Saturday, June 10, 2017

Only a Matter of Time

Mom took Mackie to the vet yesterday.  He was sneezing and had runny eyes and a wet nose and he felt warmer to the touch than usual.   She didn't shove the thermometer up his hiney, but the vet did.   He was doing that reverse sneeze-type noise and he has respiratory issues.  Mom listened to his breathing Thursday night and didn't like what she was hearing.     He was diagnosed with kennel cough, which dad says he definitely got at the animal hospital when he was neutered.   Yes, he got the up-the-nose vaccine but it obviously didn't work for this strain of kennel cough.   So Mackie is taking Doxy and Benedryl and taking it easy.
Poor Mackie sounds like a little boy with a very bad cold.   
Mom says it's probably only a matter of time before I start coming down with the same symptoms.   I sure hope not.
Love ya lots♥


  1. Stay Well! You can help your mom take care of your brudder. Just pin your cap on tight and start making that chicken soup


  2. Wishing Mackie a speedy recovery.
    Our vet doesn't like to give kennel cough protection as he says it doesn't usually work. But he does as most dog places require it.

  3. Ohhhhh no poor Mackie! We are so sorry and hope and purr he feels better soon and we hope you stay well. Oh dear me. That nasty k9 flu is going around in our city.
    Hugs Madi your bffff

  4. Yipes! I had to get that kennel cough vaccination again a couple weeks ago. Not fun! Hope Mackie feels better soon!

  5. Oh I am so sorry. What a horrible way to get kennel cough! That's goofy didn't they give him a shot before? Wow. I am sorry. I hope he gets better soon.

  6. Oh know Mackie how dreadful for you, we hope you feel better soon. I can honestly say none of our Airedales have ever had this but I think it is by luck than anything else. We hope you don't come down with it too Molly. Stay well and hope you feel better soon. Lots of Hugs and sending Good Aire Thoughts for you, Susie & Treacle xx

  7. Unfortunately you probably will get it Mollie. Many years ago the one and only time mom and dad have boarded pugs - it seemed to go Ok till the oldest came down with kennel cough and then the other three.
    A couple of years ago someone brought their dog to class that had been exposed at doggie day care. Hazel was at class and sure enough she started coughing and then Bailey. Hope Mackie gets better quickly and you don't get it!
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  8. Poor Mackie. Mom says she hates kennel cough. We've never had it but the dogs before us did and they were miserable.Get well soon.

  9. Well, that's a real bummer. And then Jett was probably just there too and his turn will be next. Maybe you won't get it, Molly, at least we hope not.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  10. We feel sorry for Mackie. We always have the Kennel Cough prevention with our annual injections. Actually, it is required if we go into the kennel, but SHE would do it anyway. Hope he is better soon.

  11. Molly, I hope you stay well, and Mackie is better sooner than soon!!


  12. Poor Mackie...hoping he feels better soon and Molly I hope you don't get it! DakotasDen

  13. Poor Mackie!! We know the same thing is going on around here too, we sure hope you don't catch it!

  14. oh nooo... I'm so sorry... and how bad that he caught it at a place what's normally there to heal us pups... POTP and hugs...

  15. Crikey Mollie ..... that's no good!! Poor little bloke. Hope he gets better real soon and I sure hope you don't catch it. Tell your Mom ice-cream is good for kennel cough. Ice-cream is good for everything, aye?? I'm sure a little bit would make Mackie feel better.

  16. Awwwwww! Hope you're feeling back on top form very soon Mackie. Sending you lots of cuddles and strokes! Ros and Oscar x

  17. Oh NO! Mackie...we know what this is like...Chloe had it last summer and sometimes it sounded SO BAD!! Mama was very worried but the antibiotics helped and she also had cough tablets. It took a long time, but finally she got over it. She got it at the vet's office too!! Sure hope you BOTH are feeling better...sending POTP!!
    xo Chloe (and mama too)

  18. Oh, no! Poor Mackie! I hope he gets better quickly -- and I hope you don't catch it!

  19. hello molly its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry to heer abowt mackies kennel koff i hope he feels better soon and that yoo do not come down with it!!! i am sending lots of tail wags for evrywun to feel gud!!! ok bye
