie and we were very happy Dales!
We hope your Easter was as yummy as ours was!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter

From us~

 And from Mitch CuddleClone and MaggieCuddleCone~
 Happy Easter to all of our friends☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, March 25, 2016

Better Late Than Never

We couldn't let National Puppy Day pass without posting our furbaby pictures.

This is me just a few days after I came to live with mom and dad and angel Maggie~

And this is Molly at Crumpie's.    Molly grew up at Crumpies and has been a supervisor forever!
 And because it's Easter weekend - this is my very first Easter picture in a pink Easter bonnet.   How embarrassing, mom!  That's angel Maggie kissing my nose♥

And because it's Flower Friday~

 The Hyacinths are coming☺
 Skunk Cabbage~
 Pretty Pansies~
Happy Good Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Mitch and Mitch CuddleClone

We first introduced Mitch CuddleClone to you back in April 2015.     To be totally honest, mom was never happy with the color of my CuddleClone.  She thought it was way too light and hardly looked like me at all. 
 But because I am not a healthy boy (but still very happy), we would imagine it's the strong meds that keep my myositis under control that are responsible for my coat change. 
 Me and my CuddleClone are getting closer in color to matching.  
Mom is loving my Mitch CuddleClone even more now☺

Love ya lots♥

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Has Arrived

Look what we woke up to!
 The pussy willow on our walk~
 Our witch hazels~

What must the poor geese be thinking?
 Black and white Monday~

 Snow on the garden bell~
 The falling snowflake is giving me a white sorta blaze on my chest.  Where is our cookie, mom! 
Welcome Spring!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, March 18, 2016

Cooking and Celebrating

We helped dad make his famous tomato sauce!   Yes, that's tomato paste that you see on my face.

 He won't notice if I help myself to one of those sausages, right?
 Lookin' good, dad!
And tasting pretty good too, dad!

And later the same day - we headed to Wentworth's to celebrate my win for Enid's dress-up contest and Molly's birthday.  
 Hot fudge sundae's - one with coconut ice cream and the other is mint chocolate chip.  yummm

 Today is my Gotcha Day!   I've been with my family for 9 years☺   YAY!
We sure like celebrating!

Mitch and Molly

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Happy St Patrick's Day

Help yourself to cake and cookies.  We baked them ourselves☺
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Love ya lots
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Treats to Take Away Boredom

Mom came home from the store bearing gifts for us☺
I got the surf~
And Molly got the turf~
 And then mom showed us this strange looking horn and told us that it was a chew and that it was supposed to last and last and last~

 But she didn't give it to me.  She gave it to Molly.
 Let's just see how long this is gonna last!
 I got the pickle with larger treats to make it easier and more fun for me.

What a great way to spend a boring rainy day!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring is Springing - Silently

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly