Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Silently Smiling

Love ya lots♥

Friday, July 27, 2018

Flower Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Flower Friday~

My foot is all better and I"m back to walkies☺
Do you like my new collar?   It's rainbow butterflies!
 Not long ago, Cammie and Maggie posted a picture of the Erect DayFlower and mom said to herself, "We have those too!"   They are the hardest little buggers to photograph!
 There are tons of them at the end of our driveway near the street.  We don't see many trueblue flowers so we think they're pretty special.
 The Phlox is in bloom~
 And so is the Staghorn Sumac~
Our Copper Beech tree is full of these prickly seed pods~
Mom thinks that I may have stepped on one of these pokey pods coming out to do peepee's.    I kept licking my toe until my fur was soaked and I wouldn't stop because it felt good.  She checked repeatedly with the flashlight and magnifying glass and there was no debris between my toes or between my pads.  I have had issues with licking my foot before because I can get bored and I've made a real mess of things and she didn't want that to happen again.  She applied the antibiotic powder and the boot stayed on for 24 hours and I lost interest in lickies the next morning. 
 Look what we found at the edge of the farmer's field!  Mom wouldn't walk over to it because it was surrounded by weeds and most probably lots of poison ivy.   The red is so striking surrounded by all of the green!
When we came home from walkies, mom noticed what she thought was a paper bag in our yard.   She went over to collect it and put it in the trash.  It wasn't a paper bag!   It's a huge mushroom and it keeps growing bigger!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

My Evil Mom

I am NOT a happy AireGirl.   Do you see my foot?   It used to have a sockie on it with velcro to keep the sock in place - only mom discovered that I was licking my booboo right through the sock so she pulled the big guns on me.    I now have to wear this stoopid boot and for good measure, she put drops of lavender oil on it so that it would stink and I would leave it alone.
And she decided that walkies were out of the question.
It makes mom sad to see me unhappy and bored so she put a VERY few treats in my treat machine.   She said she doesn't want me to get phat eating too many treats and not getting my walkie exercise.  
 I am happy now, mom☺
 But it wasn't long before my FEW treats ran out~
 No - I do NOT want to play with Hedgie or with Lambie!
 I want more treats in my treat machine!
 If I can't have more treats than what is your next plan to keep me happy and entertained, mom?!
I hate having a bum foot. 
Love ya lots♥

Monday, July 23, 2018

Molly Monday

Come on in!  Everybuddy is welcome.   Don't forget to wipe your paws!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, July 20, 2018

Flower Friday

We are joining Rosy today for Flower Friday.   It's Rosy's first birthday!  Happy Birthday, Rosy!  First birthdays are very special☺
In our own back yard, the Chinese Lanterns are beginning to turn orange~
 Mom started to collect them and bring them inside.

The Hosta is blooming~
 Bunny alert!      We have tons of bunnies here.  When we lived at our apartment, we were over-run with squirrels but bunnies rule here!
 The Magnolia is blooming for the second time this year☺
 Landlord Bob's Rose of Sharon is coming into bloom!
And ours is blooming too!
Happy Friday, everybuddy☺

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cheeeeeezy Treats

Special delivery from Chewy!
This month, we decided to go with Earthborn Holistic EarthBites Cheese flavor to review for Miss Kirsten and Miss Natalie at Chewy~

These cheesy treats contain real, dried cheddar cheese and a mixture of wholesome vegetables and fruits, such as peas, apples, blueberries, carrots and spinach for high palatability in every bite. This antioxidant-rich formula will help meet your dog’s daily nutritional needs while satisfying his taste buds.
Key Benefits
  • Contains real cheese, molasses, honey & maple syrup
  • Antioxidant-rich (Vitamin E and C) plus vegetables & fruits in every bite
  • Made without grain or gluten
  • Works as an excellent training aid
  • Peas, apples, blueberries, carrots & spinach in every bite!

They are soft treats and yes, mom did break them in half but that's okay because smaller means they won't get jammed in my fun toy!
 Mom put 3 halves in each of my 3 tubes.  These cheesy treat are soooooo yummy!
 "Spin it again, Molly.  I see a treat ready to drop out for you!"
 Hummmmmmm - I think I got them all, mom.
 Time to fill 'er up!
 We want to thank Miss Natalie and Miss Kristen and the Chewy Influencer team!  These cheese treats are the best and if you don't happen to like cheese (and who doesn't) - there are 5 other Earthborn Holistic treat flavors to choose from.

~We received this product at no cost to us in exchange for a fair and honest review~
Love ya lots♥

Monday, July 16, 2018

Am I Too Late

Yesterday, was National Ice Cream Day!   I'm not too late to celebrate, right?
 Pistachio ice cream is yummy!
Who's celebrating with me?!
Happy National Ice Cream Day - a day late!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Smiling Sunday and a Blogger Tip

We found a tip for getting blogger comments to your email once again and it WORKS!

Follow these steps to receive comments in your email:

1.  Go to Dashboard or Design in blogger

2.  Click on Settings

3.  Click on Email

4a. If the box "Comment Notification Email" is blank, add your email address and save.


4b. If the box already has your email address, remove it, save, then go back and add your email address again and save.

Doing this will subscribe you to comments.  You'll receive an email from Blogger that offers you the choice to subscribe or not.  Choose subscribe and you should begin receiving email notifications again.
 You won't receive them from yahoo and aol email accounts because of settings in yahoo and aol.

It worked for us - HURRAH!!!!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, July 13, 2018

Flower Friday

We are joining Arty this week for Flower Friday~

We had a beautiful walk with lovely weather and we found lots of pretty flowers!
We found trumpet flowers on the trumpet vine~

 And we found cheerful yellow daisies~
 And we saw a hawk searching for his breakfast!
 The beautiful blue hydrangeas are in bloom☺
 And we saw white hydrangeas too~
 The daylilies always make us smile☺

 And we found cosmos~
 And Black-eyed Susan's!
The antique truck driving by is the same color as the daylilies!
Happy Friday the 13th, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥