Mom brought home gram's boxes that contained all of her Christmas trees and she's been adding lights and cheer all over the house☺ This would have been the time of year when mom would have headed to Florida to see gram and gramp. Who knew that life could change so drastically in only a year.
The big~
The small~
Another one in the family room~
This tree is in our downstairs bathroom~
In the downstairs hallway~
Our Airedale tree in the kitchen~
In the upstairs hallway. These ornies are all hand painted by gram♥
The apple tree♥
The Mini's~
CuddleClones Mitch and Maggie have their own tree~
In the guestroom~
Another in the family room~
WoolieDale Mitch has his own~
Do you sorta think she overdid it?!
Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mackie