Sunday, August 18, 2013

I'm Official

It's official.  I'm a REAL Airedale now!
Check out my new Airedale collar!
 Mitch and I match!  We're twinsies!
Have you figured out yet that our mom is kinda collar nutsy?!

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Molly and Mitch


  1. Modelled beautifully we say. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. well one has to maintain the 'best dressed' dog in the neighborhood right?

  3. You look so grown up in your official collar.


  4. Yes, it may be official, but we always considered pretty you and Airedale, Ahhh, is your collar bigger then Mitch's?

    The Mad Scots

  5. Whoa whoa, we admire you twin! The collar is great, like the red color too.
    Thanks M&M for information about Tessa the Maltese. I went to that website, I guess I must have an account with Twitter in order to contact Tessa. I'll try again.

  6. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    You are Finally a Twin with Mitch. You look LOVELY in your new collar. It is just perfect fur you.
    We love it Molly!!! ♥

  7. Great collars!!!! You look like the best dressed Dales in town :-) Ros and Oscarx

  8. Hey that is super snazzy!!!

    Jazzi and Addi

  9. OMD! You gots AIREDALE COLLARS???! Shoot. I've had the same stinky collars for like TWO YEARS!!! Okays, so I'm alittle ~ alot ~ of a collar 'Houdini', and just not ANY collar can hold me, butts I want a new one NOW!!! (you thinks that will convince Ma?? hehehe)
    Anyhu, loves the collar Molly!! It really is 'you'!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Love the collar....Airdales...Yay!

    We only have our everyday collars and dress collars...and only have those because Roxy's boyfriend sent them.

    XXXOOO Daisy, bella & Roxy

  11. You must have a closet just for your collars. I guess we can't say much. We each have a couple collars and a harness or two plus sweaters and jackets and lots of leashes. Our Mom thinks a lot like yours.
    Morgan, Sebastian, the Porties, Syd and Mac

  12. Thanks You So Very Much for the vote!!!!
    There are prizes for commenters! You could win something nice for leaving that comment.

    I wish everybody that says they would vote for our quilt will.

    I think your collars look spectacular.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  13. Yay, Molly! But, I knew that you were official a long time ago. You are a beauty, my friend. Happy Sunday to you two happy dogs and your humans!

  14. Yes Molly I have figured that your Mom is crazy for collars!! That just tell you Molly that she loves you and is proud of you two!!

  15. Better to nuts over collars than something else, right!!

    You is gorgeous, you both are gorgeous!!

    Sophie and Ron

  16. Congrats on your offcial status, Molly! And what a purrrty collar!

  17. So how will your Mom tell you apart? When it's low light, our Mom always looks at our collars to tell who is who. Of course, of Mom is a bit a of a doofus! Looking good, twins!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  18. Great collar!! :)

    Woofs & huggies, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  19. That looks SO pretty on you!!! You could be a super model, Molly!!! Our mom is kinda crazy in the collar department, too, so I know where you're coming from.
    I just love that first pic especially. You look SO happy with your new threads!
