Friday, December 30, 2022

Nature Friday

This was our sunrise yesterday.    Mom went outside with the camera without me and I barked and barked to tell her - you forgot ME!   She came back inside in just a few seconds to leash me up.

We still have lots of ice at the sides of our roads so we have to be careful~

Miss Laura's cute little Christmas tree is out~
We did find a downed branch with fungi all over it.
I got to meet baby Jesus!
Happy Friday, everybuddy and we wish you a very happy, safe and healthy New Year!

Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Almost Wordless

 AirePressies from my sissy!

Stained glass~~

Dish towels~~
Love ya lots♥

Monday, December 26, 2022

Molly Monday

 My Christmas was the bestest ever!   Miss Susie and AirePuppy Coco sent us beautiful gifts!

Mom hid the parcel in the closet when it arrived so neither one of us would be tempted to open it before Christmas morning. 

Coco sent me an owl stuffie and could this be?????
Yup, a tennis ball!!!
And what have we here?
Yes, please!   These treats are so cute as well as SuperYummy!
I love all of my special gifts from you, Coco.  Thank you so very, very much!
They sent mom this beautiful Airedale rolling pin.   Mom has never made cookies with one of these before.   It's on her list to give it a go!     Miss Susie is a whiz with needle and thread and she made a beautiful handmade cover for a small package of tissues.  She also made heavily scented lavender sachets, which I had no intention of going near as they smelled funny.
She sent mom a book that mom can't wait to read!
A package had this awesome ornie on it.  You know that's going on our tree!   Mom got one with an "S".  
Best Christmas ever!
Thank you so very much, Miss Susie and Coco.    You sure made our Christmas extra special♥

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas

Love ya lots♥


Friday, December 23, 2022

Baking the Christmas Pie

 We have wicked weather here today and we have praying that our electricity stays on.  So far-so good!

Mom decided to make a Christmas Ricotta Pie this year for Christmas Eve dinner.

Mom rarely makes a pie crust from scratch because it's so aggravating getting the crust off the counter once it's rolled out.    Pie crusts were gram's specialty.  They came out perfect every single time.   

One 9-inch pie crust.

Mix together 2 pounds of ricotta, one cup of granulated sugar, four eggs, one tablespoon grated orange peel,  one half cup dried cranberries, one half cup chopped almonds, one half cup chocolate chips, two teaspoons rum extract, one teaspoon vanilla extract and one half teaspoon cinnamon.  

Bake at 350 degrees for approximately one hour and twenty minutes.

The pie is ready to go into the oven but not before I get to lick the spatula!   

It's out of the oven!   Mom will sprinkle it with confectionary sugar after it has cooled.
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Friday, December 16, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy again this week for Nature Friday~~

On the day that it snowed, I checked out the Chinese Lanterns that mom never picked to bring inside.

Miss Laura's yard is look very festive!
Mom's latest puzzle is all vintage Christmas cards.  She says that it was a very fun one to work!
Happy Friday from me and my AireBuddies!
Love ya lots♥

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Monday, December 12, 2022

Molly Monday

Guess what happened last night?!

We got snow!!!!!!!   

The chickens behind me are all doing fine.   Mom was talking to them and they were talking back.  They are all inside their house away from the cold snow.

The warm sun feels so good on my furs!
Happy Monday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Friday, December 9, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy today for Nature Friday~~

Off we go~~

We found this tree literally shedding its bark.    We've never seen anything like this before!
Fungi on a tree with the Secret Garden in the background.  Someone is liking the Secret Garden as there is green grass growing inside.  
Wild Asters going to seed.  
Mom made us walk a wee bit farther than usual.  She wanted to see if the price of Christmas trees went up at Miss Amy's house.   NOPE!  They are still a bargain!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tasty Tuesday

 We invited company for tea and muffins at the end of last week.  Don't tell our guest but she was being a taste tester like I am☺

Mom made Eggnog Muffins for Miss Laurie.   This recipe is for a 9"X5" loaf pan but mom likes muffins better.   They take 35 minutes to bake.      We also added about 1/3 cup of dried cranberries to the batter before baking them.


  • 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp kosher salt
  • 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg

    • 2 large eggs
    • 1 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
    • Tbsp unsalted butter melted
    • 1 cup eggnog
    • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    • 1 Tbsp rum (or 1 - 2 tsp of rum extract)
    • Instructions

      • Preheat oven to 350 F degrees. Line a 9x5" loaf pan with parchment paper, or spray with baking spray. Set aside.
      • In a mixing bowl, add all dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg), and whisk to combine.
      • In a separate, larger mixing bowl, add eggs and whisk. Whisk in sugar, then vegetable oil, melted butter, eggnog, vanilla extract and rum.
      • Add dry ingredients to eggnong mixture, using a rubber spatula or wooden spoon to stir until JUST combined.
      • Pour into prepared loaf pan and bake for 50-65 minutes, until lightly golden and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or with just a few moist crumbs.
      • Let cool in the loaf pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto wire cooling rack to cool completely.
The muffins before they hit the 350 degree oven~
Thirty-five minutes later~
We know that lots of peeps don't like eggnog but if you do, these are really yummy!
I'm ready for my official taste, mom!
Absolutely delicious!    Save the recipe!
Happy Tuesday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Monday, December 5, 2022

Molly Monday

 My feets are back to normal and I'm back to my walkies!

Look what I found!
Peeps are giving back to Farmer Will☺
It's going to be a beautiful day but right now it's frosty and cold out!
Happy Monday!

Love ya lots♥