Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween

Stay safe my pretty's~

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tasty Tuesday

Mom loves Cream of Tomato soup and she grew up on Campbell's Cream of Tomato but she doesn't buy canned soup anymore so she decided to find a recipe and make her own from scratch.

She found quite a few recipes and sorta created her own from all of the ones that she read.
She sauteed a shallot and a garlic clove together until soft and transparent and then she added a 15-oz box of chicken stock and salt and pepper and a tiny bit of sugar and Mrs Dash's Italian seasoning (which she could never live without) and let the broth simmer till it was good and hot and then she added a 28-oz can of crushed tomatoes and she let that cook for a bit.
 And then she added 1-cup of heavy cream.    One of the recipes that she read suggested stirring in a teaspoon of the pesto and she thought that was a great idea! 
It's the perfect color that reminds mom of all of the cold and crisp days that her mom made this for lunch for my mom and her brothers when they came inside from playing outside all morning.
 It's perfect, mom! 
 We'll be making Cream of Tomato soup more than once this season!

Love ya lots♥
Molly with Mackie

Saturday, October 26, 2019

National Pumpkin Day

 Mackie is here and he wanted to celebrate Pumpkin Day too~
What's with the witch's hat, mom?   This doesn't suit me at all - especially when Mackie is here ☺

Happy National Pumpkin Day!

Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 25, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Princess Rosy this week for Nature Friday!

Ready, mom?  Off we go~
We had rain overnight so the trunks of the trees are darker and some of the leaves are still wet.
 The Autumn colors are becoming more and more beautiful~

We're almost home!
 Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Autumn Beauty

Passing by Miss Dotty's house in the Autumn has become the prettiest part of our walk~

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Silent Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 18, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

We found these tall soldier mushrooms in our front yard~
 Landlord Bob's Roses are still blooming for you, Rosy☺
 And so is his Clematis~
 I found pretty Purple Flamingo Celosia along with some great smells☺
 The Zinnias are still blooming away~
 The Virginia Creeper is in its Autumn reds!
 This is our autumn wreath at our back door~
 Enjoy your Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday Walkies

It's getting darker here in the early morning.   Mom keeps telling me that we have to wait another 5 minutes but I have no patience for waiting~
Mom needed to turn the flash on for this shot.
 We love Autumn~

Just to let you all know if you didn't see the posting - the quilt SOLD!     It is going to a long time rescue person who will love it and treasure it and we couldn't be more happy about this♥

Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Home at Last Quilt

Mom won this gorgeous quilt that was made by the Airedale Rescue Quilting Bee in 2011.  Mom was a part of the Quilting Bee and this was the very first quilt that she ever made blocks for so it's a very special quilt to her.
Maggie and Mitch posted on our blog the day that the Home at Last quilt arrived.
This beautiful quilt has been stored in our closet for 99% of the time.   Mom puts it on the bed for a day or two to enjoy it and smile but then it goes back into the closet for safe keeping.     She feels that this is not right and that the quilt should be seen every single day - admired and enjoyed so she is donating it back to National Airedale Rescue.
It will be sold and a new owner will enjoy it for the next 100 years or so.   If you have any interest in purchasing it or know someone who might, please click on the Home at Last quilt picture on our sidebar and it will take you to National Airedale Rescue for more details.

I've gotten lots of treats posing with this fabulous quilt~
Life is good~
 If you would like to see the posting at the Airedale Rescue Quilting Bee Blog click here.

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Silent Squirrel Allert

Love ya lots♥

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nature Friday

We are joining mini Arty and mini Jakey this week for Nature Friday.

This is Landlord Bob's duck pond as we walked by it just after 7am at the start of this week.  It was 35 degrees.  

 Those are black walnuts, mom - not tennis balls.  You cannot fool me!
 Farmer Will's produce stand looks so pretty decorated for autumn.
 Move to the right you say, mom.
 Now can you see the pretty flowers behind me?!
 Such beautiful Asters!
 And we found a Daylily in bloom~
 Love the pretty pink mums!
 Happy Friday, everybuddy☺
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Terrific Tuesday

Throw it, mom!
 In coming~
 Got it!
 We discovered that our Lavender is blooming again~
 Mom picked Bittersweet that wasn't open yet.  She discovered last year that if you pick it when it's closed and bring it inside - it will open overnight or the next day.  
 Life is good~
Love ya lots♥