Friday, May 28, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Arty today for Nature Friday~

Look who I met as we were leaving to head out for our morning walkie.  She sure wasn't very friendly.

We are seeing lots of Columbine.  We found these beautiful purple ones at Miss Dotty's house.
These pretty purple ones are in our own backyard.
Mom bought these sunny yellow ones that she found for half price!
She also bought an Oriental Poppy.  Poppies are her very favorite flower.
We also found this spectacular giant alliums along with white columbines.   We love this lady's garden! 
I looked for Mrs Turtle when we came back from our walk and she was exactly where we left her and she was still just as unfriendly.

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Terrific Tuesday

 We have another beautifully cool day today and it feels so good after the heat that we had this past weekend. 

What?  Do I have something stuck in my beard?
I think I discovered where the woodchucks live, mom!
Could this day be any prettier!
A couple of weeks ago, mom discovered this puzzle on ebay.  She couldn't click the Buy It Now button fast enough.  She really loved the puzzle.   A couple of days later, she checked on the tracking number and discovered that this was a 2,000 piece puzzle and not the 1,000 that she's used to.  It meant setting up more puzzle piece space.
The puzzle was overwhelming to her at first because there were twice as many pieces as she's used to but she got it done and had fun working it.   The puzzle is approx 30 inches by 40 inches.

Have a terrific Tuesday, everybuddy!   I sure am!

Love ya lots♥


Friday, May 21, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

Is there anything more beautiful than an Iris!

We found this wild Azalea right next to Landlord Bob's mailbox~
This pretty pink Azalea was further down the road.
The Mountain Cornflower is in bloom!
The Lily of the Valley is also in bloom and mom has vases of them in every room of our house.   She just loves their beautiful fragrance!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Monday, May 17, 2021

Molly Monday

 The Irises are in bloom and Blogger reinstated all of my posts.   Yay!

Happy Monday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Saturday, May 15, 2021

They Can't Be Serious

 This morning, we got four emails from Blogger telling us that four of our posts from March were deleted because the posts violated their guidelines of content, possible malware and viruses and if we don't follow their standards our blog could be deleted.    Blogger has since reinstated three of the posts but my ninth birthday post is gone forever - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr 

We have been getting a lot of spam lately and mom religiously deletes it and then this happens.   We have installed the comment moderation in hopes that this will never happen again.  We really hate doing this but we don't want any of our posts deleted unless we do it ourselves.

Moving on~

Mackie was here yesterday for the entire day☺   Mom groomed him and then she made macaroni salad.

What do you mean you don't like celery, Mackie???   Can I have the piece that you don't want?!
I guess he prefers it mixed in with other ingredients. 
Mackie loves sucking on his Furballz babies when he comes and he pretty much ignores me when I try to get him to play with MitchyMoose stuffie.

We thought he might be coming back again today but the plan has changed.   

Happy Saturday, everybuddy!

 Love ya lots♥

Molly with Mackie

Friday, May 14, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Arty this week for Nature Friday~

Landlord Bob's Azaleas are in bloom.  We think they're so pretty reflecting in his pond. 

The Ferns are unfolding~
The Lilacs are in bloom and mom can never pass by these flowers without burying her nose in the fragrant blooms.
The Redbud trees are in bloom~
The Red Maple leaves are so pretty and so bright!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Terrific Tuesday

 We have a beautiful day today!  It's sunny and cool and the wind is gently blowing and keeping the bothersome bugs away.

The beautiful red maple is all leafed out~
Mom bought a gourd birdhouse a couple of weeks ago.  It has a very strong smelling varnish on it so the birds are avoiding it like the plague.   Maybe next year we will have a family who would like to raise a family in it. 
Off I go~~
Happy Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's Day to my mom and to all of the moms♥

Love ya lots♥


Friday, May 7, 2021

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy and Sunny this week for Nature Friday~

I'm not sure where all of these tulips came from.  We've never seen this many since we've been here and we didn't plant them but they sure are pretty!

The crab apple tree is coming into bloom~
The apple tree is in bloom and it's so fragrant!  Thinking of you, Mitch♥
We have a pink dogwood in our yard that must be as old as the hills but it still throws out one or two blooms every single year.

 Mom never knew what this wildflower was until now.  She took a flower and leaf to Miss Jan to identify when she went for her visit.  We have Golden Alexanders!   Thank you, Miss Jan!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

 Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tasty Tuesday

 Mom went to Miss Jan's house yesterday and came home with a shopping bag that contained dirty veges.   She said that she watched Miss Jan dig them out of the ground with her spade.

After lots of scrubbing and changing of the water many times - we have parsnips! 
Parsnips take mom back to her childhood when her mom used to make them.   She simmered them in water until they were fork tender~
Mom sorta forgot about them - oops - so she didn't have to drain them.   They she added a couple of pats of butter and browned them on both sides.
I'm ready whenever you are, mom!

Have a terrific Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥
