Monday, January 31, 2022

Molly Monday

 Guess what?   Mom finally put four boots on me!   We are in Landlord Bob's driveway paying our rent.  These boots are great and it didn't take me any time at all to get used to them.

Back at home, mom put me on my lunge line to play in my back yard.
Why did we wait so long to put me in boots, mom?   What a wonderful invention!
The only problem is they do tire an old girl out~

Mom took some action shots~

Happy Monday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Silent Snowy Sunday


Love ya lots♥


Friday, January 28, 2022

Funtastic Friday

 My evil mom loves to tease me with my tennis ball~

The weather peeps are saying that we are getting a HUGE storm with many inches of snow, blowing winds and very cold temps starting at midnight tonight.     
Mom says that once again, snow blowing will give her, her much needed facial☺   
 And I say - not too much, please.  I would prefer to romp in the snow and not swim in it!
Happy Friday, everybuddy!
Love ya lots♥

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Tasty Thursday

 Mom and I made Crab and Asparagus soup yesterday.   It was a cold day here and the perfect day for a nice hot bowl of soup. The idea for this soup came from a post that Willow and her mom posted a couple of days ago.


1  1/4 cups chopped sweet onion, 1 chopped celery rib , 2 Tablespoons butter, 2 Tablespoons flour,  1/2 teaspoon seafood seasoning (we used Mrs Dash's Italian), 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper,  1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg,  1 cup water,  1/ 1/2 teaspoons chicken bouillon powder,  2 medium red potatoes (we used 4 small potatoes),  fresh asparagus, cut into bit-sized pieces,  2 cups half and half cream and 1 can crabmeat, drained.

In a large saucepan, saute onion and celery in butter.   Stir in the flour and seasonings until blended.   Gradually add the water and the bouillon.  Bring to the boil.  Cook and stir for 2 minutes or until thickened.  Stir in the potatoes.   Reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 15 minutes.

While this was cookering, mom was cutting up the asparagus.   She has never shared this vege with me before and she thought it might be fun to see if I liked it or not.

I took one bite and spit it out.   I wasn't sure if I like it or not but mom said that it was okay and that I didn't have to eat it.   When she tried to remove it - I decided that maybe I liked it after all☺

Back to the recipe:

Add the asparagus and cook for 8-12 minutes longer or until veges are tender.   Stir in the cream and the crab and heat through.    If desired, sprinkle with parsley and pepper.

The soup is very yummy and very rich and I, Molly,  prefer my asparagus to be cooked!
Tomorrow will be another cold day here and we will be enjoying this delicious soup once again.

Happy Thursday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wordless Wednesday


Love ya lots♥


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Terrific Tuesday

 Let's play!

Time to eat some snow~
I am exhausted☺
We had a beautiful day to have lots of fun!
The snow is so light and powdery and yummy!
Have a terrific Tuesday!

Love ya lots♥

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Silent Sunday Selfie


Love ya lots♥


Friday, January 21, 2022

I Got More Snow

 It started out as rain and then turned to snow - only about an inch but hey, that's okay with me!

How I love snow♥
Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Christmas in January

 Saturday, the mailman brought us a parcel from the UK.   It's from our friends, Miss Susie and Treacle.   

I'm not into opening pressies like you are, Treacle.   Mom says that I'm lazy and too much of a princess.  She's trying to instruct me to open it but I'm not buying any of it!
We love our tennis balls, don't we, Treacle!
I wonder what could be in this one.  It's soft and squishy.
It's the cutest ever owl stuffie!   I think that I will name him Ollie.
This smells yummy!
They are pumpkin treats and they ARE yummy!     You sure are the bestest shopper ever, Treacle!
They sent mom biscuits and truffles and coffee and jam and marmalade and a linen kitchen towel and an adorable mousie ornie.  She has treats to last her a long time!

Mom LOVES the small quilt that Miss Susie made and she know exactly where she will be putting it.

We loved having Christmas in January!

Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and generosity, Miss Susie and Treacle.   You guys are the best♥

Love ya lots♥
Molly and mom

Friday, January 14, 2022

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~

We only walked once this past week and mom noticed that I was walking gingerly and she suspected that the cold road was hurting my hyperkeratosis feets.   She upped my Boreal to two tablets to see if it would help me out.   I can have up to three but mom prefers to err on the side of caution.   We won't know if it's made a difference for a couple of weeks at least.    And having said this, yesterday was a mild day here and we did our normal walk and I did fine☺

The Rosemary is still looking alive and well but there is no way this tender perennial will winter over outside in Connecticut. 
We found a petrified apple!
This apple tree seems to be a favorite of the woodpeckers.

It's okay that I'm missing my walks.   I get to play in the snow in my own yard!

Happy Friday, everybuddy!

Love ya lots♥


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thankful Thursday

 I am thankful that I still have snow to romp and play in!

It's a cold day here yesterday and thank goodness that the sun was out!
Snow angels anyone?!
No mom - my feets are not cold and I'm not ready to go inside yet!

Just five more minutes!

Happy Thursday!

Love ya lots♥
