Friday, July 31, 2015

Flower Friday - At the Neighbors

Our cucumbers are growing like crazy and we're at the point where we need to give them away or we'll be throwing them away.  Mom took some cucs over to our neighbors and we wanted to share their garden here today.

This is their black-eyed Susan vine.   You can't really tell in this picture but it's really TALL and growing way over our heads!
 The same vine is  growing in a clay jug.  We love the way it's sprawled all over the ground.
 This is the close-up of the flower.  It's so cute!
 They have a Hibiscus!
 The Casa Blanca lilies are spectacular and so fragrant!
 And the StarGazer lilies are sooooooooo beautiful and smell fabulous!
 The fragrance of the lilies was just intoxicating and there were so many of them!
 This is the gable end of the building where the lilies were growing.  
 The foxglove is so pretty with her speckles. 
 The sunflower is so cheerful☺
 Flowers in containers are everywhere!

We want to thank our neighbors so very much for many, many smiles.  Everywhere we looked - it was just beautiful and so serene.
We won't be forgetting those lilies for a long time to come!
Happy Friday, everybody!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Monday, July 27, 2015

Out for Dinner

Dad announced that we were going out for dinner and that we were going to Glenwood!
 Hotdogs and onion rings and sweet potato fries~
Mom and dad were REALLY stingy with the onion rights but we both did get a couple of sweet potato fries~
 On the way from the AireMobile to the house,  this site greeted us☺
Happy Monday, everybody!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, July 24, 2015

Flower Friday - The Poppies

We're joining Dory again for Flower Friday.    Mom's favorite flower is the poppy and these poppies all come from seeds.  Either she sprinkled the seeds or they self-sowed and planted themselves.
Auntie Lydia gave mom these seeds so they're true Seattle seeds!
 We never planted this color but we'll take it ☺
 The white ones come back year after year.  It's such a shame that poppies don't smell pretty.  They sure should!

This orange poppy spreads everywhere.  It's actually pretty impossible to get rid of but who would want to?!
 You're not a poppy - you're an egret!
 Mom planted these Flanders poppy seeds this year and they are coming up so tiny.    She never thinned the seedlings so that could be why. 
This is a better picture of the Flander's poppy up close~
 We just love, love, love the poppy ♥
Happy Friday!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

We've been SuperBusy

We've been superbusy supervising dad and mom on the work that's going on, on the front of our house.    We NEED to make sure they finish before the snow flies!

They've been adding more clapboard siding row by row.   It seems to be a very long and tedious project but they're staying steady. 
Can you see all of the windows? The staging makes it sort of hard.  There are 5 of them installed  now.  Mom is thrilled beyond thrilled with the 12 over 12 window panes.  She just loves them!

 Break time ~
We love carrots!   I hope you don't mind that I'm snagging the biggest one, Mitch!

 I think I'll smoke mine before I eat it, Molly!
We've been having a hard time keeping up with all of your blogs. Please forgive us.  This work is keeping us TOO busy!

So until next time.........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Silent Smiling Sunday

Love ya lots♥

Friday, July 17, 2015

Flower Friday - The Hydrangeas

We are joining Dory again this week for Flower Friday.
Today is all about the beautiful hydrangea.    We have a few hydrangea plants in our yard and all of the flowers are a different color depending on the acid or alkaline soil.

This is one plant.  There are no two flowers the same color on this one plant.  

 This plant used to be blue and has turned pink~
 This plant is in the garden in front of dad's workshop~
 And outside the lumber barn~
Remember this one with Molly when she was only 4 months old~
 This is the same hydrangea plant now.   Molly is all grown up!
 Even MaggieAireBear is enjoying the beautiful hydrangeas!
Happy Friday, everyone!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Monday, July 13, 2015

Mitch and Molly Monday

Miss Kate took this great photo of us while she was here.  
Thank you, Miss Kate!    We love it♥

Mitch and Molly

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lunch with Miss Kate

Our friend, Miss Kate from Seattle, came to visit us yesterday and she had lunch with us and she brought us pressies and it wasn't even our birthday!

 Where is Putter, Miss Kate?  She's not in the bag!
 What a haul, Mitch!  We did pretty good for mom and angel Maggie's birthday, didn't we!
 The beautiful hydrangeas that remind us of Nantucket on the table for lunch~
 Now you're talkin'!
 Mom gets such a kick of our squeaky froggie.   He rolls his tongue out at us when you squeak him.   He's pretty sassy, don't you think, Molly!
Thank you so very much for the visit yesterday and for all of our fun pressies, Miss Kate!  

We love you♥
Mitch and Molly