Friday, March 21, 2025

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

Good morning, duckies!
We saw pussy willows!
We're seeing lots of daffodil leaves above the ground but no flowers yet~
At home, our white hyacinth is opening~
Our Lenten Rose is blooming away☺
Happy Friday, everyone and Happy Spring!
Love ya lots♥


  1. We've got ducks quacking around all over the place too right now. Mom loves the pussywillows. The photo of them made her smile.

  2. Java Bean: "Ayyy, Duke, did you give those ducks a piece of your mind? I always try to whenever I see them at the park!"

  3. Morning Duke and Mom
    I know you both are loving the nicer weather so that you can get out and about to check on things in your lovely party of Connecticut!!
    I might have kissed you sweet nose Duke
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. We were amazed you were so close to the quackers and did not chase them ... until "big-ifying" the photo to find they were behind fencing! Anyway, good job Duke ... for standing still ... and just looking (we thinks).

  5. Happy spring, sweet Duke! Thanks for sharing the early spring flowers you found.

  6. Spring sure has sprung for you, Duke. We hope to see some green things peeking out of the ground here too soon.

  7. What pretty blooms you found this week, Duke! We especially like the Lenten Rose!
    Rosy & Sunny

  8. Spring has sprung!!! We see daffodils here and our hyacinths are popping up. No flowers yet. The magnolias and redbuds are also in bloom. Mom loves that Lenten rose. Happy weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. You sure found lots of goodies today Dandy Duke!

  10. I bet those hyacinths smell heady. Fussy willows are so luxurious don't you think?
