Friday, September 30, 2011

A New Adventure for Carlie

We have been having issues here with the 3 swans.  Dauby and Margaret have become BFF and Dauby decided that Carlie was a third wheel and wanted her gone.  Dad discovered her one morning unable to walk and that's when this fence went up.   
There was no attack but we think that Dauby scared Carlie and she tried to get away and probably twisted her ankle.
 She was as good as new after a couple of day's rest.
 There was a point where Dauby was charging the fence and really just being a witch. Mom and dad both tried to reason with her but it didn't help a bit - not one bit!
 So dad called a man named Dave, who lives in Pennsylvania, and he told us that he has 3 male swans that would love to have a girlfriend. 
So we packed her suitcase.
 Carlie is heading for a brand new adventure in a brand new state and she will have her pick of boyfriends!  It doesn't get much better than that, right!
But look who her traveling companions are - CHICKENS!
There are 5 of them in that crate all clucking away.  Wonder what all the gossip is about?
 Carlie will most probably be a mommy one day and we think that's pretty cool!

Good-by, Carlie!  We feel very honored to have been given the chance to  get to know you and we wish you the very best with your new life!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wheelie Wednesday - Mitten Update

Hi everybody!  It's me, Autumn. 

We have been busy knitting away and adding to our mitten garland.  Mom has also been having fun decorating the mittens~
 She took a ride to Michael's and found some fun snowflake and holly and doggie buttons.
Check out the sock monkey mitten!  So far that's my favorite one!
 The sock monkey mitten and this snowman are needle felted. 
 These mittens are all needle felted too.  They haven't made it to the garland over the fireplace yet. 
 Mom is having a blast knitting and decorating all of these mittens.   It gives her something to do at night while she watches TV.

This is the next color on the needles!
See you all next Wednesday!


Monday, September 26, 2011

The Rubber Broom

We forgot to tell you that mom did come home with one item from the Durham Fair. 
A rubber broom!

All that good stuff she could have come home with and she's so excited about this stoopid rubber broom.
 It's even got a squeegee on it so she can wash windows outside!  Whoopee, mom!
 Mom is one of these people that NEVER buys gimmicky stuff at fairs.  She actually turns her head away so she won't have to be rude and get sucked in and say no to people - but Maureen - the one that was showing off the HUGE warm donut (and yes, mom did eat the whole thing all by herself) said that she already owned one of these brooms and that it worked fabulously!    If you bought one, you got the second one for free so mom and Maureen went half and they both went home with a rubber broom!

Mom is extremely impressed with the job that it did in her kitchen on the floors and on the rugs.
She just ran the sweeper yesterday and look at all that dirt!  Who could have possibly tracked all of that inside in just 1 day?!
 Guess what?
I got groomed yesterday and I am one happy girl in this humid summer-like weather. 
What happened to the cool fall temps that we had last week?
Please bring them back in a hurry!
So until next time..............

Love ya lots,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Durham Fair

We have been having the most humid rainy days lately and Durham Fair last night was no different.  The Fair is a tradition - they can't not go!  Mom and dad wore their rain coats and carried umbrellas and had a great time with their Durham Fair buddies!

They always start at the top of the hill and work their way down.  The first tent has all sorts of fun stuff to see and buy and did they come home with yummy treats for us?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

 Mom really turned her nose up at this stuff~
 But Mikey said that it was delicious!
 Dad had a baked potato with all of the trimmings~
 And a steamed cheeseburger!
 This is what mom waits all year for - the HUGE hot sugared donut!
 Can you even believe how big it is and did she bring home even a smidge for us?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
 The needlework building was next. 
The blankies and quilts are just so beautiful!
 A man named Doug made this one! Isn't it fabulous!
 Dad is a big fan of George Washington and history~
 Next was the antiques building.  There is just so much to see inside.
 The blacksmith~
 And the timber framers~
 Next were the animals.
This cow looks so pretty in pink!
And this bunny is very relaxed.  Dad poked him to make sure he wasn't stuffed.
 Mom and Mr. Rooster had quite the conversation going!
 And there was a goat judging and there was stacking going on just like they do at dog shows. Who knew that goats stacked too!
 No comment.
 And they were even judging gingerbread houses!
Do you think they're keep until Christmas?

 Mom and dad had a blast at the Fair despite the soggy conditions!
See you next year,  Durham Fair!
So until next time...............

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thursday, September 22, 2011

We're Incentive Winners!

The Airedale Quilting Bee recently had a drawing for the quilting bee ladies only to win this beautiful A is for Airedale necklace.
Guess what?
We won and all we had to do was to donate to this years gorgeous Home at Last quilt!
We feel very fortunate to win it because the "A" block is one of the blocks that mom made for the 2010 Airedale Quilt. 
Which one of us do you think should get to keep this awesome necklace for our very own?

This is the 2011 Home at Last quilt and it will be raffled next month and someone is going to be one lucky winner!  Mom made two blocks for this quilt!  Our paws are crossed that it's going to be us!
You need to check out the bonus quilts that you will have a chance to win if you donate.  Each one is a superduper work of art!  This one is called "My Bunny".  Isn't it just so cute!
This is only one of them.  There are 4 of them that you have a chance to win if you donate. 

And please check out the video that our friend, Lesley made.  Make sure you have a tissue handy!

If you can, please donate.  All of the monies helps out the doggies in need!

Thank you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordless Wheelie Wednesday - Autumn is on the Way

See you all next Wednesday!


Monday, September 19, 2011

It's a Plan

This is perfect!
 It's an apple shell dish filled with vanilla ice cream! 
It's just perfect for my birthday in November!
I don't care hooey about the carmel sauce or the nuts, mom.
 What do you say?
Can I have this for my birthday cake?  Pretty please?
Love ya lots and lots and lots,

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Collette's

Mom and dad have been collecting Carol Collette's work for years.  Mom and I are on facebook and one day we discovered that Carol Collette had a facebook page.  Every month she gives away a free hand water colored etching and all you have to do is to "like" it!

Guess what?
We won the September etching!  Isn't it just beautiful!
It's called September II
 When dad used to work in New Haven, he used to spend time in an art shop and he came to love Carol's work - a lot!
 Carol's gorgeous etchings are in many rooms of our house.
 We love each and every one of them!
So when mom won the etching she was thrilled beyond belief!

Thank you so much, Carol!
We just adore our new etching!

So until next time..............

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch