Sunday, June 28, 2020

I'm a Princess

I"m sure no one has any doubt that I truly am a Princess but this story gets better.   Mom bought a new pillow, which she dearly loves.    She didn't want to store the old ones or get rid of them so.............
I almost need a ladder to get on my bed☺
 I'm not spoiled much, right?!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, June 26, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

Off we go~~
The farmhands staked all of the tomato plants this past week.  That is a LOT of stakes!
 We found another beautiful Peony in bloom~
 Our temps are hot and humid and nasty and the only good thing about high humidity is that is makes the Honeysuckle smell absolutely fabulous!
 This is Mr Mike's little Dahlia~
 We found Smartweed~
 We found a turtle in our 3-way intersection close to home.  Mom picked him up and moved him out of the road.   Sorry that the picture is blurry.
 In our backyard, the Rose Campion is blooming. 
 The Chinese Lanterns are blooming and getting their pods~
 Our small Lavender is in bloom~
Does this puzzle make you feel cooler?!☺
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Tasty Tuesday

We made Aunt Lydia's Cranberry Salad yesterday.   The weather here is hot and humid and what better idea than to make a cold and refreshing yummy jello salad.
To be honest, it took us awhile to find the crushed pineapple.  For some reason, the hoarders keep emptying the shelves of it. We finally found the crushed pineapple at our local Northford Store.   

One 20-oz can crushed pineapple, undrained
Two small packages of raspberry jello
One can whole berry cranberry sauce
One medium Granny Smith apple (mom goofed and bought another kind - oops)
Chopped walnuts (the Turmeric is not part of the ingredients☺)

Drain the pineapple, reserving all liquid in a one quart measuring cup.  Add enough cold water to make three cups.  Pour it into a pot, bring to a boil and remove from heat.  Add jello and stir for two minutes until dissolved.   Put in the frig for thirty minutes. 
Add cranberry sauce and stir well.
Pour into a large bowl and refrigerate for two hours.
Stir in the pineapple, apple and nuts.  Stir gently.
 You really can't tell these are cranberries in here because the raspberry jello is the dominate flavor.  It's so chunky and yummy!
 My turn - my turn!
We will definitely be making this salad again!  Thank you so much for sharing your recipe with us, Auntie Lydia!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, June 21, 2020


Happy first full day of Summer!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, June 19, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

We switched up our walkie route and went the other direction to see what we could find~

 We found Irises still in bloom~
 We found this pretty purple Salvia~
 And we found gorgeous red Clematis behind this mailbox!
 We found Astilbe tucked underneath this mailbox in the shade.
 And we found cheerful Marigolds at the base of this mailbox~
 And in our side yard, the Dutch Iris are blooming~
 Happy International Box Day!  Mom's new weedwacker was packed in this box and we thought that it would be fun to add flowers for Nature Friday☺
Love ya lots♥

Monday, June 15, 2020

Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Groomies for Mackie

Mackie is here.  He arrived yesterday for groomies.   Mom didn't take a "before" picture.   This is a family blog and she didn't want to scare anybuddy.    This is Mackie's "after" shot~
 Mackie is here again today.  
It's time to have some fun!   
I haven't seen Mackie in 4 months! 

Love ya lots♥
Molly with Mackie

Friday, June 12, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~

We didn't have to go too far to find beautiful blooms~
 The Rhododendrons are so beautiful this spring and they live in our yard!
 Landlord Bob's Roses are in full bloom~

We're watching them grow and yes, they are native tomatoes☺
 The wild roses are blooming everywhere and the Aire smells so wonderful on our morning walks!
 We found this Iris at the end of Mr Todd's driveway~
 A friend, mom!  We gotta say Hi.   Hurry up!
 A flower going to seed~
 The Peonies are in bloom!  The flowers are so huge and so beautiful~
 Happy Friday, everybuddy☺
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥

Monday, June 8, 2020

Molly Monday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, June 5, 2020

Nature Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Nature Friday~

Are you ready to roll, mom?!
 Farmer Will has the field planted near our house.  The plants are very small at this point but we think they are baby tomatoes☺
 A beautiful Azalea in bloom~
 We found perennial Bachelor Buttons.
 We think this might be a type of Viburnum?
 Mom bought this Columbine at the nursery and planted it last month~
We have another Iris in bloom~
Our Copper Beech is a beautiful tree but it's such a messy tree.  This brown fluff needs to be swept up or it will be tracked inside the house.  Get the broom, mom!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!  Mom gave me an AireCut and I feel so much cooler!

Love ya lots♥