Friday, September 30, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Jakey this week for Nature Friday~~

It's so wonderful to walk in the cooler autumn weather!

There are wild Asters everywhere~
These purple Asters live in our small garden~
The Lavender is blooming again and it smells so wonderful!
The Smartweed is blooming everywhere.  Mom keeps telling me to "rub up against it, Molly."    Hey!!!
Happy Friday, everybuddy and enjoy the very last day of September!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Tennis Ball Tuesday

 Mom loves to tease me with my tennis ball.

She wants to know if I'm brave enough to fetch it.
Mom says this is by far the easiest puzzle she has ever worked.   It only took her hours to complete.    One of the librarians at the library, where we donate puzzles, lives with an elderly woman who loves to work 500 piece puzzles.  She's over 90 years old and needs larger pieces.  This puzzle is perfect for her!
Happy Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, September 23, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining the LLB Gang for Nature Friday~~

We still have a few Rose of Sharon flowers but they are winding down~

We are still seeing lots of Goldenrod.  These flowers always says "Autumn" to us.
We found a sorry looking acorn at the end of our driveway.
Happy Friday, everybuddy, and welcome to our most favorite season!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Wordless Foggy Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Monday, September 19, 2022

To England With Love

 Our eyes are glued to the TV~~

Our thoughts are with the people of the United Kingdom as they mourn their beloved Queen Elizabeth II, 
the longest-living and longest-reigning British monarch♥

Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II♥

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Friday, September 16, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

I am back to walking!   Mom is making me wear a boot but that's okay with me!

In the one week since we last walked, the sedum has so much more color!
In our backyard, the Chinese Lantern flowers are blooming again~
The Beebalm is still sending out flowers.   The color looks very strange again the color of the siding of the house.
When Miss Jan gave mom Shasta Daisies from her garden, it didn't take mom long to discover there was another plant growing in the bunch.   She waited and waited to see what it was.   She finally realized that it was an Aster but now to find out what color it was going to bloom.   She was so happy to see pink, as we already have a purple one.   
I missed so much peemail while I was home recuperating!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Wordy Wednesday

 The good news is - we have had rain a couple of times now and Landlord Bob's fix-it man has repaired the vent leak.   He also pruned branches on the  red maple tree that was hanging over the roof and sprayed the moss that is growing on the roof.   No more wet puzzles!

The not so good news is that mom went grocery shopping on Monday morning bright and early and she left me at home on the honor system and told me that we could possibly go for a short walk when she got home and the drizzle stopped.   
Well - you know where this story is going.    I was not so good and not so trustworthy and mom is so angry with herself.   
Yup, I'm back in my sock but the better news is that I'm healing faster than the first time.    
I"m not sure walkies will happen today but they will soon!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

A healing Molly

Friday, September 9, 2022

Not So Nature Friday

 You all know that we have had torrential rains.   Landlord Bob has been here and will have the ceiling leak fixed.    He thinks that an attic vent on the roof may need a bit of tar to fix the leaking.

We have not walked all week so there are only a couple of pictures that we can share.

The Black-eyed Susan's just won't quit~

We were peeking into this old apple tree.    We see two walrus toofies and it look like if you stick your hand in his mouth, you might get bit.   What do you see?
The rains are past and we have seen wonderful weather but unfortunately for me, I ripped furs out of the inside of my paw pad and now the inside is all raw.   This is not the first time this has happened and I'm back to being socked until it heals.  Mom so wishes that I would learn my lesson from this - but probably not.
And the update is that I soaked the sock by licking it and I wouldn't stop.   For the very first time in my life at 10.5 years old, that evil woman put a cone on me.  I do NOT like it!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
A very sad, Molly

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Terrible Tuesday

 At long last, mom says that we are getting the rain that we need to help ease this horrible drought.   She took me outside to pee and poo earlier this morning and she knows how much I hate umbrellas and I refused to stay underneath it!

We discovered a leak in the ceiling and guess where it just happens to be.
Right over mom's finished puzzle - that gave her FITS but she didn't give up.
Hopefully, the puzzle will dry out and not be buckled or ruined once it's dry.    
We're getting rain all day today.   Thankfully, I have a fully stuffed bone to keep me busy.    Mom will be reading seeing as puzzling will not be happening today.  
We're off to call Landlord Bob and let him know.   Our Tuesday has not started off on the right foot.

Love ya lots♥

Friday, September 2, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for nature Friday~~

I see my friend GoldenDoodle friend,  Carlie!

The Sedum is starting to color up!
One of our neighbors planted a butterfly bush this year like we did.  I wonder what her name is.
Good sniffing here~~
The Rose of Sharon flowers are winding down.  
We found acorns!
Happy Friday and Happy September, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥
