Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Glenwood on Memorial Day

Guess where we got to go for dindin on Memorial Day?
Glenwood Drive In
 Both mom and dad got hotdogs.  Dads had mustard and onions and mom's had chili and cheese,  and dad got both regular fries and sweet potato fries to share!
 Don't worry.   Molly always shows me her pearly whites.   She tries to put me in my place but I know she loves me♥
 I like sweet potato fries too!
 That was sure a fun trip!   Thanks, mom and dad!   We hope your Memorial Day meal was just as tasty as ours was!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Mom put our flag bandanas on us and off we went for walkies~

 We saw fields of gold~
 And a beautiful Clematis in bloom☺
 Today we are saluting the men and women who gave their all to keep us safe.   THANK YOU!
Have a wonderful day.

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Uh Oh - More Please

Love ya lots♥

Friday, May 27, 2016

Flower Friday

We're joining Dory for Flower Friday once again.

We just love the Columbines~
 Star of Bethlehem~
 Our Cook's Purple Wisteria died over the winter.  It has a hole in its trunk so that can't be a good thing.   This wisteria is one that mom transplanted from one side of our babbling brook to the other side and it took it years to begin blooming. 
 These tiny little flowers are on the other side of the brook too.   Could they be Baby Blue Eyes?
 And we think this might be Iron Weed?  It's another wildflower in the field across the brook. 
 Exploded cat tails☺
 Wild Geranium~
 The white flowers are the herb Chervil and they're against a golden Barberry shrub. 
 This Columbine is in Mitch's garden♥
Happy Friday, everyone!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dad is Home

Can you tell that I'm happy that dad is home?!  He was gone for a WHOLE WEEK!  Mackie was so funny.   It looks like he's expecting someone else to come through the door.   hehe
 Mom can't figure out if she should caption this one, "Do I know you?"   or "The puppy kindergarden trainers told me that I should be respectful and not jump on you like SOMEBUDDY else is doing!"   haha
 Now do you remember him, Mackie!   He's the one who flew all the way to Missouri to bring you here!
 Dad brought home a gift for angel Mitch♥
We're not sure that it's meant to stay outside so we'll keep an eye on it and if it's getting ruined, we'll bring it inside.  
It looks beautiful in Mitch's garden, dad♥ 
And I have to tell you about my new tennis ball collar!  
You know how much I love my tennis balls!
I just love it!   The vibrant tennis balls are so striking on black!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

An Apple and a Feather for Mitch

We got a package in the mail on Saturday.   It was from angel Sunshade and Jaffa's mum, Miss Elaine.

A heart with a feather inside.   The ribbon that the heart hangs from says, " Feathers appear when angels are near".   OMD, we just love it♥
 Miss Elaine also sent a beautiful glass apple.   It's very heavy!
 Mom just loves the box that it came in and she adores Miss Elaine's very thoughtful card. 
 They both look fabulous in our east kitchen window overlooking Mitch's grave site♥
Thank you so very much, Miss Elaine.   You are such a sweet and very thoughtful friend.     We love you♥

Sue, George, Molly, Mackie and angel Mitch♥

Monday, May 23, 2016

Dressing up for Whitley

We're dressing up in our Sunday best for our sweet Westie friend, angel Whitley~
 She was the best dressed girl in Blogville, hands down!
We don't have beautiful bluebonnets here, Whitley, so I'm wearing blue Hydrangeas for you and Mackie wanted to sport his red bow tie.

We sure do miss you here on Earth, Whitley - lots and lots♥

Molly and Mackie

Sunday, May 22, 2016

We're Twinsies

Mom got Mackie a harness just like mine - only his is a smaller size.  
 Hey, Mackie - you're supposed to be posing pretty for the camera!
 Yes, twinsies - of course!☺
 Did we wear you out, little buddy?

 We'll have 2 treats each, mom - pretty please!

 Day 3 of the barn raising in Maine~
This was taken around noon.
And this one near the end of the day~
 You guys do sensational work!

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie

Saturday, May 21, 2016

FatCat Mailman

We got another package in the mail yesterday - all the way from China!
Mom says this one is pretty special because angel Maggie and angel Mitch used to have a Fat Cat Mailman and they had oodles of fun with him.  They used to play with him all the time until he eventually lost his limbs due to lots of tugging and had to get tossed out.
She had to go on ebay to find this new mailman.    

Pleased to meet you, Mr Mailman!
 Oops - I think you fell out of your chair.  How did that happen?
 He has an Airedale wristwatch?   Very cool!
Keep bringing us lots of fun parcels and nobuddy will get hurt☺
Our dad has been in Maine all week at a barn raising for Mr Jeff and Miss Marsha.   This picture was taken at the end of the first day.  
And this photo is Day 2 -late morning~
 And this one was taken at the end of the second day.
The Northford Timber Framers will be at it all day again today.   We can't wait to see how much they accomplish today!   Great job, guys☺

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie