Friday, March 28, 2025

Nature Friday

 We are joining Rosy this week for Nature Friday~~

We found mini-Daffies in bloom!
The wild onions are up!
I am back to being a normal healthy pup!  I took my last antibiotic on Wednesday!   We want to thank Ruby Rose for her link to natural stuffs that you can do to discourage the eating of poo and we want to thank Dada and Lulu and JavaBean for their link.  Their link was geared more towards foxtails but mom gave it serious thought and concluded that because I love to play with my ball on my lunge line, I wouldn't be able to catch my ball when mom tosses it with the headNet on.  Bummer!   Mom is pretty sure that I ate wild animal poo in my own yard while I was out doing my business.  We have many wild animals that visit - bunnies, woodchucks, fox, skunk, racoon, deer, coyotes and bobcats that we know of.  
Thank you everyone for caring♥
Happy Friday, everybody!

Love ya lots♥


  1. Hari Om
    It is good to hear you are improved on the meds and that there were some helpful pointers for you. Best of all, though Duke, is to learn "No, drop it!"... but that depends on mum seeing you up to mischief, of course! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Probably the best solution is to have you on a short leash and your mom watching you every second you are out for a while and if you find poo, a firm no, drop it, and high value treats. You can work through it but it will take some work.

  3. we are glad you are ok and the world is good. and full of wonderful daffies...

  4. Great for you and YOUR MOM -

    We do wonder: no lions or tigers or bears OH MY!


  5. We're glad to hear you are feeling better and hope you learned your lesson about eating poop!

  6. Duke so very happy to read you and your tummy are back in sync. OMDs...lets hope whomever was leaving poop has moved on and maybe very soon you will not longer want to snack on it
    Love you lots and your photo too
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Lulu: "We're very happy to hear you are feeling better now, Duke! Just remember, in the future, stinky animal poo is for ROLLING IN, not for eating!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, I'm not sure Duke's Mom will appreciate that advice, Lulu ..."

  8. Are wild onions edible?🤪 That's quite a variety of wild animal poo in your yard, I’m amazed by how close you are to nature. Relieved to hear that you're recovering, I think you and Mom are done with health hiccups this year.🍀🍀

    Tummy rubs,

  9. DAFFIES! They are Mama's favorite Spring flower! We sure bet the Spring Onions smell good too!
    We are so happy you are feeling better Duke!
    Rosy & Sunny

  10. You sure found some pretty flowers Dandy Duke. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better!

  11. I'm so glad you're all well, Duke! Daffodils are my favorite spring flower. They're so cheerful and resilient in the March storms. Have a happy weekend!

  12. I am glad you are back to being healthy. Your flowers are ahead of ours.

  13. Glad you're feeling better, Duke!
    Dalton used to gobble his and or Benji's 'croquettes...but we used some kind of supplement at the pet shop and now he doesn't do that anymore.
    Wild poo?? Given a chance I think they would. If I see rabbit drops or other scat I get rid of as much as I can find.
