Friday, April 29, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

Our Magnolia is in full glorious bloom!

Each flower is so pretty~
The tulips are beginning to bloom!
If you remember, two years ago, we had a robin build a nest in our rhododendron outside our picture window.  We were devastated when a predator stole her young babies.   
A week or so ago, we had a pair of cardinals deciding if they wanted to build in our rhododendron.  We have never watched a cardinal family build and we were excited but nervous at the same time.  A robin must have been watching the cardinal pair the entire time as they brought over twigs and started to build.   It wasn't long before she decided that this was to be HER spot and the cardinal couple let her have the spot they had chosen.   
This is the Mrs Robin's nest farther off the ground then the last one and harder for mom to see inside to keep an eye on things.  Mrs Robin has started spending more time sitting and  if mom stands on her tippy toes at the window,  she can see an egg in there.   There could be more but she can only see one.   
Fingers and paws are crossed for her~~
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 25, 2022

Molly Monday

 A wonderful friend sent us a dog puzzle last week.   It wasn't a hard puzzle to work but it was oodles of fun!   Thank you so much!   You are a most sweet and thoughtful friend♥

Mom gifted me with a new spring collar and now she keeps calling me Daisy Molly☺
Have a marvelous Monday!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 22, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny today for Nature Friday~~

Hurry up, mom.  Stop sniffing everything!

We found lots of grape hyacinths in beautiful bloom!

We have no idea what kind of tree this is but the flowers are so pretty!
The magnolias blossoms are beautiful this year~
Landlord Bob's quince is blooming~
His ornamental pear is blooming too and the reason we know this is an ornamental pear is because he told us☺  Mom is useless identifying trees.
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Terrific Tuesday

Have a terrific Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter


Happy Easter to all of my friends!

Love ya lots♥


Friday, April 15, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~~

Right outside our door, the pachysandra is blooming~

At Miss Dotty's house, the periwinkle and hyacinths are blooming away.   

Along the way, we took pictures of daffies.  We can never get enough of these cheerful spring beauties.
This magnolia is in bloom in this yard.    Ours must be a later variety because ours is still just buds.
The forsythia is so pretty in all of its golden glory!

We saw this warning on Miss Lynn's FB page and wanted to pass it along.    This is just not right!

I was at my vet's office on Wednesday just for a weigh-in and I have lost the eight pounds that he wanted me to lose!  YAY!   Mom says there will be an ice cream reward for me!

Happy Good Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Monday, April 11, 2022

A Very Sad Monday

 This morning, we learned that two of our most wonderful furfriends went to Rainbow Bridge over the weekend.

Our friend, Reacher, who lived with Auntie Lydia, passed away on Saturday.  

And our dear friend, Treacle, who belonged to Miss Susie and her family, passed away on Sunday.

Our hearts are absolutely shattered in two for both of these sweet friends and for their families.  

Godspeed, Reacher and Treacle♥    You will both be missed for a very long time♥

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Friday, April 8, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

Landlord Bob's daffies are still looking pretty and cheerful after all of the rain that we've had.

The purple lamium is blooming.  It's a ground cover so mom had to practically get on her hands and knees to get this shot.  Thank goodness nobody saw her and embarrassed me!
The skunk cabbage is out and is loving all of the saturated ground around it.  
We just love the daffies♥
Happy Friday, everbuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The Before and The After

 The before~~

The after~~
Mom says hopefully, the cold temps are behind us now that I have less furs.

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sunday Selfie


Have a sensational Sunday!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 1, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny today for Nature Friday~~

Thankfully, these pictures were taken before the SuperCold temps because mom won't walk when the temps are too cold with breezes.

This is a seed pod from a Honey Locust tree.   
She picked our Hyacinth flowers so she could have the beautiful fragrance indoors!
Happy April Fool's Day and Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
