Saturday, September 28, 2013

Durham Fair

Thursday afternoon, mom and dad headed up to the Durham Fair with friends.  No, we were not invited to come along.  The fairgrounds does not allow pets due to health reasons - a real bummer!

Everyone loves the animals~
 Mom was very impressed with Billy's beard~

 A polka-dot chicken!
 We wonder how long she primped in front of the mirror to look this good!

 This sheep was dressed in his jammies and ready for bed~

 Mom and Miss Lauren loved the needlework building. 

 And they all loved the antiques~
 Especially the woodworking tools~
 This is not a real hamburger and fries. It's cake!  The hamburger and fries are dessert!
 And this barn is totally edible!
 Dad had his favorite fair food - apple crisp, along with a loaded baked potato and a bacon and egg sandwich and mom had her favorite - her giant sugar donut~
 For the first time ever, there were two elephants at Durham Fair.   They put on a show at 6PM and the peeps missed it by an hour!  grrrrrrrrrrrr
 They didn't see the pumpkin because they didn't know where the heck it was hidden - but this pumpkin set a record for the largest in the state of Connecticut.   
Imagine how many pies you could make with this baby!
A great time was had by all and they can't wait to go back next year!

So until next time..............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly


  1. We call them Shows here in Oz. But SHE always goes...(we can't go either.) Always so much to look at!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    Love the sheep in its pjs.

  2. Looks like your humans had a great time at the show and saw many different things. Milo & Jet

  3. Looked like a fun fair. Pity you could not go. Nevermind. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. HOLY GWALK A MOLEY... THAT is an AMAZING Fair!! We are gonna go to the Pumpkin Show next month... THAT is a HUGE PUMPKIN...
    We are so glad that you shared this super time with us.

  5. Wow that looks like a pretty cool fair. Why was the sheep in his jammies? We have fairs around here too but I haven't gone, I have taken Beckett to the Farmer's market perhaps we should take Keltic someday soon too.

  6. Wowzers, does that fair look like a lot of fun! I can't believe they wouldn't let you go, though - no fair! (No pun intended!)
    That burger & fries cake is awesome - and I think our mom tried to take a bite of your dad's apple crisp!
    That looked like a BIG bunny! Did he win a prize?!?!
    Great pix!
    Play bows,

  7. you gotta love a fair - sad that you couldn't go too...but hopefully they bought you home some goodies

  8. OMD, that goat's beard is PAWSOME!!!! I'm tryin' to grow mine that long, butts Ma keeps trimmin' it...pfffft!
    Ma was all droolin' over that pie!!! Thou, she said it would have to be cherry or boysenberry if she was gonna indulge (I would eat ANY kinds!!)
    Looks like a FABulous fair, maybe next year your peeps can dress you up like a goat (you better start growin' out your beards now) and you can gets in!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Thanks for sharing your fair day with us- we had fun! We're hoping to go to our local pumpkin festival in October- some major pumpkins there!

  10. OH Mitch and Molly I am so sorry you didn't get to go to the fair!! it looks like you missed a real good time!!

  11. Wow, what fun! I love all the animals. I can't believe there were elephants! But the "Billy beard" was my fave!

  12. That looks like a super duper fair! We can see why your parents love to go!! We like the spotted chicken!! And those pajamas are a riot! Xo Chloe and LadyBug

  13. We do love a good old fashioned county fair! Yours looks like a winner!

    Wyatt's Mom

  14. OMD. looks like your parents had a blast. I trying to get my beard to grow into a goatee hehehe.

    Aroo to you,

  15. Always with the pumpkins at those fairs.


  16. Thanks fur sharing those khool animals!

    I'll be dreaming of how many biskhuits that pumpkin khould make!!!

