Friday, April 28, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Sunny today for Nature Friday~~

We saw lots of Red Bud trees in bloom this week!  

We walk by this tree almost every day on our walk and never knew it was a Red Bud until it flowered for the very first time!

A deeper pink~~
Another pink!
Back at home, we have a blooming tulip!
The Crab Apple tree is blooming!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 24, 2023

Angel Mitch Monday

 The Apple blossoms are in bloom!

Hundreds of them!
We are hoping the deer have lots of apples to eat in September!

Love ya lots♥
Angel Mitch

Friday, April 21, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

We didn't need to go far to find pretty flowers this week!  This is Landlord Bob's yard.  Everything seems to be in bloom at once!

His Bradford Pears are blooming~
His Quince is flowering!
Geez, mom.  I have greenery in my beard!   Did you have to use this photo?!
In our back yard, the weeping cherry is in bloom!

The forsythia is still in bloom and as we finished our walk, mom took this shot with the sun behind me.  
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wordless Wednesday

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Fake or Fortune

 Mom has been watching this fabulous TV show that comes from across the pond and she's able to find it on YouTube.  It's called Fake or Fortune and she says that it's absolutely fascinating and she can't wait to see the next episode.   On each show, a work of art is featured by a famous artist and the team has to determine if the painting is a fake or is the real deal and worth a fortune.  Not only are the paintings incredible but the different countries and homes they visit are just beautiful.   Believe it or not, they find fake paintings in museums all over the world!

So when mom found this puzzle on Amazon, she knew this one was coming to our house.

She says that the edge pieces gave her fits.   She had to match up each painting's tiny frame to be able to move forward but once she got into it, it was lots of fun and a great learning experience.  

On beautiful sunny days, this is what I'm doing while she is puzzling away~

Happy Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, April 17, 2023

Seven Years

 Seven years ago today, our Mitch went to Rainbow Bridge.  How we miss him♥

He sure did love apples♥

He sure did love feathers♥
He was always sweet to me but I wasn't always so sweet to him.
He was a big goofy boy and loved to make us laugh♥
He was my best friend for so many years♥
How I miss you, Mitchy♥
We think about you SOOOOOO often♥

We miss you buddy and we will never ever forget you♥

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Friday, April 14, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

We are still seeing hyacinths in bloom~

The grape hyacinths are finally making an appearance!
Miss Amy's double daffy is in bloom and is just so beautiful!
The daffodils near the peemail rock are blooming away!
The magnolia in our yard is  coming into bloom~
The star magnolias are  beginning to make a showing too!

The forsythias are blooming!  Spring is bursting everywhere!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tasty Tuesday

 We had a wonderful Good Friday with my sissy.   Guess what she brought me?

You can't tell by this photo but the bag weighs a ton and there is almost an entire month of foodables in here.   Angel Shiloh ate Farmer's Dog and he loved it.  
Thank you from the bottom of my AireHeart Missy and Shiloh♥   You are very generous and we appreciate this more than you will know.  
I have never had Farmer's Dog before but I can tell you that I lick my dish for five minutes after the dish is empty.    We are still figuring out the ratio of kibble to fresh food so I don't gain weight.    
Make sure it's more fresh food and less kibble, mom☺
I can't wait for my next meal!  
Not a day goes by when we don't think about you, Missy and Shiloh♥
Happy Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter

 We thought it might be fun to go back into the blog archives and find Easter photos of me and Mitch and of Maggie and Mitch.   How we miss them♥

Happy Easter to all of my friends!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, April 7, 2023

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~~

More and more Daffodils are popping up~

Miss Dotty's Periwinkle is in bloom~
Our Violas that mom bought are thriving. 
This is the latest puzzle and it was a doozy and very frustrating at times!    Thank you for that, Auntie Lydia☺
Happy Good Friday to those of you who celebrate!

Love ya lots♥

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Maundy Thursday

 Today is the making of Nonna's Easter Meat pie.  She made it every single year and it was the best!

The ingredients:

The meats are ham, Genoa salami, and for the first time ever - Sopressata salami.    The cheeses are Provolone and basket cheese.
Yes, basket cheese is really inside a plastic basket~
You didn't think that I'd get a pass this year from wearing bunny ears, did you?!
The ears are worth it.   I got to sample the basket cheese.
I got to sample the ricotta cheese.   Mom wouldn't let me have any meat.  She said it was too spicy and salty for me.
The pie is ready for the top crust  - yup, cheater pie crusts.   Nonna NEVER did that!
I talked mom into an Airedale and bone top crust!  Now the pie is perfect!

The pie is out of the oven and we can't wait to taste it!

On a very sad note.   My sissy said good-by to her bestest friend yesterday.   She will be here tomorrow for Good Friday and we will give her huge hugs♥
Love ya lots♥