Monday, September 28, 2015

The Durham Fair

Mom and dad and their friends, Doug and Brenda, went to the Durham Fair on Thursday.  Were we invited to go along too?  NOOOOOOOO!  Mom said there was some stoopid law that wouldn't allow pets onto the fairgrounds. We think they just wanted to have tons of fun and eat all kinds of yummy foodables and not have to offer us any!

How cute is this!

 Check out this cake!  It's too pretty to eat, right?
 A beautiful wall hanging~
 This was the winning pumpkin. He weighs 1,706 pounds!  That's a lot of pumpkin pies!
 The girls loved the flowers - the dahlias~
 And the sunflowers~
 And the autumn arrangements~
 And how cute are these arrangements using kid's toys!

 This is a miniature~
 Excuse me - can someone please fill my food bowl?
 This poor goose needs a neck tuck~
 haha - we love the crested duckie.  His wig is just too funny!
 The peeps were fascinated with this Sebastopol goose.  Her feathers are long and curly and drooping and she is just beautiful!

 Dad loves Muscovy ducks.  He thinks the skin on their face is cool.    This must be the rooster form of the Muskovy duck!
 Would he be crested too?
 He doesn't look too happy about being groomed.   Mom says that Molly will be in the same boat pretty soon.   Uh oh, Molly!  You better hide!
 He's in his jammies already!
 This poor donkey has an itch.  Can't someone please help him out!
 There were a lot of llamas!  Mom kept waiting for one of them to spit on her.  They do spit, don't they?

Where are all of the pictures of the fair foodables?   They're too busy stuffing their faces to bother with pictures!

The peeps are already making plans to hit the Durham Fair next year!

So until next time.............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Friday, September 25, 2015

We Made It

The portion of the front of the house that dad and mom tackled this summer is finished!
The porch and the wing to the left of the porch, will be next summer's project - new sheathing, windows and clapboards and new shingles on the roof.

We're planning on getting the tree in the front of our house either trimmed or taken down completely.  Dad hasn't decided 100% what he wants to do yet.  
Above the tree branch on the right hand side way up high is the date that our house was built. 

 Our friend, Doug, hand painted it.    We love it and think that he did a fabulous job!
 Another change we made was to change the color of the front doors from essex green to white.  And the shutters will not be returning.  
Mom is loving the clean, simple, pristine Shaker look.
You are probably wondering what the peeps are doing now that the front of the house is done.   
They had so much fun painting the house white that they are painting two sides of one of the barns red~
Windows need to be repaired and repainted too.
 They are wearing us out!
So until next time...............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


We discovered a peach tree on our walkies a few days ago.  The house is for sale so we didn't think anyone would care that we "stole" their peaches instead of just letting them fall and rot on the ground.

 Mom decided to make peach crisp.    The peaches are all cut up and waiting for their topping and then into the oven they will go~

 Peaches are VERY yummy!
Do you see that postcard behind the peach crisp?   It's an invitation to go to Airedale Rescue in Kent, Connecticut, in October!    Our paws are crossed that we can go!

 Hot and bubbly right out of the oven ☺
We love finding yummy foodables along our morning walkies!
So until next time.........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, September 17, 2015

He's Home

Our dad spent last week in Maine leading a barn raising for our friends, Dan and Jan.
 They're making sure that everything fits together perfectly~
 They actually finished all of the siding on the timber frame and had all of the Weatherwatch on the roof in preparation for the roof shingles.     The Northford TimberFramers are the bestest!
 Miss Jan crocheted our dad a flag blankie!  Thank you, Miss Jan.  You did a beautiful job and it is just in time for the cooler weather!
 When dad unloaded his truck, we found this in a gift bag from Miss Rebecca.  It's obviously a make-up mirror and someone forgot to glue the mirror in place.    That's okay.   It works just fine the way it is!  Thank you, Miss Rebecca!  We love it!

Mom and dad are back to work on the front of the house.   Another week and they should be all finished.  YAY!

So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Silent Sunday - Black and Tan

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Look what dad bought us!
What do you mean he does cartwheels?

 And he steals tennis balls too?!

Tigger wears me out~~
So until next time...........

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Blue Buffalo Boo Bars

We chose the Blue Buffalo Boo Bars to try out and review for the month of September for Miss Sydney and Chewy.    They sure do smell yummy!  The cinnamon and pumpkin with a hint of carrot aroma smells so good!  Even mom was tempted to try one out!
 Mom decided that our resident witch, Esmerelda, should hand out the treats to all good doggies.   Molly was game. She'll do anything for a treat!
 You go first, Molly.  I'm not sure about accepting treats from HER!
Did we scare you?
Thanks for letting us try out these ever so yummy Blue Buffalo Boo Bars, Miss Sydney and Chewy!  We give them 8 paws up.  They are fabulous!   And by the way, can we please have another one, mom and from YOU and not HER!  Thank you!

So until next time............

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Morning In All of its Glory

Our morning glories are blooming away and they are sooooooo pretty!

Enjoy your day, everybody!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly